• last year
Corowa's first miniature world opening 2025
00:00The Border Mail takes a sneak peek inside Federation Council's first miniature world.
00:05The showcase is a massive N-scale model train layout,
00:08created by Len Marston, which took over three and a half years
00:12and it's estimated to have taken 6,300 hours to complete.
00:16This impressive display began touring shopping centres for years before coming up for sale.
00:21Michael Mack and his wife purchased the model in Sydney
00:24and it will now be permanently displayed for everyone to enjoy.
00:28Multiple trains run around the layout on six independent railway lines.
00:33Summer, autumn, winter and spring are all represented
00:36as are everyday occurrences such as vehicle accidents, house fires, roadworks
00:40plus many other humorous and unusual events.
00:43With over 2,000 miniature people, 500 vehicles, 4,000 animals and hundreds of buildings and trees.
00:50The railroad system has over 40-scale kilometres of track
00:53with six independent main lines, two branch lines, freight yards, port facilities and maintenance areas.
01:00With hundreds of buildings and street lights the exhibit features an automatic day and night cycle
01:04that operates at regular intervals.
01:07The couple hopes to have the miniature world open in Easter of 2025.
