• last year
कोलकाता: 1971 में भारतीय सेना के सामने पाकिस्तानी सेना के सरेंडर और बांग्लादेश के जन्म की याद में 16 दिसंबर को विजय दिवस मनाया जा रहा है। इस मौके पर कोलकाता में भी एक कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया। इस दौरान बांग्लादेश के मेजर जनरल अमीन ने कहा कि पाकिस्तानी सेना के कब्जे के खिलाफ हमारी ऐतिहासिक मुक्ति, इस मुक्ति युद्ध के दौरान भारतीय सेना ने हमारी बहुत मदद की और हमारी अंतिम जीत इसी दिन हुई। इसलिए हम दोनों देश एक साथ मिलकर जश्न मना रहे हैं और मुझे लगता है कि ये दोनों देशों की दोस्ती के लिए एक खास अवसर है। इसके अलावा भारतीय सेना के रिटायर्ड अधिकारी मेजर रतिंद्र कुमार भट्टाचार्य, मेजर जनरल अब्दुल सलाम चौधरी ने भी इस खास मौके पर अपनी अपनी राय जाहिर की।

#vijaydiwas #indianarmy #bangladesh #pakistan #indiabangladeshrelations #vijaydiwascelebrations #bangladeshliberation


00:00About BJP? Here itself? I come here every year and this is the time when I can interact with my friends and just a homecoming for a whole lot of us.
00:13All of us who are retired, all of you who are in the civil dress, all of you are retired officers. So this is a get-together, we can talk to each other. This is temporary, it won't last long.
00:30Our aim was to celebrate our victory day for both the countries.
00:58Our historic liberation war against the Pakistani occupation forces and the Indian army who helped us a lot during the liberation war and our final victory came on this day and that's why we are celebrating both the countries together.
01:14And I think this is a good friendship and this is a good occasion that we should continue our relations to a great extent.
01:23And I am away from politics actually and I'm not a wise person to talk about politics. So you are hearing a lot of hearsay, a lot of stories and I'm sure you have your means to find out the truth.
01:39So I think it will be over. This is something, I would say like this, there is some vested interest group, they make stories here and there and try to take benefit. True story is totally different in my perception, I believe that.
01:59And this is an example, people are thinking all have gone wrong but how we are here then, how our team, the team of Indian armed forces has gone to Bangladesh, they are also there. So relation will remain, this is everlasting, it's not a very cheap relation. Relation between people of two countries, not only two countries.
