• last year
Los Grandes de la Semana con Mary Carmen Fariña 🔥⚾️

En esta novena entrega resaltamos las figuras, jugadas y equipos de la semana.

Presentado por @colgate, @speedstick y Protex

#LosGrandesdelaSemana #LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #Colgate #Colgate_ve #SpeedStick #SpeedStick_ve #Protex


00:00Colgate la crema dental preferida de las familias venezolanas.
00:04Spin Stick para que sudar no conspire en tu contra.
00:08Protex para la buena salud de tu piel.
00:10Fanáticos del Béisbol, qué gusto saludarles y darles la bienvenida a un nuevo episodio de los Grandes de la Semana por Béisbol Play,
00:17donde celebramos lo mejor de la Liga Venezolana de Béisbol Profesional.
00:22En el menú de hoy, como siempre, estará cargado de muchas emociones
00:26y de un análisis profundo de dos equipos que están dando de qué hablar.
00:30Así que, luces, cámara, Béisbol, comenzamos.
00:49Iniciamos con un grande liga que encendió la LBP.
00:52Eugenio Suárez, el infielder de los Leones del Caracas, demostró su poderío en cada turno
00:58y su experiencia a las mayores se notó en cada conexión.
01:02Así que veamos sus mejores momentos de la semana.
01:13En esta última semana de acción, Eugenio Suárez se llevó todos los reflectores con el conjunto capitalino.
01:20Gracias a sus batazos kilométricos, alcanzando unos 8 honrones en 10 encuentros.
01:27Además de batear para 439 de promedio durante ese periodo.
01:33Esta actuación soberbia con el madero sirvió para cerrar con brocha de oro su pasantía con Leones en esta temporada 2024-2025.
01:51Y qué hablar del cafecito José Martínez, quien sigue haciendo historia con los Tigres de Aragua.
01:56Alcanzó las 300 carreras impulsadas en la LBP.
02:00Un hito que lo coloca entre los mejores bateadores de nuestro béisbol.
02:04Así que, felicitaciones, cafecito.
02:07Es que el despegue de los Tigres de Aragua no es nada nuevo.
02:11Veamos qué le dijo a los amantes del béisbol.
02:13Y ya los vemos.
02:36of Tigres de Aragua continued his legacy in the Bengali team,
02:40leaving his last name Martínez and the legacy that his father Carlos Café Martínez
02:45started with the Sharks team.
03:01And we also have to talk about the Correcaminos Gorkis Hernández.
03:04Not only is he a leader in stolen bases, but he also contributes with the wood.
03:09So he becomes a complete player who is shining with his own light this season.
03:25Hernández has been one of the fundamental pillars of the ARA Cardinals this season.
03:31And why the Crepuscular team is in first place in the table of positions.
03:54And the time has come to enjoy the best defensive plays.
03:57Those catches that leave us with our mouths open and show the quality of our players.
04:28...Gabriel Lino, Soto and Suárez.
04:31To the first post, the gardener was playing deep.
04:34He hits a jump!
04:36Castillo machine!
04:38Grab it!
04:44What kind of play by Ali Castillo to steal this extra Gabriel Lino.
04:49And at the end of the jump.
04:50Look, he stayed a little bit to identify where the bat was, but with that jump he compensated.
04:57And he does the out.
04:59He gives more than hard white cheese.
05:04What kind of plays.
05:05Feline reflections.
05:07Golden arms.
05:08Pure magic in the diamond.
05:11Super play, surprising.
05:12Johnshan Auto, as far as possible.
05:15The play of Tony Jimenez, conquers the way.
05:17The play is tremendous, because he had to put a lot to the wall.
05:22It's tremendous because he had to do it diagonally.
05:24And it's tremendous because he had to jump on the bee to deny it.
05:33In a two-strike ball, this connection to the farthest from the left.
05:37Tremendous jump!
05:40And the time has come to analyze two teams that are definitely giving a lot to talk about.
05:45And they are Aguilas del Zulia and Navigantes del Magallanes.
05:50The Aguilas del Zulia have returned to flight with the arrival of the young star Jackson Chourio.
05:55His energy and talent have infected the team.
05:58Chourio is a show on the field.
06:07And in this field battle, Navigantes del Magallanes are still firm in their fight for the classification with Renato Núñez as their main figure.
06:19Cardenales del Ar is the first classified round robin.
06:22But the Rapaces and the Turks have a lot to offer.
06:26Who will go further this season? Only time will tell.
06:49And in this way we come to the end of the greats of the week.
07:00But don't worry, because we'll see you in the next show with more emotions and analysis of Venezuelan baseball.
07:07Until next time!
07:19Protex for the good health of your skin.
07:26Colgate, the favorite dental cream of the Venezuelan families.
07:30Spinz Dink, so that sweating does not conspire against you.
07:33Protex for the good health of your skin.
