• last year
दिल्ली: दिल्ली की मुख्यमंत्री आतिशी ने जीजीएसएसएस मुकुंदपुर में नए शैक्षणिक ब्लॉक का आज उद्घाटन किया। इसी कड़ी में आतिशी ने कहा कि मुकुंदपुर गांव के स्कूल में नए शैक्षणिक ब्लॉक के उद्घाटन से इस घनी आबादी वाले इलाके, खासकर लड़कियों को काफी बढ़ावा मिला है। कक्षा 10 के बाद यहां के बच्चों को आगे की पढ़ाई के लिए अक्सर लंबी दूरी तय करनी पड़ती थी। कई परिवार इस बात पर बहस करते थे कि अपनी बेटियों को इतनी दूर पढ़ाई के लिए भेजें या नहीं। लेकिन आज इस शानदार नई इमारत के साथ 36 अतिरिक्त कक्षाएं जुड़ गई हैं।

#cmatishi #delhi #mukundpur #arvindkerjriwal #aap #school #education #atishimarlena


00:00Today, with the inauguration of this school block in Mukundpur village,
00:04in this densely populated area,
00:07especially for the girls here, there has been a huge delay.
00:11After the 10th grade, often these girls had to go to study far away.
00:14Many times, the families used to think that
00:16whether to send the girls to study so far away or not.
00:19But today, in this magnificent new building,
00:2236 rooms have been added.
00:24And the 80 kids who used to study in a classroom,
00:27now 40 to 50 kids will study in every classroom.
00:31This educational revolution has been going on
00:33in the footsteps of Arvind Kejriwal for the past 10 years.
00:36And today, even the kids from the poorest families in Delhi
00:41are getting excellent world-class education.
00:43I myself think that I have studied in a private school named Delhi.
00:46But even in our school, there was no Bhugol lab.
00:49All the equipment that we used to study about in books,
00:54today, the kids of our government school are using it.
00:57And not just to show,
00:59every kid knows about every map,
01:01every equipment, every model.
01:05And I have complete faith that the kids who will take such excellent education,
01:09will not only make their families proud, but will also make the country proud.
