• last year
BPJT Kementerian PU melarang kendaraan angkutan barang terkecuali angkutan logistik dan BBM melintas di jalan tol selama ibur Nataru.
00:00The BPJT, which is under the Ministry of Public Works,
00:05implemented a policy to prohibit the operation of certain goods transport vehicles on the highway
00:10to reduce the density of traffic ahead of the end of the year holidays.
00:14The policy is reflected in the joint decision letter number KP-DRJD-6944 in 2024
00:23signed by the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Public Works.
00:29The implementation of this restriction was delivered in person by members of the BPJT,
00:33the Ministry of Public Affairs, and the Ministry of Public Works, Roni Sulaksono-Wobowo, on December 17.
00:41According to Roni, this policy was made for safety, comfort, and co-determination
00:46to support the smooth flow of traffic during the holidays of the end of the year,
00:50including the Jakarta-Tangerang-Merak toll area and other toll areas in the islands to Java and Sumatra.
00:57In addition, the restriction of vehicles will be carried out on vehicles with three or more trunks,
01:03including goods vehicles with trucks, trucks, as well as goods vehicles carrying mining, mining, and construction materials.
01:11Exclusion applies to trucks carrying building materials, transportation of money,
01:16handling natural disasters, and BBM distribution vehicles.
01:21And just like the activities of Nataru and Mudi,
01:26we give exclusion for vehicles that belong to logistics and BBM.
01:33But for the others, we limit it, we prohibit the operation on the toll road for a certain period of time.
01:46There is also a schedule for the restriction of goods vehicles on the toll road,
01:51carried out on December 20, 22, and 24, starting at 00.00 until 24.00 West Indonesia time.
02:00Then the restriction reoccurred on December 26, 29, and January 1, 2025,
02:09starting at 06.00 until 24.00 local time.
02:13From Cilegon, Banten, Sosmia Tun Hayati, Antara News Agency, reporting.
