• last year
Britain’s 'most festive pub' has become home to a 26-foot snowman - made from 2,500 wine bottles.

The Queen Victoria Inn in Priddy, Somerset, has been putting on Christmas lights displays for the past decade - as a way to raise funds for charity.

This year the popular pub features a huge wreath on the side of the building, a Christmas tree and a snowman made from hundreds of empty wine bottles.

The pub is also covered in 55,000 Christmas lights collected over the years and 15km of cabling.


00:00I'm Mark Walton, the landlord of the Queen Victoria Inn in Priddy.
00:03The display started about 2018 as a bit of a laugh and then it just developed from that.
00:12Christmas tree was first with the lights and then it just so many people turned up for it
00:18so the next year we did the gingerbread inn and then the snowman.
00:22In total there's 3,600 boxes with a tree and a snowman.
00:33Ten days put it together with an electrician and a couple of volunteers and everything so
00:38yeah it's a mad panic for the day to make sure everything works
00:42on that big switch on which it did.
00:45And what do the punters think of it?
00:48They love it. I mean in about half an hour, an hour it'll be jam-packed,
00:55water-warm like giant moths.
00:57Always new ideas but obviously keeping them under wraps until next year so always new ideas.
