• last year
Ryan Trainor and Chris Olsen Share the Most Memorable Moments Touring with Meghan Trainor


00:00So we're so excited to be here at Jingle Ball and see Megan tonight, but I want to hear a
00:04little bit about how tour has gone because you both have been a part of it. How has it gone?
00:08Well, it was incredible. I changed. It was Yeah, like I I've never I've always I went to school
00:14for musical theater. And then I got to go on stage at MSG. Like that's not really expected.
00:20Usually it was amazing. And then being able to go out with him every night was wonderful.
00:24And we did a lot of performances together many lip sync battles umbrella by Rihanna.
00:28We couldn't believe it. Just like let us play on stage play. Yes, pretend and just have the
00:34best time. Yes. For the show. And we shared a kiss on the final night. It was magical. It
00:39was magical. Yeah, that's amazing. And you just said umbrella. I can't help think of Tom Holland's
00:43lip sync performance. Do you think you guys beat him? No, no, I don't think I think it's impossible.
00:48Plus, well, unless we did full drag, then maybe he was giving but he's also a professional dancer.
00:54Little do a lot of people know the man started out in Billy Billy Eilish Billy Elliot on on on
01:00the West End or on Broadway like he that is I know that that's incredible fun facts. That's a ballet
01:05boy. Yes. Okay, what was the most memorable moment? And what kind of surprised you most about
01:10going on tour? You know, that we couldn't poop on the tour bus. That was surprising. That was
01:17surprising. But the most memorable moment would have been our last show. When I like didn't think
01:22I was I was like, Oh my god, I guess I'm not gonna cry. And then at the end of my set, I sobbed
01:26and Megan came out and hugged me and we were at the Kia forum, which is where I held up the daddy
01:29sign. Very full circle. Very full circle. Yeah, I had this question earlier before I said, in Boston
01:35singing Sweet Caroline with the crowd and my buddies from high school. But I gotta say the
01:40kiss in LA at the forum. Pretty memorable. Pretty memorable. Can't beat it. Magic. Yes. So Chris,
01:47I want to ask specifically because you opened up about how nervous you are. I am single.
01:51Yeah, everyone wants to know. No, what were you gonna say? You opened up about how nervous you
01:56were before the show. So you beat that you did it. I did. I want to know your tips for beating
02:01nervousness. Go through a public breakdown about a month before you go out on tour, and then
02:06disappear from the internet for that month, cry every day, and then you'll get it out by the time
02:11the show goes. But I think a lot of it is like it's one having a pop star friend helps because
02:17they remind you that you can do this and that they didn't think they could do it. But they did
02:22to sometimes you just have to force yourself on stage. I remember before the Chicago show,
02:25I had taken a break. And I was starting to have like I was starting to have what some people may
02:31call derealization. I was like, leaving my body. And I was like, I don't know if I'm going to be
02:35able to do this. I can't even think straight. But I was like, I feel like if I get out there
02:39and just do it, I'll be fine. Did the show and I didn't even like it's your you kick into fight
02:44or flight. And then you fly. Yeah, you can use the nervousness as like a power. Yes. Or I mean,
02:49one show I drank a Red Bull and I was having a panic attack out there. And I was like, I'm having
02:52a panic attack. Yeah, that helped a lot. So yeah, right before it through this. Yeah, we both had
02:58moments like that. Yeah, yeah.
