• last year
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat nilai ekspor Kakao dan olahan yang menembus USD2,31 miliar atau sekitar Rp36,96 triliun sepanjang Januari hingga November 2024.


00:00US$2.31 Billion
00:05The Statistics Agency notes that the value of cocoa exports and its processing
00:09has exceeded US$2.31 Billion
00:11or around US$36.96 Trillion
00:14from January to November 2024.
00:21The Statistics Agency notes that the value of cocoa exports and its processing
00:24which belongs to the HS18 group
00:26has exceeded US$2.31 Billion
00:29or around US$36.96 Trillion
00:32from January to November 2024.
00:35The value of cocoa exports has increased by 110.93%
00:38compared to the same period last year.
00:40The Statistics Agency states that the increase in cocoa exports
00:43is driven by the increase in the price of cocoa communities in the international market.
00:47The increase in the price of cocoa in the international market
00:50is caused by the decrease in cocoa production
00:54in some major producing countries
00:56such as Ghana and the Gulf.
01:01On the other hand,
01:03the average price of cocoa
01:05from January to November 2024
01:07in the international market
01:09is US$7.06 per kilogram
01:12or increased by 115.13%
01:15compared to the average price for 2023.
01:18On the other hand,
01:19from January to November 2024
01:21the volume of cocoa exports increased by 0.34%
01:24to 314.960 tons.
01:28Some types of cocoa are exported
01:30in the form of butter, fat and cocoa oil
01:32as well as cocoa powder.
