• letztes Jahr
Die Dokumentation Avicii – Ich heiße Tim befasst sich mit dem Mann hinter dem Künstler Avicii. Mit bisher unveröffentlichten Videomaterial begibt sich die Doku auf ein Deep Dive in sein Leben und Karriere, angefangen mit seiner Kindheit in Stockholm bis hin zu seinem tragischen Suizid in Oman.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/avicii-ich-heisse-tim


00:08Always loved music. I knew that whatever I wanted to do later in life. I wanted to do something creative. I
00:16Was just working sending my stuff out in such a small time. He completely killed it
00:23And there's so many people that come here for just you it was incredible it doesn't feel real
00:31It must have been levels the first time I heard of each eat and I had that feeling that I get when I really love
00:38We've got these opportunities that we've never been presented with before
00:44Ultra week is coming and Tim said I'm headlining the whole thing and we're gonna have a live band
00:49I'm listening in my ear for the cue tick tick tick and then he breaks it down
00:57And I felt like something is wrong
01:01People were booing
01:03He was really broken about it. I knew that the touring was really having a toll
01:08I was running after some idea of happiness. That wasn't my own. I
01:13Didn't like being a persona
01:16As an artist you have to start looking at yourself as a character and the line between Tim and Avicii were blurred
01:27If someone would ask you what's your story who are you what would be the answer I'm Tim