• last year
On Wednesday 18th Dec some of our officers are planning a crime prevention-focused event at Locks Heath Centre around Rogue Traders
00:00Yes, so my name is Marcus Kennedy, I'm the District Commander.
00:05The reason we're here today, along with our PCSOs and PCs, and some of our CID colleagues,
00:10is to raise the profile about rogue traders.
00:13What we've seen in this area specifically, across Lockheed, Warsash, Avvarum, is an increase
00:19by rogue traders.
00:21This area specifically, there is quite a senior demographic, if I can say that, I don't know
00:25if it's like that, but you know, it's a senior demographic, and there is a reason we have
00:29here in the area as well, so what you find is, where you get traders knocking on doors,
00:34so what we're concerned about is, that under reporting, we want to make sure people are
00:38aware that there is a problem.
00:39The last few months we've had, for instance, across the area, or separate, I have no suspicions,
00:45in those cases we have made arrests, but those people, they did quite real at first, and
00:50they were being conned out of money, so we solders offered a service, maybe to fix a
00:54few roof tiles that would save £500, or they could be back in charge of money.
00:59Yeah, I want to say, so yeah, it's people who are pensioners, retired, people who have
01:03some money, and are maybe on their own, so they do need some support.
01:07Yeah, so if you've got a target of someone who maybe has some money in the bank, and
01:10you come to an affluent area, and your target is someone who's maybe vulnerable, or lonely,
01:15or hasn't got a support network around him, so that's why we ask people, you know, check
01:18in on your neighbours, check in on your valet members, they are having work done, might
01:22be a dispute.
01:24Why is it cold?
01:25Why is it cold?
01:26Why has the trains been operating on doors?
01:27That's the situation.
01:28If you don't feel comfortable, tell them, I'll speak to you later, close the door, and
01:33check their details, or speak to a family member.
01:35Or a neighbour about it, aren't worrying.
01:37Please tell us, and we can help.
