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Sed De Venganza Capitulo 40 Completo HD
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 40 Completo HD
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 40 Completo HD
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 40 Completo HD
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 40 Completo HD
00:11Sabes la proxima semana su cumpleaños y quiero hacer una fiesta sorpresa
00:15espero que puedas ir si claro que sí fiesta
00:19que fiesta estas haciendo de que
00:22adel cumpleaños de money cumple 24 el 20 de julio
00:34Tienes nada tienes un lunar de sangre muy muy ponte ponte ponte mira
00:51Es que este tipo de lunares no son nada comunes y el de ustedes están exactamente iguales
00:56Si igual que sean lunares no significa que tengamos algo en común
01:01Fernanda Eugenio no hubo un hijo que quería era destruirte él te inventó
01:09Que tu hija nació muerta cierto
01:14Eso no es verdad Fernanda
01:17Él no la quería y la regaló
01:20El día más triste de mi vida
01:24Como me dijiste que mi hija había muerto
01:26Y devuélveme a mi hija y déjanos tranquilas
01:51Muchas gracias por recibirme alberto
01:56Obviamente hablar contigo eso puede saber de qué
02:00tu hija
02:02Haste dos
02:03Si es muy bien lo que le hiciste a mi hija
02:06Todavía tienes el descaro de venir aquí a mi casa
02:10Espera un momentito
02:12Si vengo es porque quiero hablar porque
02:15Fuiste capaz de manucharla de esa manera
02:20Si pasó lo que pasó es porque entre Brenda y yo hay hay mucha química no hay nada nada
02:27Eres un cínico asqueroso de primera y no tengo nada más que hablar contigo
02:37La obra va viento en popa y muy pronto se van a ver los resultados
02:42Tú vas a ver que las unidades se van a vender como pan caliente si eso es lo que todos queremos
02:48Si se hubieran asociado con adalberto no es por nada pero se estaría lamentando
02:55Y el juicio como va eso ya sabe
02:58Total pérdida de tiempo
03:01Eugenio se va a tener que regresar a lo yo donde vive tal y como llevó una mano adelante y otra atrás
03:08Me da mucho gusto verlo así tan confiado pues no podía estar de otra manera la justicia ciega pero no tanto
03:17Sí cualquiera se podría dar cuenta que es una oportunista que anda viendo cómo sacar provecho
03:26Brenda te aprecia mucho habla con ella dile que acepte hablar conmigo tranquilamente los dos
03:34No quiere saber nada de ti Gabriel eso dice eso dice pero ella me quiere yo sí
03:40después de lo que pasó con alonso yo veo muy difícil que se arreglen las cosas entre ustedes difícil pero
03:46Pero no imposible
03:50Porque si ya sabías que te fue infiel nunca dijiste nada porque la quiero
03:54obviamente la quiero y no quería decir nada porque sabía
03:59que se iba a armar era lo que estaba evitando pero no aguanté exploté el hice exploté
04:06y ya ves
04:07obviamente no quería que
04:09Prender al bebé era lo último que deseaba obviamente no te metas en más problemas y acepta darle el divorcio
04:17tu relación con ella nunca empezó bien por todos los problemas que tenía mi papá con adalberto
04:22fue un matrimonio que nunca funcionó
04:25tienes que aceptarlo
04:35Esta con la cara hinchada y llena de moretones por más que se maquilló se le nota leguas virgen santísima
04:42de seguro miguel la agarró a guamazos pues sí pero ella jura que se cayó
04:48No me diga porque a mí se me retorce el hígado de coraje esa relación se acaba de mal en peor
04:55Nada que yo no hubiera venir bueno y qué vamos a hacer
05:00Mientras ella no diga la verdad ese infeliz le está desgraciando la vida
05:14Le dije que no podía seguir así le reclamé las cosas que me ha hecho y sin más
05:24Miraculo te dejo
05:27Que te piensas que no me viene un espejo
05:31Claude esto no puede seguir así y más puedo hacer ana no me queda más remedio que aguantarme
05:38Habla con erika ella te va a ayudar si si no no no quiero que miguel los lastime ana
05:45entiéndelo la erika está embarazada y tiene que cuidarse
05:49Ya te lo dije yo me metí sola en esto y sola tengo que salir
05:57A ver
05:59Solo que pasó porque pues entre tu hija y yo hay química nos entendemos y nada nada nada
06:06Fue un error que se haya casado con mi hermano en realidad yo soy el hombre que la base tú eres el hombre que la va
06:13a ser feliz y verdad
06:16Si ya de abril me parece un pelele tú me pareces peor
06:20por lo menos él hace como que trabaja pero tú que
06:23si no he progresado en la empresa es precisamente
06:26porque gabriel me mete el pie cada vez si no has progresado en esa empresa es porque eres un petedor nato y no vas a
06:33progresar en ningún lugar
06:35a ver y yo solamente
06:37vine a ver la manera de demostrarte lo que yo soy realmente no tienes que demostrar me
06:45Perdedor y larga de mi casa porque voy a empezar a escupir tu cara que es lo que te mereces está bien
06:51Bueno realmente le quería decir bueno está bien
06:57No yo no te culpo de nada brenda
07:00yo sé cómo se las gasta alonso
07:03seguramente te fue enredando sin que te dieras cuenta
07:07La culpa fue mía taña yo estuve de acuerdo con con todo él te vio de respetar por ser su cuñada
07:14Bueno debí haberme dado a respetar para empezar y si estabas dispuesta a tener a su hijo
07:22Gabriel y yo estábamos tratando de quedar embarazados pero la insinuación artificial nunca pegó y alonso fue el que tuvo mejor puntería
07:32Yo quiero ser mamá
07:34ese es mi sueño desde que era una niña
07:37Brenda y todavía puede serlo
07:40Todavía está a tiempo de rehacer tu vida con alguien mejor
07:50A la madre de eugenio le salió el tiro por la culata
07:53se embarazó Beto a saber de quién es solo para ver que le sacaban tu papá
07:59y no consiguió nada
08:03El pobre cayó al pie de la letra en todas esas mentiras que ella le dijo
08:08Por eso es tan recente
08:10pero el testamento que hizo su padre no es legítimo
08:14sí dicen que sí pero yo nunca supe de la existencia
08:19ni mi nana que firmó como testigo nunca me comentó nada de eso
08:26muy raro eso no
08:29Eugenio odiaba manuela así se llamaba
08:33Al parecer le dio la espalda a su madre y
08:37eso fue porque sabía la clase de mujercita que era
08:41trataron de echarme la culpa de su muerte el favor
08:45yo porque iba a querer matarla
08:49El único que él odiaba era eugenio se asesinaron a manuela yo podría jurar que él está detrás
09:02De ana mejor ni hablemos no le deseo el mal pero de ella que me la tragué es tu hermana
09:09y ella ha sufrido mucho
09:11ella se lo buscó
09:13bueno tendremos que estar en sus zapatos para entenderlo elisa elisa yo no soy tan bueno como tú y tampoco fui muy apegado a
09:19mi mamá pero anna la mató y no lo olvido
09:22pues sí pero todos tenemos la obligación de ayudarla a recuperarse no tengo obligaciones de nada con ella si fuera por mí la
09:29refundiría otra vez en esa clínica es que no me gusta
09:32la forma en como en como mira en como actúa como si fuera loca
09:36le creo le creo nada de lo que dice
09:39para mí que está fingiendo demencia y algo se trae entre manos estoy seguro
09:48No dios me guarde si lo denunció nos iría peor a todos a nada
09:54no le puede seguir teniendo miedo
09:57yo estoy segura que la policía no va a permitir que nada les pase
10:05Eso sí ni de chiste voy a permitir que siga con ese animal así la tenga que amarrar
10:14Mira en la noche vamos a ver qué pasa flaca ahora sí claudia no va a poder justificarlo de ninguna manera
10:19tal vez la culpa fue mía
10:23le debí de decir las cosas distinto no sé
10:26pero es que estaba tan enojada
10:28No claudia no importa lo que le hayas dicho o cómo se lo hayas dicho es
10:35injustificable que ese hombre te haya golpeado
10:37y todo lo otro que te ha hecho es un asco
10:43Mirame tienes que parar esto ahora o ese hombre va a terminar por matarte
10:59El hijo de alfredo te puso de muy mal humor y no es para menos
11:03eugenio sabes lo que es presentarse delante de mí y decirme con su cara dura
11:08que tiene las mejores intenciones con brenda por favor que le pasa al imbécil es hija nunca debió meterse con su cuñado
11:19la echaron a perder
11:21entiéndelo ya lo dice el dicho es el que con miel anda algo se le pega
11:27La única que tiene la última palabra es brenda por mucho que hagas y digas si ella decide ver a alguno de los hermanitos
11:36Me urge que se vaya de viaje con ninete ya se lo dije a mi mujer
11:41solo con tierra de por medio vamos a solucionar este asunto
12:01Alfredo esta instalado en la negación
12:04sa para él no pasa nada y todo va a arreglarse a su favor porque él nunca en la vida ha perdido y esa no va
12:09a ser la primera vez dice las cosas así tan convencido
12:13en el fondo no es más que un pobrecito imbécil no
12:17mira no le va a quedar de otra que tocar tierra cuando el juez opine y de por terminado el juicio
12:22y tú
12:24Qué vas a hacer cuando eso pase
12:27mejor pregúntame qué voy a hacer ahora mi relación con él ya tocó fondo
12:32imagínate me dijo que va a llevar a pati a vivir a la casa puedes creerlo
12:38tú crees que en verdad él sea capaz de eso pero por supuesto que sí entre ellos dos obviamente no hay nada serio eso los
12:44están divirtiendo pero esto le está haciendo para humillarme para pisotearme no me queda más remedio que aguantar
13:02En un mundo de sombra donde el silencio grita
13:07cada palabra es un arco
13:10el rumbo esas marchitas
13:12se te venganza
13:15con fuego en la piel
13:17buscando la verdad
13:20en un mundo cruel
13:22En esta selva de cemento
13:24sabes de quien pueda
13:26en la sombra de la noche
13:28miradas de acero
13:30dos familias en lucha
13:32un legado está en fuego
13:34juramentos que se quiebran
13:36secretos por saber
13:38cada momento es un recuerdo
13:40es un pasado por poder de venganza
13:42con fuego en la piel
13:44buscando la verdad
13:46en un mundo cruel
13:48se te venganza
13:50con fuego en la piel
13:52buscando la verdad
13:54en un mundo cruel
14:00bueno fernanda vete de la casa
14:02tú no tienes por que aguantar nada de eso
14:04yo no puedo hacer algo con lo que el no este de acuerdo
14:06me da terror
14:08cómo te va obligar a seguir ahí
14:10eso no tiene lógica
14:12las mentes enfermas no son lógicas
14:16además no voy a divorciarme si él no me da una buena indemnización
14:18I don't even have a single cent in the bank.
14:30Tomorrow, sooner or later,
14:32we're going to have the result of the other test.
14:36And you know what it's going to be.
14:38And I think that's where it all dies, Eugenio, eh?
14:41The old mule face.
14:42He's going to have to accept it, no matter how hard he tries.
14:47We can't complain.
14:48After all, the trial is going to be resolved fairly quickly.
14:53I'd say in record time.
14:56Just as the bureaucracy is today,
14:58any matter, no matter how small it is,
15:01takes years.
15:02I want you to change the name of the company to Beltran Del Pino.
15:07It would sound better.
15:09Well, I'd take Del Pino off.
15:13¿Para qué quieres tú aparecer con todo ese nombre?
15:16Después de todos, el de mi padre.
15:19Bueno, también es verdad.
15:21Porque Alfredo, solo Dios sabe cuál es su verdadero apellido.
15:28Porque con esa cara,
15:31parece más hijo de un animal que de un humano.
15:41Fernanda, te lo repito,
15:42el dinero no va a ser ningún problema.
15:44Yo con muchísimo gusto puedo pagarte lo que necesites.
15:47No quiero que me pagues nada.
15:50Se trata de que estés bien.
15:53El dinero va a ir bien, eso es lo que importa.
15:58¿Qué puedo hacer por ti entonces?
16:03Quererme y ser paciente.
16:07Y confiar ciegamente en todo lo que haces.
16:10¿En todo lo que dices?
16:13Porque el amor es un acto de fe, Emilio.
16:19Tienes que creer en lo que tu corazón te dice,
16:21aunque todo el mundo diga lo contrario.
16:25Yo te amo.
16:27Y he sido muy sincera contigo.
16:30Eres tal vez la única persona en mi vida
16:33a la que le he abierto mi corazón.
16:35Pero hay muchas cosas que me ocultas.
16:38Y las vas a saber en su debido momento.
16:43Mientras tanto, por favor,
16:46crea en mí.
17:06She's Genoveva.
17:07She was sent to a placement agency.
17:09She's going to assist you and support you
17:10with all the housework.
17:12I'm glad you're here.
17:13Come to the kitchen.
17:14There's a uniform there.
17:15Put it on and I'll explain what you have to do.
17:19Claudia, come here.
17:21Tonight, Erika and I are going to your apartment
17:24to see what happened.
17:25Yes, I can imagine what you told her.
17:27And now it turns out that I'm the one who's talking, right?
17:37Well, of course I'm never going to set foot
17:40in El Pino's house again,
17:42but I hope you and I do see each other, right?
17:44You'd better.
17:46I really appreciate you.
17:47And I appreciate you, Tania.
17:50And Eliza too.
17:53Gabriel is not worth it.
17:56And Alonso less.
17:58What kind of man knows that his wife and brother
18:02are having sex and remains silent?
18:07I'll never understand that again.
18:11How could he have remained silent?
18:15That family is a case.
18:18Poor Eliza.
18:19It must be horrible to have brothers like that.
18:30If it were up to me, I would be there.
18:32I came very restless, Fermin.
18:35It's for Francisco, right?
18:37Every day that passes, he gets closer to Fernanda.
18:41Despite all the warnings we've given him.
18:45Yes, yes, yes, I know. What can I tell you?
18:48You have to be careful with him.
18:49Look, I'm no one to make sure she's guilty.
18:53But he's hot, Fermin.
18:55And if it turns out he's a psychopath killer,
18:57Emilio is going to refuse to accept it
18:59and Fernanda is going to take him on.
19:02We can't allow it.
19:22Are you really an idiot, son?
19:25You're the only one who thinks about talking to that old man.
19:28Well, I took a risk.
19:30I took a risk thinking that maybe if I...
19:32That he was going to receive you with open arms?
19:34And that he was going to give you an open letter?
19:37You need to have a small brain, son.
19:40Well, at least I fought, right?
19:42You just wasted your time being humiliated.
19:45Yes, especially because I already knew
19:48that you are not the son I always thought was my grandfather.
19:51Why didn't you tell me anything, Dad?
19:58I got tired of looking for you everywhere.
20:01I even went to other clinics and said,
20:03maybe you were hospitalized somewhere else.
20:05But I didn't tell you.
20:07And now look at you.
20:10Why are you so worried about me?
20:13Oh, why, Ana?
20:15What kind of question is that?
20:17Because I love you.
20:19Because I've always loved you.
20:22Do you remember when we were best friends?
20:26And we talked about our dreams, our hopes.
20:29Do you remember?
20:34Remember how my mom died.
20:41Because apparently no one here wants to tell me the truth.
20:46She died...
20:53Yes, she stopped breathing and her heart stopped.
21:01But she left in peace.
21:04We all miss her a lot here at home.
21:06She was our beloved Maria Laura.
21:15Don't send me any explanations.
21:17What the hell do you care if what happened to me or not?
21:19Okay, I didn't say anything.
21:23And what happened to you?
21:25No, well, I'm going to hang up a sign with the answer
21:28so I don't get nervous and say the same thing.
21:32I fell, period.
21:34She fell, rubbed her face against a bench by herself.
21:37Shut up, little girl, who told you?
21:47Emilio, how are you? What a coincidence.
21:49Eugenio, nice to see you, sir. How are you?
21:52How are business?
21:54They're going, working.
21:56Soon you and I will be seeing each other very often.
21:59Although Alfredo wants to think otherwise.
22:02Well, I try to stay out of all your problems.
22:05You do very well.
22:07As long as you don't forget,
22:09the best thing is not to get involved in what you don't care about.
22:15You'd better not call, Emilio.
22:16Anything I say makes him angry.
22:19Yes and no.
22:20He doesn't like us talking bad about Fernanda.
22:25Although he swore he wasn't going to lose his objectivity.
22:27For me, he's already lost it all.
22:29Yes, that's what I think sometimes.
22:32You are the only one who can keep him at least with one foot on the ground.
22:36If the situation gets serious,
22:38you give me a phone and I'll look for the first plane you find and I'm going to Miami.
22:44Okay, buddy.
22:47I repeat, they are lies.
22:50And then why does the result say otherwise?
22:53Because they manipulated him.
22:55Is that really possible?
22:56Of course it is.
22:58So much so that look at what they said.
23:01Your grandfather was a conservative woman, religious, married.
23:05I would never have put my eyes on another man other than my father.
23:09Please, Dad.
23:10Married women are the worst.
23:11Hey, don't get mad.
23:12It's okay.
23:14Don't get mad. It's okay.
23:15I'm not saying it in a bad way, but ...
23:17Come on, Dad.
23:18But our situation is to cry.
23:21Everything will be fixed.
23:22Trust your father.
23:23Everything will be fixed.
23:27My father and you got married very quickly after my mother's death, right?
23:33Your father felt very lonely and needed company.
23:40Did you fall in love with him?
23:44Your father was always a very handsome, elegant, handsome man.
23:50With a strong character.
23:53You know I never had a father.
23:57So I tried to find in him that paternal spirit,
24:01what I felt I was missing in my life.
24:05Of course.
24:06Especially what you were economically lacking.
24:10I imagine.
24:11No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
24:13I never married your father for money.
24:17Look, after so many years,
24:19and now he's looking at another one, can you believe it?
24:27He says that apparently he is falling in love with Patricia,
24:30your secretary, Erika's sister and Claudia's.
24:33And well, no way.
24:34He wants me to leave the house.
24:38And you?
24:40No, well, if I have no choice, I'm going to leave.
24:49I can't lie to you, Moni.
24:51I had an argument with Miguel.
24:53Did he dare to hit you?
24:54He asked me if I could.
24:56And I said yes.
24:57Oh, Claudia.
24:58What barbarity.
25:00Don't tell me, little sister.
25:01Look how he left me.
25:05And you didn't go to report him?
25:07They called him from the police to congratulate him.
25:10I'm serious.
25:11These things cannot be allowed.
25:14Well, he doesn't allow it anymore.
25:15So it's better for him to die.
25:18I thought you wouldn't set foot in this house.
25:22I came for some clothes and I'm leaving right away.
25:25I'm very calm to see you like this.
25:33Alfredo's life has always been a complete farce.
25:37He plays the honest man, the perfect husband, the impeccable godfather.
25:41And it's a lot of crap.
25:43I thought you were very happy in your marriage.
25:47Do you say that because your wife adores you?
25:49Well, yes.
25:50That woman gives the impression that she is in love.
25:54Most women don't believe the impression they give.
25:58It's almost always the opposite.
26:01Well, you must have more experience in that than me.
26:05Surely yes.
26:06Many, if you neglect, stab you in the back when you feel safest.
26:14For the same reason, you have to be very alert.
26:28Fermin called me to tell me that Claudia looks like a boxer after a fight.
26:32It's a miracle that bastard didn't break his teeth.
26:35It's outrageous what he did to her.
26:37No, I think the same.
26:39But the very bitch said she shut up.
26:44She must be very scared, Erika.
26:46That guy should be panicked.
26:48That's why I never swallowed him.
26:51And what are you going to do?
26:53Well, for now, talk to her at night.
26:58Convince her to report him.
27:00At this time, you can't keep quiet about those things.
27:09I need to protect myself by preventing everything that can happen.
27:14I'm going to ask my dad for an apartment.
27:16Well, in case we have to leave the house.
27:19Are you going to come?
27:21Look, I don't even know what to think.
27:22My dad swears that everything is going very well and that they are manipulations of that kind.
27:26But I need to know.
27:28At least I need to have a safe roof.
27:32But if he is not the son of the one who always believed that he was his father?
27:35No, nothing.
27:36I doubt that they were able to manipulate the results of the tests.
27:41It's a very delicate matter.
27:43They wouldn't dare.
27:51I really liked Brenda at first.
27:54What a shame what happened to her.
27:57It's good to know.
27:59When I see her, I'll tell you.
28:01When I see her, I'll tell you.
28:07I already found out that Alonso's son.
28:11That you couldn't get her pregnant because you're impotent.
28:17Who the hell told you that?
28:19Oh, please, Gabriel.
28:21Everyone knows.
28:23But it's because you're gay, right?
28:31Are you going to keep saying stupid things or what?
28:35But what's wrong with that?
28:38There are many men who get married because they are not able to take in their babies.
28:42If you have nothing interesting to say, it's better if you shut up.
28:46I'm not in the mood.
28:49I'm not in the mood.
28:59I ran into Fernanda's puppy.
29:04I don't know who you're talking about.
29:07If they are so intimate.
29:09He must have told you about his romance with Emilio.
29:14Emilio, the construction company's partner?
29:17Oh, Eugenio, for God's sake.
29:19We've already talked about that.
29:21Fernanda has nothing to do with him or anyone else.
29:27In sin, he will take penance because he is not what she believes.
29:37Look, all Fernanda cares about in life is finding her daughter.
29:43And almost 24 years ago, she lost her forever.
29:48You can't do anything against death, Mirna.
29:59Abel, please leave me alone. I'm just going to pack a few things and leave.
30:03Sorry, I heard it was your birthday.
30:05Yes, and if you want to give me something I love, disappear from my life forever.
30:09How old are you?
30:10What else?
30:11Can't I ask?
30:21To top it off, I'm going in and I find Beltran.
30:24No way.
30:26Did you talk to him?
30:27No, no, almost nothing.
30:28It's just that the guy has something like dark or weird.
30:31Besides, he doesn't loosen anything.
30:33If he continues to see Fernanda, I don't think he likes your relationship with her very much.
30:36Well, it's not that I'm asking for permission.
30:38Well, maybe he's watching her.
30:40I don't know, he's aware of everything.
30:42Another reason for you to be very careful, brother.
30:44Well, I'm going to buy a bulletproof vest, a helmet to go out on the street,
30:48because according to you, Marcelo and you say you're going to kill me, right?
30:51I run the risk of death.
30:59Erika, please, if you need help with anything, with what's going on with Claudia,
31:04don't hesitate to call me right away, okay?
31:07I would appreciate it very much.
31:09I have a lot of appreciation for both of you.
31:12Well, and I imagine that Patricia does give you electric shocks.
31:16Oh, it's just that I found it outrageous that she lends herself to my dad's games.
31:20I'm even ashamed, what can I tell you?
31:22There's nothing one can say to make her understand.
31:25Erika, my dad is the most arrogant man that can exist.
31:29If what she's looking for is to make money, she's wasting her time.
31:33Look at Fernanda, she has a good car, she dresses well, but she doesn't have more.
31:37My dad has it short.
32:01Alonso, in my heart I don't know, I'm completely in love with Elisa.
32:06Please, what a desire to waste time, my Robert.
32:10I already told you that the one who suits you is Tania.
32:13No, no, no, you've gone crazy.
32:15Think about it very well, think about it very well and you will know that not so much.
32:19Look, Elisa is an empowered, independent, self-confident woman.
32:25She doesn't like to be told what to do.
32:27You know, all those virtues that my sister has, okay?
32:30Yes, Tania, no.
32:31In exchange, Tania.
32:35Look, Tania, Tania is insecure, dependent, half toxic.
32:40She always needs a man by her side to feel complete.
32:44Yes, do you understand?
32:46And besides, I had already told you.
32:48She's rich, and she's rich.
32:57Why do you get like that?
32:58If I didn't say anything to bother you.
33:01How about yes, yes?
33:04And can I know why you treat me like that?
33:06Because it gives me the impression that my presence bothers you.
33:10What did you expect?
33:12That I would like to see you after what you did?
33:15And what did I do, if I may know?
33:18You killed my mom.
33:21You were high and you suffocated her like a pillow.
33:25And listen to me very well, I will never forgive you.
34:05Give her back to her daughter.
34:08I can't believe your conscience doesn't give you remorse, even a little bit.
34:12No, no, no, no.
34:14Don't start wanting to give me moral lessons or question me.
34:19You know I hate it.
34:21No, Eugenio, what happens is that ...
34:23Look, look, when we're young, we see things one way, right?
34:29Then as time goes by, we realize that it wasn't like that.
34:34And we understand that the things that in the beginning were so important,
34:39they are no longer.
34:42Yes, yes, yes.
34:43The years have changed you.
34:45Yes, of course.
34:46If not, look at yourself.
34:47You are the clear example of how a vulgar, ambitious and murderous whore
34:54becomes a philosopher.
34:56What is this interrogation about?
34:58It's just that we never had time to meet.
35:00No, and we're not going to meet anymore.
35:02Where were you born?
35:04On the moon, on Mars.
35:05In Dallas?
35:08Yes, if you already knew, why are you asking me?
35:10You know what?
35:11I'm leaving.
35:12If you want, I'll close the door.
35:15Yes, if you already knew, why are you asking me?
35:17You know what?
35:18I'm leaving.
35:19If you want, I'll close the door.
35:44Marcelo is right.
35:45You can't say anything without bothering you, brother.
35:48Did you talk to him?
35:49Yes, I just talked to him today.
35:51And he's very worried about you.
35:53He's going to stay in Monterrey for his job, but I promised him I was going to keep an eye on you.
35:56Yes, of course.
35:57That was it.
35:58He asked you to watch me.
36:00He's worried about you.
36:02What do you want me to tell you?
36:03He's like a brother to me.
36:04That's the problem.
36:05No, no, no.
36:06You two see me as the younger brother, the baby, the little one that you have to take care of,
36:09that you have to pamper.
36:10It's not like that.
36:11Look, it looks like you're in love with Fernanda.
36:13Excuse me.
36:14Fermín, Fermín, Fermín.
36:16I know what I'm doing.
36:17Yes, trust me.
36:28What happened, Domiclau?
36:30It's been a long time since you were alone.
36:33Come on, you misbehaved with his boyfriend.
36:37Come on, don't move.
36:38He left you like a boxer.
36:39Leave her alone.
36:40You have to make a stupid joke to everything.
36:43Let's have dinner in peace, please.
36:45Peace is the last thing here in this house.
36:50I want to let you know that tomorrow Patricia, my secretary, is going to move into the guest house.
36:57Is it a joke?
36:59No, I mean it very seriously.
37:03Everything he says or does is to humiliate me and I'm tired of it.
37:08Okay, I'm leaving this house.
37:10And Patty, stay here with your friends.
37:14Excuse me.
37:22The queen is dead, long live the queen.
37:39Don't worry, mom.
37:42The last thing I would do in life would be to have something with Alonso again.
37:46No matter how crazy I was.
37:49It's easier to fall for a liar than a cuckold.
37:52I promise you, I won't see him again.
37:55And Gabriel either.
37:59Look, daughter, no matter what he tells you, even if he cries, begs you,
38:03and tells you that he's going to forget the past and that you're going to start from scratch, don't believe him.
38:07Because what you did is something that a man can never forget.
38:11Don't be fooled, daughter, by believing the opposite.
38:23I don't need a babysitter.
38:25Marcelo, what are you up to?
38:27I didn't do anything with bad intentions.
38:30I'm not talking about intentions, Marcelo.
38:33You called Fermin to ask him to take care of me.
38:35Do you think I'm a kid?
38:37Look, I called him to tell him everything that's going on.
38:40And yes, I asked him to keep an eye on you.
38:42What's wrong with him?
38:44That. They treat me like I'm five years old, like I'm a baby.
38:48Look, you're right. Forget it.
38:50I won't meddle again.
38:52Good night.
39:05We never had time to get to know each other better.
39:07No, we're going to get to know each other better.
39:09Where were you born?
39:11On the moon, on Mars.
39:12In Dallas?
39:14Yes, yes, if you already knew, why are you asking me?
39:17You know what? I'm leaving. If you want, I'll close the door.
39:27I see Fernanda as angry, right?
39:29Is it because you don't love her anymore?
39:31She, like everyone else, is totally essential.
39:37Either she does what I say, or she leaves.
39:42I swear I don't understand you.
39:44The only one who has to understand here is me.
39:47I want it to be very clear that I do what I feel like.
39:51And if you don't like it, you know what to do.
39:56We'll have peace, right?
40:02Why did you care so much about Fernanda leaving?
40:05Because she's a good woman and she doesn't deserve what my dad is doing to her.
40:10Eliza, I already told you that woman is not good.
40:17No, Elizabeth.
40:21Ten years ago, ten years ago, I started taking the pills
40:27that this psychiatrist had recommended to me, the one that Fernanda recommended to me.
40:35And I felt bad, very bad. I was completely drugged.
40:50And at that moment I went to look for Fernanda at the guest house to ask for help.
40:56But when I got there, she wasn't there.
41:00That's when I found the cell phone that had some messages that a man had written to her.
41:11Eugenio Beltran.
41:15The messages said that Fernanda had to get rid of my mom.
41:25To have the way free with my dad.
41:31And at that moment I ran to warn him, but ...
41:44At that moment Fernanda was already suffocating my mom.
41:51Do you realize what you're saying?
41:54Eliza, I didn't kill my mom.
41:58It was Fernanda.
42:02It was Fernanda.
42:18It was Fernanda.
