• last year
PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk atau Sritex menyatakan, akan mengajukan peninjauan kembali atas putusan Mahkamah Agung yang telah menolak kasasi yang diajukan oleh Sritex. Manajemen perseroan juga berharap, pemerintah dapat memberikan dukungan kepada Sritex untuk tetap melanjutkan usaha.


00:00The next news is from PT Sri Rejeki Ismantebeka, or Sritex, who announced that they will re-investigate the decision of the Supreme Court that has rejected the case filed by Sritex.
00:18The investment management also hopes that the government can provide support to Sritex to continue its business.
00:25The investment management of PT Sri Rejeki Ismantebeka, or Sritex, announced that they will re-investigate the decision of the Supreme Court that has rejected the case filed by Sritex.
00:37However, one of the largest textile companies in Indonesia also announced that it will re-investigate the decision of the Supreme Court.
00:47The Chief Executive of Sritex, Iwan Kurniawan Lukminto, in his statement, explained that the planning of the investment was carried out after the investment management carried out an internal consolidation to decide the Supreme Court.
01:00Iwan called for a legal effort to re-investigate so that Sritex can continue to maintain business continuity.
01:09The effort was also carried out by considering many employees who work at the Sritex textile factory.
01:15Iwan insisted that the employees are still committed to continue to provide jobs for 50,000 employees who currently work at the Sritex factory.
01:26Sritex also admitted that it has tried its best to continue to run business as long as the DMA cassation is still ongoing.
01:33Iwan also insisted that they did not make a decision on working relationships during the legal process.
01:39Sritex management also hopes that the government can provide support to PT Sritex so that it can continue to run business.
