Sonakshi Sinha and her husband, Zaheer Khan, are currently holidaying in Australia. Among their many adventures, the actress shared a glimpse of their “epic dive day” at the Great Barrier Reef. Sonakshi took to Instagram, where she shared a motley of pictures and videos featuring her and Zaheer, whom she first met at a party hosted by Bollywood star Salman Khan. In the images, the couple is seen sporting diving gear and posing for the camera ahead of the big jump. In the second image, the two are seen listening to the instructions from their guide, whom the actress said helped them find “Nemo.” Other images and clips included their adventure under the water. In one video, the couple is seen dancing in the waters. The last picture had the newly married couple posing for a selfie as they made it back into the yacht post their dive.
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00:00Sonakshi Sinha and her husband, Zaheer Khan, are currently holidaying in Australia.
00:06Among their many adventures, the actress shared a glimpse of their epic dive day at the Great
00:11Barrier Reef.
00:13Sonakshi took to Instagram where she shared a motley of pictures and videos featuring
00:17her and Zaheer, whom she first met at a party hosted by Bollywood star Salman Khan.
00:24In the images, the couple is seen sporting diving gear and posing for the camera ahead
00:29of the big jump.
00:30In the second image, the two are seen listening to the instructions from their guide, whom
00:35the actress said helped them find Nemo.
00:39Other images and clips included their adventure under the water.
00:43In one video, the couple is seen dancing in the waters.
00:47The last picture had the newly married couple posing for a selfie as they made it back into
00:51the yacht post their dive.
00:53For the caption, she wrote,
00:55Epic dive day at the Great Barrier Reef.
00:59Thank you to our amazing dive guide Chris, a quick silver dive, who showed us the best
01:04spots, helped us find Nemo and made sure we had the best time.
01:09It was on December 18th when Sonakshi and Zaheer, who got married in a civil ceremony
01:15under the Special Marriage Act on June 23rd, shared that they were travelling to the next
01:20continent to celebrate the holiday season.
01:24Zaheer, who made his debut in Hindi cinema with the 2019 movie Notebook, had shared a
01:30series of boomerang clips along with his wife Sonakshi.
01:34The two were seen looking at the camera while Sonakshi winked and Zaheer smiled.