• last year
Sir Paul McCartney welcomed his former Beatles bandmate Sir Ringo Starr to the stage on Thursday night while playing to a packed crowd at London’s O2 Arena.“We’ve got another surprise for you,” McCartney told the audience. “Bringing to the stage the mighty, the one and only Mr Ringo Starr!”Arriving on stage to thunderous applause, Sir Ringo, 82, said: “I’ve had a great night tonight… how about you? Shall we rock?”To which Sir Paul joked: “We can only rock if you can get on your kit, ma.”The pair then tore through Helter Skelter and Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, before The Beatles’ drummer left, adding: “I’m off now, I’ve had a great night and I love you all.”Sir Paul was also joined by Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood for the song Get Back, which saw him play his original Hofner 500/1 bass for the first time in 50 years, after it was stolen in 1972.


00:00He's the one and only Mr. Ringo Starr!
00:09Should we rock?
00:12You want me to rock?
00:15You want me to rock? Ok, get on your kids lap.
00:24Come on, give it up, give it up.
00:301, 2, 3, 4
01:00Sorry, but it's time to go.
