• last year
The Christmas party enables those that otherwise couldn't afford a trip to see Santa to visit him at there very own grotto.
00:00So we're here at the Community Grocery and Sarah, how are you?
00:05Very well, thank you.
00:06We're in Santa's grotto really, aren't we?
00:08We are.
00:09Of course we are.
00:10So we've just seen Santa saying hello to a few kids.
00:13Just fill us in on who you are and what's been going on today.
00:16Yeah, so I'm Sarah, I run the Community Grocery here and also the church, Lighthouse Church.
00:20Got ya.
00:21And what sort of activities have you had on for families today?
00:24Yeah, so today is part of our Christmas extravaganza and we've had Santa here doing a meet and greet with about 200 children so far.
00:33And we've had all kinds of Christmas crafts going on as well.
00:36And it's something you do every year, isn't it?
00:38Yeah, we do it every year and it's building up every year.
00:40So tomorrow we're extending it and we've got Christmas activities going on again tomorrow and a Christmas disco from 12 to 4.
00:47And I've been a couple of years, it's just getting bigger and better, isn't it?
00:51You've got your own ice grotto tunnel in the build up to Santa's lair.
00:55Yeah, because it's all becoming so popular and this is literally becoming like a community hub.
00:59We've actually got an events team now that put all of this together and make it all possible which makes everything so much easier.
01:05And everything you do here is kind of with that thought in mind that there are a lot of families around the area that haven't got quite so much money have they?
01:13Kind of, you know, we have to bear that in mind.
01:15Yeah, we're doing it for people that would normally not be able to even afford to go and see Santa or have extra presents at Christmas.
01:22We really just want to do whatever we can for the community.
01:24Well, don't burn yourself on that fire and we hope you have a nice Christmas. Thank you.
01:28Thank you very much.
01:33You excited to be seeing Santa?
01:36Are you going to tell him what you want?
01:37Here he is, here he is.
01:41Here you go guys.
01:45Oh, look at that.
01:48I recognise that reindeer. That's Dancer.
01:52Did you know it was Dancer?
01:54It's Dancer, Prancer, Donner and Blitzen.
01:57Rudolph with his red nose.
01:59How are they?
02:01Oh, I like your teddy bear, that's lovely.
02:05I want to know if you've been good.
02:07Have you been good?
02:09Great, because you're in the good book which means you're going to get some presents for Christmas.
02:14What I want you to do, go to bed early on Christmas Eve and get a good night's sleep.
02:21Because I'll be coming in the night with presents and I don't want to wake you up.
02:26And then leave a carrot in the front garden for the reindeers because they'll be really hungry.
