• 2 months ago
Funko Pop! Books A Christmas Carol Ghosts Of Past Present And Yet To Come


00:00setting up some evening appointments with some spiritual apparitions here's
00:04your Christmas spot on the Funko pop books a Christmas Carol goes to
00:07Christmas pass goes to Christmas present and the ghost of Christmas yet
00:10to come
00:30embrace the spirit of the season with a pop holiday goes to Christmas past
00:40present yet to come the ethereal characters depicted from a Christmas
00:43Carol embodies the essence of nostalgia and reflection perfect for holiday
00:47decorating or as a cherished addition to your pop collection these figures
00:51bring the magic of Dickens classic tale to life what do you think the chances
00:54are that Scrooge has learned his lesson from the things they try to teach him
00:57through his timelines how about that we just before we find that out although if
01:01you've already read the book or have seen the many movies already know how
01:03this ends don't spoil it whatever you do for anybody else although considering
01:06really that the Christmas Carol was written back in 1843 I think everybody
01:10kind of already knows how the story ends one thing though I did want to say though
01:14is that these are all sold separately even though really you can connect all
01:17the three bases together I did find though a deal at retro festive where
01:20they had marked down all their Funko pops down to 12 bucks and of course if
01:24I was just to get one Christmas spirit I'd have to get all three one thing
01:28that's also interesting too is the ghost of Christmas past and the ghost of
01:30Christmas yet to come are already permanently attached on to their display
01:33bases very similar to Jacob Marley goes to Christmas present is the only one
01:37that comes detachable from his base as you can also see as well that the past
01:40is the tallest of the three that in mind though let's grab the t-measure let's
01:43get things going the ghost of Christmas past starting with her first is gonna be
01:48five inches in height that's gonna translate to about I don't know I'm
01:51maybe like twelve and a half centimeters tall I would say though the
01:54ghost of Christmas present and the ghost of yet to come are almost about
01:57the same size I mean obviously you can see that this one's got a little bit
02:00higher of a of a robe hood but I'm gonna only really measure one of these can you
02:03kind of get the idea the ghost of Christmas present and yet to come for
02:07that matter about four in four and a half inches in height or translates to
02:11about 11 centimeters tall if you have been following along my Funko pop
02:15Christmas Carol characters we've covered at least half the line so far
02:18the first time we looked at fittingly enough was Ebeneezer Scrooge and in his
02:22review I kind of questioned why would they have included a cobblestone
02:25display base like this not really realizing at that time that he's
02:29obviously visited by three spirits that take him to the past the present and the
02:32future of his own life and in all those instances he's walking around the city
02:36streets so thereby it would make the most sense they include the kind of
02:39terrain the kind of display base that they do we also had a look at of course
02:42Jacob Marley now I'm doing this right now you don't have to have this
02:45necessarily done the way I'm doing it right now you could interlock these
02:48bases to have them kind of start here and end over here to the point where you
02:51can't even see my hand I just don't have that much space on a mantle well I do
02:54but I have to share it obviously with the rest of the family members that want
02:57to put up their own decorations this Christmas season so what am I just end
03:00up doing is kind of having all close together like this but you can't
03:03interlock these so easily you have three sections on one side two and the other
03:06simple shapes you guys know already how that goes and then we also looked at
03:10Wee Tim no Bob Cratchit strangely enough although I again like Bob
03:14Cratchit I mean you can only have so many of the Cratchits being represented
03:18I think probably the most memorable one of all of them obviously is Tiny Tim we
03:21also had a look at him I mean again like it's gonna be clearly blocking all the
03:24characters in the back you can't even see really the ghost in the back but at
03:27least it gives you an option a way of being able to display it on the shelf if
03:30you don't have a whole lot of shelf to work with so getting back to the ghost
03:34you know seeing all three of them together like this it reminds me of the
03:36real Ghostbusters episode where the Ghostbusters don't realize they've
03:40traveled back in time they barge into the room of what would be Ebeneezer
03:43Scrooge and without realizing right away who the spirits are they bust and trap
03:47the ghost of Christmas past present and yet to come sure enough it's not till
03:51they get back to the present time that they realize they've changed time and
03:54now all of a sudden everybody thinks that Christmas sucks that's great
03:57episode you know I was just thinking about that a couple of days ago I was
04:01thinking myself I was just at work and I was thinking you know it's been a while
04:04since I've seen that real Ghostbusters episode where the three ghosts and
04:07Ebeneezer Scrooge gotta go back and watch that again anyways though the
04:11ghost of Christmas past and the ghost of Christmas yet to come have one other
04:14thing in common other than the fact that they're mounted to the display bases
04:17that they do also glow in the dark the ghost of Christmas pet present is left
04:22off that paint process it may have also something to do with as well the fact
04:25that characters kind of more depicted as a jolly more human spirits as opposed
04:29to ones on booked in on either side of them or more the spiritual variety now
04:32being that this is also the pop books they're trying to at least create the
04:36designs of these characters to look more like the novelization I think the
04:40closest thing we've gotten from a novelization to a movie translation
04:43translation was the one that was voiced by Jim Carrey in which they sort of
04:46depict the ghost of Christmas past as a candle or a burning flame most of the
04:51time usually when the ghost of Christmas past is depicted in film it's usually by
04:54an elderly character at least from the 1951 film with Alistair Simm the ghost
04:58of Christmas past it's just some old guy but what we get actually here instead is
05:02a much prettier character than it's some old some old guy with long hair the
05:06ghost of Christmas past while not being a candle or flame she at least has
05:10herself a crown of candles I think that's a nice little touch because she
05:14also does have a glow-in-the-dark feature I'll notice though I will point
05:17out to you guys that when I noticed that taking her out of the packaging that
05:20she's got sort of more of a coarse almost a light grit sandpaper feel to
05:25her hair to her face to her dress as well probably because they've also
05:28added that kind of glow-in-the-dark paint even though it's probably not easy
05:32to see right now I'll cut the lights in a second just taking my black light here
05:35and shining across I mean other than just having a light source across this
05:39it doesn't at all look like she glows in the dark so we're gonna change that in a
05:43second just after we kind of look at all three of them I'll cut the lights I'll
05:46show you guys what these things glow in the dark at least this one and the one
05:48on the other on the other side as well she seems to be pointing perhaps
05:52pointing to the past I don't really consider this to be a ghost that's
05:55pointing I always kind of really consider the ghost of Christmas past or
05:58the ghost of Christmas yet to come as being sort of the spirit that points his
06:02actions speak more louder than words because it's not the spirit that
06:05generally generally does speak you can see she's got some nice little eyelashes
06:09on the side that's a nice little touch I really like the hair I think the dress
06:12is nicely done here as well now unlike though Jacob Marley I'm just gonna bring
06:16him in right now the way they've actually mounted him when we talked
06:18about him in his review one of my biggest concerns was that this Funko pop
06:22is gonna be leaning a lot more further forward hasn't happened yet but granted
06:27to be fair I only have had this guy on display for a couple of weeks now one
06:30thing though at least about the joke that goes to Christmas past is that
06:34they've attached a clear post here underneath the dress rather than on the
06:38back so she still still manages to levitate without the concern as much of
06:42that this one's gonna be leaning a little bit more like what with Jacob
06:45Marley which is really I still think I really feel like they need to put a
06:48little like a little piece like a plastic piece just underneath his legs
06:51that would be much been a better place to put it other than the back of his
06:54body anyways for her articulation again with all these Funko pops all you're
06:59gonna be getting it's just a standard straight head swivel
07:03unfortunately though because her arm is extended like this you can't get the
07:06head to rotate all the way around because whether it hits it on this side
07:09or whether it hits it on this side she's always gonna be hitting the sides of her
07:12hair but at least her head does rotate so at least that's something my personal
07:17favorite though honestly of the three is the ghost of Christmas present he always
07:20seems to be like a jolly guy you know he's always eating scarfing down food
07:24he's always seemed to be when Ebeneezer Scrooge come confronts him the first
07:28time he always seems to be on just a big mound of food and jewels and all the
07:31luxuries of life now this is the only one that actually I'm just gonna move
07:35these ones off to the side here this is the only one that actually detaches from
07:38the display base so it's just like all the other ones that we've looked at
07:41other than really Jacob Marley display base is exactly the same it also has the
07:45same problem too that when you attach it in this case you're actually not
07:48attaching it to his feet you're attaching it to the part of his robe but
07:52it works the same way though that it just doesn't seem like it maybe this
07:55one does a little bit better of a job but most of the time with all of these
07:58I've noticed you try to put them on display base you pick the character up
08:00and the display base just ends up falling onto the floor at least this one
08:04maybe it's just a little bit more secure I'm almost even really tempted to add a
08:07little bit of nail polish to the at least the pegs so it's gonna attach to
08:10the character just a little bit better it seems to be doing a better job here
08:13with the ghost of Christmas present all that said though I'm just gonna take the
08:17display bought base off anyways and getting a closer look at him I can't
08:21think of the actor and I'm gonna probably come up with the name of that
08:23at the end of this review but he reminds me of the guy from office Christmas
08:27party if I ever was to cast a character for the ghost of Christmas present and
08:30let's just say a new live-action Christmas Carol I'd pick the guy the
08:34boss from an office Christmas party he was also in Deadpool like Deadpool one
08:38I think as well but I definitely would have picked him he certainly does have
08:42at least the jolly look of the face for the ghost of Christmas present it's got
08:45of course some additional rose that they've added to the cheeks there of
08:48course he's got his crown as well of I guess that would be Holly nice little
08:52berries that they've also painted there as well I did know though notice that
08:56there's a little I guess because they've also airbrushed it the way that
08:58they have I've got a little bit of that probably has found its way onto its hair
09:01it's not a big deal at all though sculpting is really nice on the back of
09:05the hair as well of course he's got his very long green robe unfortunately though
09:09with mine taking out the packaging I can help and also notice that I've got a
09:11little bit of I don't know if that is white paint or if that's paint that's
09:14been unfortunately not properly applied to the robe but I've got this little
09:18fleck this little damaged piece right there and right above it as well could I
09:22go in there and fix it I could I mean obviously I'm fixing it right away
09:26by just only looking at it from the front does it exist on the back I don't know
09:29does it exist on the back nobody really knows either the one thing I also I
09:33really like about this guy is that he also has a little basket it seems to be
09:36a pear seems to be an apple maybe an orange in there as well is that a
09:39strawberry I can't even tell can't even tell it's got a little basket of course
09:43to represents all the treasures all the things that man mankind can consume you
09:48know just again like all the frills he certainly does have a lot of frills in
09:52the movies of course he does have a nicely painted their belt as well I mean
09:55like the paint for the most part pretty good on this guy other than just on yeah
09:58would you see from here on the front no does it exist I don't it rotates back
10:04and forth that's all you're really gonna be able to get I mean he actually has a
10:07whole lot less mileage when it comes to head rotation because there just seems
10:11to be like I don't know if it's just banging up against the top here I think
10:14a lot of it really is the fact that this section on the back bangs up to his
10:18elbow so because that you can't really rotate the head all the way around let's
10:21go ahead though and attach them onto his display base I did say though that
10:26this one was my favorite of the three you're probably thinking yourself what
10:28about the ghost of Christmas yet to come he's got he's pretty cool he is although
10:33generally for me the ghost of Christmas yet to come I was kind of considered
10:36more of a shrouded character where you don't even see the face again I go back
10:39to 1951 film you can reference other films also as well but you generally
10:43don't see a lot of the skeletal face of the ghost of Christmas yet to come this
10:47one's kind of cool though it looks a little bit like spiritual Skeletor very
10:51cool-looking face though all done here in gray is I mean really like that the
10:55robe hood as well as like the rest of the tattered robe is all done in
10:58different shades of gray just love the sculpting on this it's it's fantastic it
11:03does actually kind of look like a character we would see not maybe Sam
11:06Hayne but like a get like a ghastly looking skeletal character in a real
11:10Ghostbusters episode I guess technically he is pointing if I was to turn the head
11:14this way maybe it would work a little bit better I didn't like the way that
11:17that snapped by the way you probably could have it pointing this way and also
11:21depending on what you know what you could also do and this is one thing I
11:24was kind of considering doing with my Funko Pop figures I'm just gonna get
11:27Ebenezer Scrooge he kept falling off the display base I think what I might just
11:30do is like throughout the time of what's left at least the December I know we
11:34only got like a week and a week at the time of doing this review I got about
11:38like a week and change left before Christmas comes along what I might just
11:41end up doing is like throughout the throughout the days I might just have
11:44Ebenezer Scrooge in one day or maybe a couple of days display with the ghost
11:47of Christmas past a couple days later maybe the ghost of Christmas a present
11:51and then coming up very close to the day I'm gonna have him displayed with the
11:54ghost of Christmas yet to come so Ebenezer Scrooge along the way
11:57throughout December is gonna be learning the best the moral values the special
12:02the values of I guess the Christmas season much as I'm displaying him like
12:05that obviously it's gonna be a much better job of displaying if I can get
12:08this guy on his blast display base he just keeps continuing to fall off of it
12:12anyways we'll just put him off to the side yeah like the details for the ghost
12:16of Christmas yet to come is pretty cool of course he's got a skeletal hand there
12:19as well I like the way they painted that too again this guy does glow in the dark
12:23so where's my where's my black light just dropped on the floor there's the
12:26black light you probably would be a probably find a better job of being able
12:30to see how well this guy glows in the dark with the black light this time
12:32around you can probably also see as well if I get really close to the robe the
12:36hood you can see there's all these little flecks that seems to be the part
12:40that's actually glowing it doesn't seem like anything on his face more so in his
12:44robes again don't worry I'll cut the lights also this guy is also attached if
12:49you look at the bottom of it it's very similar to the ghost of Christmas past
12:52so instead of being plugged on the back first of all it's an eyesore but second
12:56as well it looks like it's a much more I mean it's just more upright I don't have
12:59to worry that either one of these characters either one of the ghosts are
13:02gonna be leaning forward still the head articulation is only gonna be about just
13:05a straight swivel it was more a little more hung up and again you can't really
13:10rotate it all the way around just because the bottom of the hood here hits
13:12the side of the arm but again it gets enough of the articulation going really
13:17Funko pops as a whole that's usually what you're what the norm is when it
13:20comes to possibility you're only just gonna get a straight head swivel so
13:23while it may not apply necessarily for the ghost of Christmas a present what I
13:26will at least do is I'll cut the lights I'll show you guys what the the glowing
13:30feature looks like at least on the ghost of Christmas past and the ghost of
13:33Christmas yet to come so I have had the ghost in front of lamp lights for about
13:37five minutes and I can't even see it at myself so what I'm gonna do as well is
13:41I'm just gonna take a bit of a black light I'm gonna run it across at least
13:44the face and the rest of the robe here if the ghost of Christmas yet to come
13:47and I'm sure yet to come will be the glowing feature I'm just gonna let that
13:52hold just for a little bit and we'll move it away I mean I can see it the
13:57hard part about this is whenever I always say like I can see these things
14:00for myself can you guys see it I don't know maybe you can maybe you can't you
14:04can probably even see there's a little bit of an outline here he's sort of more
14:07glows in a very greenish I would won't want to say almost even a teal color
14:11again you can have this if you have these in front of also your lamp light
14:15all the time every single time you turn off the lights and leave the room or hey
14:19maybe even if that's the room that you sleep in you'd probably notice this
14:22spiritual thing was looking at you in the middle of the night yeah I can see
14:26it I probably it's gonna be a little bit harder I'll know obviously when we're
14:29kind of getting down to editing is well whether I'd be able to see the glowing
14:32feature or not let's move our focus though over the ghost of Christmas past
14:36again letting her absorb some of the black lights and I've had these again in
14:41front of the lamp light maybe about five minutes could have maybe had them in
14:44front of lamp light a little bit longer yeah yeah I think so the base by the way
14:49is only just glow-in-the-dark because I'm using a black light it doesn't
14:51really actually go dark but just to move that away I mean again I can see her
14:56face her face is glowing a very bright yellow whether the question of the
15:00camera being able to pick that up that would be a completely different story
15:03all together back from total darkness and now rotating on the rotisserie the
15:07ghost of Christmas past present and yet to come represent very nicely by Funko
15:11representing though the ghost of Christmas present at least in my casting
15:14choice the actor I was trying to think of was TJ Miller TJ Miller played Clay
15:18Vanstone in the 2016 office Christmas party a hilarious Christmas comedy if
15:23you haven't ever seen it it's one that I watch every year in fact I've already
15:26watched it this Christmas season he would be at least for me the perfect
15:30casting choice for the for the ghost of Christmas present who though I would
15:33cast for the other two I mean I probably could have just done everything else in
15:36CG so the ghost of Christmas yet to come I would probably have some spiritual
15:40looking character all done in computer graphics one of my favorite versions
15:44outside the 1951 film with Alistair Simm would be the ghost of Christmas future
15:48or yet to come in the Scrooge movie starring Bill Murray something though
15:52about the look of that character in fact all three of the ghosts were well done
15:55well redesigned just for that comedy but what's some of your favorite renditions
16:00of the ghost of Christmas past present and yet to come again for nostalgia sake
16:03I would still a lot of that be saying like the 1951 film with Alistair Simm
16:07but I mean again there's been a lot of different cool designs of these
16:10characters over the years what has been some of your favorites let me know down
16:13below in the comment section back though to the Funkos standard articulation is
16:17the territory that these cover they're only gonna have a straight head swivel
16:20although there seems to be always something in the way for their heads
16:23being able to rotate all the way around whether it be the past the present or
16:26the future they can't seem to quite rotate their head all the way around I
16:30mean whether the ghost or not I don't think the ghost really like the idea
16:32anyways their heads are being snapped all the way around they all have display
16:36bases all the exact same display bases although the ghost of Christmas present
16:40is the only one that's removable from his all in all though I'm really happy I
16:43can finally say I've completed the entire set of these for somebody again
16:47who doesn't really like Funkos at all I seem to be really being a hypocrite
16:50lately having looked at all already the Christmas story ones or Christmas Carol
16:54ones with many more Funko ones coming your way during the rest of this
16:57Christmas season if you guys did enjoy this video do it a solid throw it a like
17:01you guys want to stick around for more so hope so hit that subscribe turn on
17:05that Bell come back please as always thanks for watching see you guys next
