• last year
Get ready to laugh uncontrollably at the most epic fails from shopping networks! From broken TVs to hilarious mishaps, these teleshopping moments will have you in stitches. Watch as presenters struggle with everything from vacuums to ladders in this side-splitting compilation!
00:00There's a little button here that you just press, everything you need to press and move
00:04is in yellow, okay?
00:08Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most hilarious teleshopping
00:12fails of all time.
00:14The bushy tail, the big teeth, the hooves.
00:17Okay, my producer Tara Cates just told me this isn't a horse, it's a butterfly.
00:23Number 10, breaking a plasma TV.
00:26This is what they, this has got a toughened screen.
00:29So if you're like my nephew, who when his dad had just bought a brand new LCD TV off
00:36us here at QVC, four weeks later, Hugh put the hand controller from his Wii through the
00:42screen of his LCD telly, and it was a complete write-off.
00:46Our first entry comes from the UK version of QVC, which at the time was trying to sell
00:50brand new plasma TVs.
00:52Plasma displays are currently obsolete, but in the 2000s, they were all the rage.
00:56Previously, large and bulky CRT monitors were the norm, making thin plasma displays
01:01very appealing.
01:02I couldn't find that so much with a plasma TV, and I'm going to do something now that
01:06makes a lot of people shy away.
01:08Here the presenter's so convinced of plasma's superiority over its competitors that he insists
01:13it won't break.
01:14Unfortunately, it breaks in only three punches, apparently because he was hammering it all
01:18day, not exactly proving his point.
01:20If only it held together, plasma TVs might still be the norm.
01:23Oh, I've broken it.
01:25Look at that.
01:27I think it's because I've done it so many times today.
01:28You've been hammering it.
01:29I've been hammering it all day, and now I've done it, but there you go.
01:32Oh, no, because this was the great big size.
01:34Number nine, falling off a ladder.
01:36Only have a limited number that we can ship out right now, because it is very, very popular.
01:40We're going to go to the phones.
01:41Hi, you're on there with Lisa, and Kevin, what's your name?
01:44Here we have another failure hailing from QVC.
01:47This time, it's ladders they're peddling, for what was an extortionate amount of money
01:50at the time.
01:51Ridiculous prices are a staple of teleshopping.
01:53Although a ladder is something worth shelling out for, as a cheap ladder could seriously
01:57injure you.
01:58Well, this specific ladder should probably be avoided.
02:00I've got to tell you something.
02:01I have this ladder.
02:02It is awesome.
02:03Oh, now what are you doing today?
02:06Everybody wants this ladder.
02:07I live in an apartment with vaulted ceilings.
02:12When testing it out live on air, the presenter endures a wipeout for the ages, harming not
02:16just himself, but the brand's reputation.
02:19Still, the ladder has its uses.
02:20It could be a worthwhile gift for your arch-nemesis during the holiday season.
02:24Okay, we're going to make sure that Chris is okay.
02:27And that has never happened.
02:29Well, you know, it's a very slippery floor up there in front of our doors sometimes,
02:34so we're going to make sure that Kevin's okay.
02:36He's moving, he is okay.
02:37Number eight, inappropriate text.
02:39That number is on the bottom of your screen.
02:40If you want to send me a text message, there's another high one there coming through.
02:46Oh, yes.
02:47Somebody said they won't be obscene.
02:50Who remembers the days before smartphones?
02:53This failure comes from that era, when QVC was working hard to make a pretty penny selling
02:58For viewers born in the 21st century, a pager was basically the only way to reach someone
03:02on the go before mobiles were common.
03:03They were pocket-sized, one-way texting devices that could only receive messages.
03:08Here on QVC, they make the overly ambitious decision to allow viewers to page them live.
03:13As expected, they receive a hilariously naughty message, and the host Dale sounds very unsurprised
03:18at the obscenity.
03:19Number seven, crash and burn.
03:20Let's go to the phone and tell you you're live on QVC with the Dell Hour.
03:23What's your name and where are you calling from?
03:25My name is Jacqueline.
03:26I'm calling from Michigan.
03:27Hi, Jacqueline.
03:28How are you today?
03:29Oh, I'm great.
03:31Nice to have you here.
03:32What can we do for you, Jacqueline?
03:33If you purchased your Dell computer from QVC in the early 2000s, you may be entitled to
03:37But if you're this disgruntled woman, a mere refund simply isn't enough.
03:40The world needs to know how you've been wronged.
03:42What can we do for you, Jacqueline?
03:43Well, I just wanted to call and say, like Mary Beth, Dell is the only computer we have
03:49in our house.
03:50How do you like your laptop?
03:51Oh, I love it.
03:52You know what my favorite thing is, Rick?
03:55While on air selling the hottest new Dell technology, our miffed hero Jacqueline calls
03:59in to passive-aggressively tell the hosts that her system crashed after only owning
04:02it for two years.
04:04Legend has it that after Jacqueline's call, QVC never sold another computer monitor ever
04:09Okay, we just made that up, but wouldn't that have been a great fun fact?
04:12I don't know.
04:13I don't know if I want to know.
04:15The way it crashes in less than two years.
04:16In fact, the way all the Dells crash in less than two years.
04:17That's the best thing about Dells.
04:19Number six, Katana break.
04:20And the nice thing about these practice katanas...
04:22Oh, that hurt.
04:23Oh, that hurt big time.
04:24Katanas are one of the most popular sword styles closely associated with the samurai
04:25of feudal Japan.
04:26Fascinatingly, it's a misconception that katanas were their weapon of choice.
04:27They were actually only one part of a very extensive arsenal.
04:28A piece of that just...
04:29The tip just got me, Odell.
04:30A piece of that just got me, Odell.
04:31A piece of that just got me, Odell.
04:32A piece of that just got me, Odell.
04:33A piece of that just got me, Odell.
04:34A piece of that just got me, Odell.
04:35If so, I'd advise you to rethink your decision given that a QVC man once accidentally stabbed
04:59himself with a practice katana.
05:01Thankfully, he was okay, but it just goes to show that if you live by the sword, you
05:04die by the sword.
05:09Number 5.
05:16Flying Tennis Racket
05:17Here, I'm getting ready to serve.
05:18All I do is throw that ball up in the air and when I...
05:21Oh, jeez!
05:22And there goes the tennis racket.
05:24When the Nintendo Wii first came out in 2006, there was no shortage of horror stories about
05:28thrown remotes and peripherals.
05:30The controllers all came with secure wrist straps to make sure none were hurled at the
05:34countless warnings accidents would happen.
05:36I didn't have it on there all the way.
05:38Make sure that your accessories are definitely latched on all the way.
05:43That's not a good idea.
05:44Here's one such incident from HSN.
05:46Even though the wrist strap is on, his tennis racket peripheral isn't properly connected,
05:50and it catapults straight into the screen.
05:52The TV takes a mighty hit and the screen even turns blue and cracked.
05:56At least we know that this tennis remote was a smash hit for HSN.
05:58The little Wii remote comes with this band that goes around your wrist.
06:03It's very, very important, okay?
06:05This little band right here that goes around the wrist, it's very important to have that
06:07on and have it tight because you definitely don't want the Wii remote itself to come flying
06:11out of your hand.
06:12You see that?
06:13Just like that.
06:14Number four, vacuum disaster.
06:15There is obviously a problem somewhere.
06:17The brush roll is rolling.
06:18This isn't in properly.
06:21So that might make a difference.
06:23No, and that isn't going to- Oh, hang on a minute.
06:27What about this down here?
06:28That's the reason it's set up as a cylinder.
06:31If you want to see a QVC clip where everything that can go wrong does go wrong, then this
06:35is it.
06:36This nine minute long clip showcasing a vacuum cleaner is a disaster of monumental scale.
06:40First, they struggle to convert the Hoover into upright form.
06:44Things go further downhill with the cleaner barely even sucking up dirt.
06:47Away you go by the looks of it.
06:51This has to come down into the ... has to come down into the ... this.
06:58Don't worry.
06:59We've only got 10 minutes left.
07:01Can I be of any help?
07:05Eventually, the presenters lose it after emptying the device.
07:07When the mechanism breaks, causing dirt to spill all over, the two can't contain their
07:12If you want a new vacuum, this one is guaranteed not to suck.
07:15Well, you would hope so, wouldn't you?
07:18Number three, ladder crash.
07:19It's a very easy situation to operate.
07:21You just push the buttons in right here on the two sides, the two little buttons.
07:25And all you do is push them in and that will release it.
07:28Our next moment comes from the CVN, a shopping network bought by QVC in 1989.
07:32Here we have Harold McCoo, a natural-born salesman trying his best to sell the surprisingly
07:37unpopular Flexo Ladder.
07:38Say you have to get up on the wall, high ceiling, vaulted ceiling, hey, listen, just walk right
07:44And I tell you, it's very safe, it's durable, and it's lightweight.
07:47McCoo is convinced of its safety, so much so that when it bends inwards, he assures
07:51the viewers that it's even safer than before.
07:53Despite the worrying bend, he continues climbing across the ladder.
07:56Hilariously, the ladder collapses under him and the pair come crashing into the ground.
08:00McCoo's fall looks painful, but this ain't his first rodeo.
08:03He's a true salesman and continues to sell the contraption, only blaming himself.
08:07Now it's locked in place, okay?
08:09So really, you say, oh God, Harold, are you okay?
08:13Actually, I didn't have it locked.
08:15You have to lock it.
08:16Once you lock it, you're okay.
08:18But it is very safe to operate.
08:22Number two, big horse photograph.
08:24Have you ever gone for a relaxing horse ride through the countryside, spent a wonderful
08:27summer evening enjoying the beauty of nature, and then suddenly realized, oh wait, this
08:31isn't a horse, I'm riding, it's a moth?
08:33I've personally never struggled to tell the two animals apart, but one teleshopping presenter
08:37did exactly that.
08:38This is a big horse.
08:39Order now.
08:40You get the camera, you get the printer, 4x optical zoom, Schneider lens, photo printer,
08:49SD card.
08:51Look at that horse.
08:53In an attempt to highlight a camera's quality lens, he pulled out a giant photo of a horse
08:57taken with it.
08:58He then confidently praises its bushy tail, big teeth, and hooves.
09:01Thankfully, his producer knows elementary zoology and informs him he's confused a moth
09:05for a horse.
09:06The bushy tail, the big teeth, the hooves.
09:10Okay, my producer Tara Cates just told me this isn't a horse, it's a butterfly.
09:15Yeah, actually, it may in fact be a moth.
09:19But look at what the zoom did.
09:21Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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09:40Nick Chavez's Fall
09:54This celebrity hairstylist was one of the most charismatic and memorable QVC presenters.
09:58While selling hairspray, he blows a kiss to the camera after a caller praises the product.
10:02Chavez then immediately stumbles and crashes onto his booty.
10:05Oh girl, let me give you a kiss.
10:07That is good.
10:09That one's got it.
10:11I fell on my booty.
10:13Thankfully, Chavez is a pro and recovered quickly, laughing off the stumble while the
10:17show kept rolling.
10:18The fall may have been embarrassing, but Chavez handled it with unparalleled style, proving
10:22he can shine no matter where he lands.
10:24If you want hair care products that add bounce, Chavez demonstrated live on TV that his worked
10:29Eight times before the show, I said, Nick, you're gonna fall off that set sometime.
10:32Oh my gosh, you scared me to death.
10:35I scared myself to death.
10:36Now you know what a real clown I am.
10:38Anyway, we'll go back to this.
10:40Now watch.
10:41We'll pretend this didn't happen.
10:42Which fails made you crack up?
10:44Let us know in the comments below.
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10:59See you next time.