Title: Legend of the Hybrids: Child of Nature
The Beginning.
In a world where humans and nature coexist in fragile harmony, science and magic merge to create unique and powerful hybrid creatures. This project began with noble intentions: to save endangered species driven to the brink by human greed. In a secret laboratory, scientists successfully created the first hybrid, Felothrax – a blend of leopard and eagle. Felothrax became a symbol of hope and human ingenuity.
The Beginning.
In a world where humans and nature coexist in fragile harmony, science and magic merge to create unique and powerful hybrid creatures. This project began with noble intentions: to save endangered species driven to the brink by human greed. In a secret laboratory, scientists successfully created the first hybrid, Felothrax – a blend of leopard and eagle. Felothrax became a symbol of hope and human ingenuity.