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Shan e Abu Bakr Siddique RA | Episode 3

Speaker: Allama Shahzad Mujaddidi

#ShaneAbuBakrSiddiqueRA #HazratAbuBakarSiddique #aryqtv

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00:00Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen,
00:12Wasalatu wasalamu ala ashrafil anbiya wal mursaleen,
00:15wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een.
00:18Aamannan naas bar maula'i maa, Aam kaleem-e-awwal-e-sina'i maa,
00:24Immate-u-kisht-e-millat-raaj-u-abr, Saniye-e-Islam-u-ghar-u-Badr-u-Qabr.
00:32Dear viewers,
00:34Syedna Abu Bakr Siddiq's Zikr-e-Khair is going on
00:39and it is the month of Wisaal.
00:44On that occasion, we are presenting different topics and different parts of his life
00:49on the platform of RYQ TV.
00:54Today, we will talk about Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar R.A. as Khalifat-ur-Rasool.
01:03In this, there is a sentence of Syedna Ali-ul-Murtaza Sh. Khudda R.A.
01:07which he said on his death.
01:10Khalifat-e-Awwal, Khalifat-ur-Rasool-e-Bila-Fasl,
01:14Yaar-e-Ghaar-u-Mazaar, Himaam-us-Sahaba, Rais-u-Siddiqeen.
01:18On the occasion of Wisaal of Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar R.A.
01:23Syedna Ali said,
01:25Al-yawma inqata'at khalafat-un-nabuwa.
01:28O people,
01:30Today, the chain of prophet-like Khilafat has ended.
01:35The prophet-like Khilafat has ended.
01:37That is, Rasool Allah S.A.W.
01:39and Naib-e-Mustafa
01:43and for the first time in this universe,
01:47this sentence, this title was said
01:55Ya Khalifat-ur-Rasool-e-Allah.
01:57This was said by the companions of Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar R.A.
02:02This position of yours
02:06is not found anywhere else in the world.
02:10The Prophet S.A.W. has given such clear signs in his physical life,
02:17both verbal and verbal,
02:20which the companions thought that if a person
02:25can fulfill the duty of imam-ul-anbiya-e-wal-mursaleen alaihi tahiyyat-u-wa-tasleem
02:29and the right of Janasheen,
02:32and he truly deserves it,
02:36then he is the person of Syedna Abu Bakr Siddiq-e-Akbar R.A.
02:44in the Holy Quran, first look at Surah Al-Hadeed.
02:48In this, Allah the Lord of the worlds,
02:51although all the companions of the Holy Prophet S.A.W. are great and glorious for everyone,
02:57but in that too, the Holy Quran has given a rank.
03:00In the Holy Quran, Allah the Lord of the worlds has given a rank.
03:06In Surah Al-Hadeed, Allah the Lord of the worlds has said,
03:08La yastabi minkum man anfaqa min qablil fathi wa qatila
03:11ulaika aazamu darajatam minal lazeena anfaqu min ba'd.
03:16Those who did good,
03:20did Jihad,
03:22and spent their wealth in the way of Allah,
03:24none of you can be equal to them.
03:29And their rank is
03:31ulaika aazamu darajatam minal lazeena anfaqu min ba'd.
03:36Their rank and status in the divine court
03:38is very high compared to those who spent after the conquest.
03:45So, Imam Abu Hassan Al Wahidi
03:47may Allah have mercy on him, has brought this verse
03:49that this verse was revealed in the glory of Abu Bakr Siddiq-e-Akbar
03:53because he was the first to bring Islam
03:56and he was the first to spend his wealth in the way of Allah.
04:04Syedna Abdullah Ibn-e-Umar's narration
04:06has been brought by Imam Abu Hassan Al Wahidi
04:08in Asbab-un-Nuzul.
04:10The glory of his revelation is mentioned in this verse
04:13and it is probably the first book in this Ummah.
04:16He says that once Prophet Kareem
04:20Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq-e-Akbar
04:23is a famous incident.
04:27I have mentioned this before
04:28that when it came to spending his wealth in the way of Allah
04:32and the Companions presented their wealth in the way of Allah,
04:36Ibn-e-Umar narrated that
04:39Siddiq-e-Akbar was sitting in the court of Prophet Kareem-e-Islam
04:44and he was wearing a sack of tarp and a veil.
04:48His chest was covered with tarp
04:52and Jibreel-e-Ameen came to him.
04:54He came to the court of Prophet Kareem-e-Islam
04:59and asked about the sack of tarp
05:03which was covering Siddiq-e-Akbar's chest.
05:06Prophet Kareem-e-Islam replied
05:09that Jibreel,
05:11my friend spent all his wealth on me
05:14before the conquest of Mecca.
05:18Jibreel-e-Ameen sent a message of Allah
05:21and said that I have come to you
05:25because your Lord sends salutations to your friend.
05:31So, you send this salutation to him.
05:33Allah, the Lord of the worlds, is asking.
05:39Allah, Allah, Allah.
05:41The Lord is asking the servant.
05:42Allah asks the servant,
05:44tell me what is your pleasure?
05:46Allah is asking,
05:48O beloved,
05:49ask your friend,
05:51are you content with your Lord
05:53by spending everything in this state?
05:59So, Siddiq-e-Akbar, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:02may he be sacrificed for the glory of Siddiq-e-Akbar
06:05and for his loyalty and loyalty.
06:07A strange feeling arose in him.
06:10The Sufis have interpreted it in a different way.
06:15When he heard this commandment of Allah,
06:17the Lord is asking the servant,
06:19are you content with me?
06:21So, he swung in a state of contemplation
06:24and replied,
06:26I am content with my Lord.
06:29Huzoor, I am content with my Lord in this state as well.
06:32This is the state of contentment
06:34that the Holy Quran has acknowledged.
06:36And it is the highest state
06:39in the world of spirituality,
06:40in the world of treatment and etiquette,
06:42in the world of the nearness of God
06:44and in the world of treatment and purification.
06:46It is the highest state of contentment
06:49and it is the highest state of the ascension of the Holy Prophet.
06:51Hazrat Ameer-ul-Mumineen Siddiq-e-Akbar
06:55Huzoor, I am content with my Lord.
06:56I am content with my Lord,
06:58and with Islam,
06:59and with Muhammad,
07:01the Prophet and Messenger.
07:03This was the state of the Holy Prophet.
07:06And there are so many manifestations of this state.
07:07Hijrat, Ghar-e-Saur, Badr, Uhud.
07:11From childhood to the age of maturity,
07:16there was no chance that he would not be with you
07:17and that you would not be ahead of everyone.
07:22You would not be in the first row.
07:24You would be ahead of everyone.
07:25Everyone used to look at you.
07:27As a result of this,
07:28when the time of maturity came,
07:34and you were not able to come for Salat
07:37due to your laziness,
07:41then when it was asked who should lead the Salat,
07:43the Merciful Lord,
07:45the Master of the Prophets and the Messengers,
07:46the Face of the Universe,
07:48the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:51مُرُوْا بَعْبَكْرٍ فَالْيُسَلِّبِ الْنَّاسِ
07:55He said,
07:55give the order to Abu Bakr to lead the Salat.
07:59He was given the order.
08:03This was such a big manifestation of your Khilafat.
08:07It was a great message for the Companions
08:11to be the true followers of the Holy Prophet
08:16and to be worthy of being a Naib.
08:19Everyone was watching.
08:21He stood on his own in his physical form
08:23with Siddiq-e-Akbar, may Allah be pleased with him.
08:27On one occasion,
08:28when the Jama'at was standing in his leadership,
08:31Aka Kareem, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:32came and participated in that Salat.
08:38This was such a sign,
08:40such a proof that it was confirmed.
08:43Later, great personalities made arguments
08:46especially Sayyidina Ali-ul-Murtaza,
08:48the poet of Allah, may Allah be pleased with him.
08:50Hazrat Bab-e-Madinat-ul-Ilm,
08:51Maula Ali, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:53and Wajh-ul-Kareem,
08:54made arguments from the action of the Prophet,
08:57from the commandment of the Prophet,
08:58from the commandment of the Prophet.
09:01He said,
09:03On that day, I was neither sick nor was I absent.
09:08On the day when my Master, Aka Kareem,
09:11commanded Sayyidina Al-Siddiq-e-Akbar,
09:14may Allah be pleased with him,
09:18to stand on his own in his leadership,
09:20he continued to lead the Salat for many days.
09:23On one occasion,
09:24when the Salat was delayed,
09:29Bilal-e-Habshi, may Allah be pleased with him,
09:31was in charge of the Salat.
09:34He was the only one to lead the Salat.
09:36There is another indication
09:38that all the Companions were present
09:40and it was time to lead the Salat.
09:41Al-Siddiq-e-Akbar could not lead the Salat
09:43as it was too late for him to lead the Salat.
09:45So, Sayyidina Farooq-e-Azam, may Allah be pleased with him,
09:49Umar-bin-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him,
09:50and Sayyidina Bilal, may Allah be pleased with him,
09:52said that since the Imam was late,
09:53he should lead the Salat
09:54and the time for the Salat should not be wasted.
09:56So, when Sayyidina Farooq-e-Azam was late to lead the Salat,
10:01he raised his hand to say Takbeer
10:06and his voice was very loud.
10:09When the voice of Allah-o-Akbar
10:11was heard in the chamber of the Prophet,
10:13a voice came from inside saying,
10:14Laa, Laa, Laa, Allah-o-Akbar.
10:20The Prophet said,
10:22Laa yambaghi li qawmin
10:25He said that this is not permissible for any nation.
10:28Feehim Abu Bakrin wa ya'ummahum ghayruh
10:33Abu Bakr, may he be safe and sound
10:37and may his Imam be someone else.
10:39Aw kama qaala Sallallahu ta'ala alaihi wa sallam
10:43In this regard,
10:45the Prophet made arrangements and made arrangements.
10:51When Siddiq-e-Akbar came,
10:55he led the Salat with late.
10:59Seeing this arrangement,
11:02all the Companions knew that
11:03the Prophet's sign for Khilafat
11:07was towards Siddiq-e-Akbar.
11:10Therefore, when it was time for the election,
11:14the Companions chose Siddiq-e-Akbar as the Khalifa.
11:20In the instructions of the Prophet,
11:23there were such signs in the Qauli Farameen.
11:26This narration is found in the Hadith-e-Sahih,
11:28Tirmidhi Sharif and other books of Hadith
11:30in the Musnad-e-Ahmad.
11:33Many Companions have narrated it.
11:36The Prophet said,
11:38Iqtadu billa zainim imbaadi Abi Bakrin wa Umar
11:42Whoever follows after me is Abu Bakr and Umar.
11:46Similarly, on one occasion,
11:48when he was going on a journey for Ghazwa and Jihad,
11:51a woman came in the way.
11:54She presented her needs to the Prophet.
11:55O Messenger of Allah, I have come for this work.
11:59The Prophet said,
12:01We are going on a journey for Jihad.
12:04Your work will be done.
12:05Do not worry.
12:07When you return, your work will be done.
12:09The woman said in a distressed state,
12:16If I come and you are not there,
12:18and I do not find you,
12:22then sacrifice yourself.
12:23Fida Hummi Wabi Wa Ruhi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
12:26The Prophet said,
12:28Illam Tajideeni Fatiha Ba Bakrin
12:31If I am not there and you do not find me,
12:34then go to Abu Bakr.
12:36Your work will be done.
12:38Similarly, such signs
12:40were found in the life of the Prophet
12:43and after his death,
12:45the Companions understood
12:48that the one who is capable of carrying out this great task
12:52is the Great Prophet of the Holy Prophet.
12:56Therefore, he was chosen.
12:58He was given two and a half years of Khilafat.
13:01Such trials and tribulations arose in it.
13:06There was zakat,
13:10and many pending battles.
13:14The army of Usama bin Zaid was deported.
13:18This was confirmed by the service of Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
13:23He proved in a short period of his Khilafat
13:28that he was the one who laid the foundations
13:31for the interpretation of the Quran.
13:33The way the Holy Prophet trusted him,
13:39his ministry, his consultation,
13:42and the importance of his presence and meeting
13:45had become so clear
13:49that everyone knew from the beginning
13:52that he was the only one
13:55who could carry out this task.
13:58And he did it.
14:00The Muslims and the disbelievers
14:03also saw the battles and battles
14:05that took place on different fronts.
14:07The army of Usama was deported.
14:10The Companions of the Holy Prophet
14:13used to say on this,
14:16Abu Huraira Abdullah bin Masood,
14:19a great Companion of the Holy Prophet,
14:22that if the ship of the Ummah
14:24had not been supported by Siddiq-e-Akbar,
14:26it would have been lost by the Day of Judgment.
14:28Even the moments of the Prophet's departure
14:32were a blessing for us.
14:36Many great personalities
14:38had suffered from this great shock.
14:41They could not cope with it.
14:43People had lost their senses.
14:45There, too, Siddiq-e-Akbar's steadfastness was useful.
14:49And he laid such foundations for Khilafat
14:56that those who came later said
14:58that Siddiq-e-Akbar put us in great difficulty
15:02when he left.
15:05He set such a difficult goal.
15:09And when he was appointed as a Wazifa
15:14during the rule of Khilafat,
15:16people were shocked to see
15:19that he was appointed as a Wazifa
15:21to the lowest income class of Madinah.
15:24And once, when halwa was cooked at home,
15:28it became a sweet dish,
15:29he asked his wife where it came from.
15:33She said that it was from Baitul Maal.
15:36He said that he saved some of it.
15:39He was shocked to see
15:40that he could survive even with that.
15:44So, he called Khazin from Baitul Maal
15:46and said that he could survive
15:49even if he saved some of it.
15:53He set such examples
15:57that the following Khulafa-e-Rashideen
15:59also made him a Sanad.
16:01And Sayyidina Ali-ul-Murtaza
16:03used to present the sayings of
16:05the two great Sheikhs in his Khilafat
16:08as a proof.
16:10That when they did this, I will do it
16:13and when they didn't do it, I won't do it.
16:15This was a Sanad.
16:17And the Prophet had given some clear instructions.
16:21In Ahadith, there is a very famous instruction of the Prophet.
16:25He said,
16:25There are two ministers in the earth
16:27and two ministers in the sky.
16:29There are two ministers in the earth
16:31and two ministers in the sky.
16:34There are Gabriel and Michael in the sky
16:36and Abu Bakr and Umar in the earth.
16:39Similarly, the Prophet used to say,
16:43All praise is due to Allah,
16:46who has helped me through you.
16:52And we have seen this scene in Madinah.
16:56The Prophet is standing with Siddiq-e-Akbar
17:00and Farooq-e-Azam on his left and right
17:02in the middle of the streets of Madinah
17:04and he is saying,
17:06We will be raised on the Day of Resurrection.
17:08O people, we will be raised on the Day of Resurrection
17:12in the court of Allah.
17:16keeping in mind the services of Siddiq-e-Akbar
17:20we can easily understand that
17:24if Siddiq-e-Akbar had not taken this responsibility
17:32and was not ready for this great event,
17:35no other person would have been seen
17:38who could have immediately
17:40overcome such difficult circumstances.
17:43And the entire gathering of the companions
17:47of the Holy Prophet,
17:50the ten companions of the Holy Prophet,
17:54Hazrat Abu Ubaidah ibn-ul-Jarrah,
17:56and the companion of the Holy Prophet,
17:57Zubair bin Awam.
17:59All these people,
18:01the great leaders of the Ansar,
18:03accepted this and accepted it.
18:06And it had a great impact on the world
18:09on the great governments of the Kaisar and Kisra.
18:12It had a great impact on them as well.
18:15And a great mischief that arose in the era of the Holy Prophet,
18:18was that of the false Muddaiyyaan-e-Nabuwat.
18:21From there, the love of the Holy Prophet,
18:24the ocean of passion,
18:25and the movement of the Holy Prophet,
18:29arose in the leadership and supervision of the Holy Prophet.
18:33And the stories of such sacrifices were recorded
18:36that cannot be compared.
18:38And till the Day of Judgment,
18:39the Ummah is still benefiting from it
18:41and will continue to benefit from it.
18:42That the Hakeedah-e-Khatm-e-Nabuwat
18:45was not compromised by the Holy Prophet.
18:47And Sayyidina Umar-e-Farooq
18:51said on one occasion,
18:52when he was asked to be gentle,
18:56he said to Sayyidina Farooq-e-Azam,
19:00that Umar,
19:03you were very strict in the time of Jahiliyyah
19:06and you were very majestic.
19:08And now that you are in Islam, what has happened to you?
19:10However, the matter was the opposite.
19:12Sayyidina Umar-e-Akbar was very gentle
19:14and Sayyidina Farooq-e-Azam was a majestic personality.
19:18However, in the matter of Khatm-e-Nabuwat,
19:20the steadfastness of the Holy Prophet
19:21and the sacrifices made on it,
19:23and the falsehood of Musaylimah,
19:24and the falsehood of Aswadansi,
19:25and other false claimants of Prophethood,
19:28which he said,
19:30he did Jihad,
19:31the great companions were martyred and sacrificed.
19:34He decided,
19:36this action of the first Khalifa,
19:38that there is no compromise in this matter.
19:41It is not allowed.
19:43And this is the requirement of faith
19:45that the personality of the Holy Prophet,
19:48his dignity,
19:49his attributes and perfection,
19:51and the protection of Khatm-e-Nabuwat.
19:54Therefore, when the companions saw this action of the Holy Prophet,
19:57and saw the results and results of it,
19:59then a goal was set,
20:01that what is the implementation of Aqeedah?
20:04The Holy Prophet told them,
20:06through his words, his actions and his actions.
20:08Therefore, this Khilafat-e-Siddiq,
20:12later became a role model for all the Khilafats.
20:15And for every Muslim government,
20:17it became a role model until the Day of Judgment.
20:19Because Aka Kareem A.S. had said,
20:22Alaikum bi Sunnati wa Sunnatil Khulafa-e-Rashideen-al-Mahdiyeen
20:27O people, after me, my Sunnah is necessary for you,
20:30and the Sunnah of my Khulafa-e-Rashideen is also necessary.
20:34Therefore, the Khilafat of the Holy Prophet,
20:36from every aspect,
20:37is now a role model for the Ummah and the Muslims.
20:43May Allah enable us to benefit from the role model of Siddiq-e-Akbar.
20:50Wa ma alaina illal walaghul mubeen.
