• last year
新闻报报看 | 针对有报导指大马在5年内有超过6000名医生辞职,促请政府正视医生人才外流的问题,卫生部长祖基菲里昨天在社媒回应,并承诺将在任期内解决问题。(主播:蔡心慧、黄界錤)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30After watching the video, there is also a response.
00:32He said that the Ministry of Health does indeed have a shortage of staff,
00:35but he promised to solve this problem within the term.
00:38Zhu Xifeili pointed out that the Ministry of Health has never taken the issue of doctors resigning in succession lightly.
00:43Instead, the government has taken a series of mid-term measures to solve the problem,
00:48including adjusting the government doctor's salary,
00:51and providing more flexible work arrangements to retain talents.
00:55As for the doctor who has more than 6,000 people in the report,
00:59Zhu Xifeili explained that
01:01among the more than 6,000 doctors,
01:03there are also qualified doctors who have been certified after 3,200 resignations.
01:08And some doctors choose to enter the academic world
01:11and continue to contribute to the public health service sector.
01:14Zhu Xifeili said that the loss of talent is a major challenge for all industries,
01:18including the health sector.
01:21Although the Ministry of Health has implemented many strategies
01:24and hopes to keep doctors and experts in the public sector,
01:27it still cannot prevent them from staying in the private sector.
01:30In order to reduce the problem of the loss of talent,
01:32the Ministry of Health hopes to increase the motivation of doctors to stay in the public sector
01:35through mid-term measures,
01:38including increasing the salary, improving medical facilities,
01:41flexible work arrangements, and a substitute doctor system,
01:45to help everyone improve and achieve a balance between work and life,
01:48and to take care of the welfare of all medical personnel.
01:51In response to the shortage of doctors in hospitals,
01:54Zhu Xifeili said that the Ministry of Health will send more doctors
01:57to key departments in the private sector through the HR department,
02:01and the number of doctors assigned to all health institutions every year is increasing.
02:06He used the example of the hospital in Paris as an example,
02:09and said that the Ministry of Health had just assigned a group of new doctors last week,
02:13and believed that doctors would soon report to work.
02:16Zhu Xifeili also promised to cooperate with the Public Service Bureau and the Ministry of Finance
02:20to help the Ministry of Health solve the shortage of doctors.
