• 2 months ago
🌊 Le SeaBin, créé par deux Australiens, est une invention aussi simple qu’efficace pour lutter contre la pollution marine. 🌍

⚓ Placé dans les ports ou les zones où les déchets s’accumulent, il aspire l’eau et filtre jusqu’à 25 000 litres par heure, collectant automatiquement les déchets flottants. 🌀

🚢 Chaque jour, un seul SeaBin peut retirer près de 4 kilos de débris, et en un an, cela représente environ 1 tonne de déchets retirés des océans. 🌿

🧴 En plus des déchets visibles comme les bouteilles ou les emballages, cette poubelle des mers capture également les microplastiques et filtre les huiles provenant des navires. 🛢️

🐟 Depuis leur déploiement, les SeaBins ont permis de retirer plus de 120 tonnes de déchets marins, un chiffre qui continue d’augmenter. 🌊

🌱 Une innovation indispensable face à l’urgence de la préservation des écosystèmes marins. 🐠

Sources : seabinproject, plastic-lemag 📰

Pour plus de vidéos sur les initiatives écologiques, abonnez-vous à Omniscience. 📲

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00:00This invention allows to clean the ports of their waste before it reaches the ocean.
00:03Named the Seabin, it was designed by two Australians to fight against ocean pollution.
00:07At first glance, it looks like a simple normal-sized bucket,
00:09yet it has the remarkable ability to filter more than 25,000 liters of water per hour,
00:13automatically collecting debris when it is placed at sea.
00:16Immersed in an area of ​​accumulation of waste that is difficult to reach by maintenance services and cleaning boats,
00:21it will capture and suck up waste and floating debris thanks to the continuous current created by the pump.
00:25The latter is then stuck in a bag while the water is filtered and then thrown into the port.
00:28A Seabin can thus collect up to 3.9 kg of waste per day, or about 1 ton of marine waste per year.
00:33Once filled, just remove the bag, empty it of its waste and put it back in place.
00:38Seabins not only collect floating waste, large bottles with plastic microfibers,
00:41but they also eliminate the oils produced by the ships thanks to a separator.
00:45According to an analysis of the first six sea trash cans in operation in France,
00:4829% of the collected waste would be cigarette butts, 28% plastic waste and 26% food packaging.
00:53Since July 2020, Seabins have captured more than 120 tons of marine waste from the port of Sydney.
00:58For more videos on the subject, subscribe to Omniscience.
