• 2 months ago
Episod 756 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 7 Januari 2025 Surah Yunus (10: 75-78) Halaman 217

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Yunus ayat 75-78 halaman 217 ini adalah:
* Kisah Nabi Musa dan Nabi Harun berdakwah kepada firaun dan pembesarnya (75)
* Pendustaan firaun dan pembesarnya terhadap kebenaran yang dibawa oleh Nabi Musa AS (76-77)
* Respons dan sebab firaun menolak dakwah baginda (78)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 75-78 halaman 217:
* Jangan menyombongkan diri terhadap kebenaran al-Quran (76)
* Jauhkan daripada sikap melabel sebelum benar-benar mendengar penjelasan (76-77)
* Bersabar dengan kebenaran walaupun berdepan dengan kritikan manusia (78)

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00:00The second story in Surah Yunus is the story of Prophet Musa AS as a source of inspiration to Prophet Muhammad in conveying the message of Da'wah and it is not easy to give up in the face of adversity.
00:20We will follow the discussion in this episode.
01:20In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
01:51How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:53We meet again in My Qur'an Time, the Qur'an Salah Al-Infah today.
01:56Together, we want to go through four verses today.
01:59That is in the 75th, 76th, 77th and 78th verses of Surah Yunus.
02:05A surah that provides guidance and faith to all of us, to the Prophet and to the companions.
02:10Today, we will read these verses together with Al-Fadhil Sass, Tirmidhi Abdul Rahman.
02:15Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
02:19Saffas, what is this?
02:21Have you ever eaten this?
02:23What is that?
02:25There are bananas, there are nuts, the special food of Pahang.
02:30Pahang, what is the name of that?
02:32What is it called?
02:33Raja, Puding Raja.
02:34Is that right, Puding Raja?
02:36We have to ask the people of Pahang.
02:37We have to ask the people of Pahang because we are looking for it.
02:39What is it called?
02:40Is that right?
02:41Puding Raja, Saffas.
02:42Are the people of Pahang right?
02:44Do you see the answer?
02:45We want to introduce our guests from the class of the builders of the village of Padangluas in Pahang.
02:55Did you bring Puding Raja?
02:58At 4am, Saffas?
03:00Yes, at 4am.
03:02We pray that Allah will continue to accept all the struggles in the name of this Quran.
03:07And also to the Istiqamah group who are with us in the studio and also at home.
03:13We start the session with the prayer.
03:16Ilma lana illa ma'allam tana.
03:18Innaka antala alimul hakim.
03:20Rabbi zidni ilma.
03:22Amin, Ya Rabbul Alamin.
03:24We continue to pray for Allah to give us this knowledge of wisdom.
03:27Because we want to delve into the synopsis of verses 75-78.
03:31We will pay attention to it.
03:32That is, in the 75th verse, the story of Prophet Musa and Prophet Harun preaching to the Pharaoh and his followers.
03:39We will follow the 76th-77th verses.
03:42The lies of the Pharaoh and his followers towards the truth brought by Prophet Musa.
03:48And in the 78th verse, the response and the reason why the Pharaoh refused to preach to him.
03:53Let's read the four verses together today.
03:56It's a bit long, isn't it?
03:58But we will read it.
03:59Hopefully, there will be rewards and blessings from what we have experienced today.
04:04Thank you, Brother Saffas.
04:06Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
04:09Wa salatu wassalamu ala Rasulillah wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa man walahu wa ba'da.
04:12Allahumma salli ala salli muhammadan wa ala salli muhammadan.
04:15Ayaanana bonda.
04:16Sahabat-sefahab penonton.
04:18Rahmatullah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
04:19We are at the end of page 217.
04:22We want to read four verses.
04:26For the beginning, let's try to read using Taranun Bayyati.
04:31Taranun Bayyati first.
04:33Is it okay?
04:35We will try.
04:36Four verses.
04:37Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:38Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:39Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:40Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:41Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:42Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:43Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:44Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:45Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:46Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:47Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:48Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:49Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:50Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:51Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:52Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:53Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:54Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:55Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:56Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:57Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:58Surah Al-Baqarah.
04:59Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:00Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:01Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:02Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:03Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:04Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:05Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:06Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:07Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:08Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:09Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:10Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:11Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:12Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:13Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:14Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:15Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:16Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:17Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:18Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:19Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:20Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:21Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:22Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:24Surah Al-Baqarah.
05:27And when the truth came to them from Us, they said,
05:48Verily, this is manifest sorcery.
05:57Moses said,
06:03Do you speak the truth when it has come to you?
06:14Is this sorcery? And the sorcerers will not prosper.
06:25They said, Have you come to us to turn us away from what we found our fathers doing?
06:46And you will have greatness in the earth, and we are not believers in you.
07:07God Almighty has spoken the truth.
07:14Surah Al-Nazim, we have read from verse 75 to verse 78 of Surah Yunus, Surah 10.
07:21Interestingly, in this Surah, we have seen the story of Prophet Noah in verse 71 up to verse 74 or 73.
07:33And after this, we will get to know the story of Prophet Musa A.S.
07:38We will get to know the story of Prophet Yunus A.S.
07:44So, some of you may be asking, why are there Prophets among the Prophets?
07:49The Prophet Rasul is mentioned in verse 74 in our previous episode.
07:54Then, we are brought to the story of Prophet Musa.
07:58Among the Prophets, there are Prophet Hud, Prophet Saleh, Ibrahim, Lut, Ismail, Ishaq, Yaqub, Yusuf, Shu'aib, Ayyub, Zulkifli, and Musa.
08:07There are many.
08:08But, why are there only the highlights of Prophet Noah and Prophet Musa?
08:13One of the reasons is because of Prophet Noah.
08:16We are talking about how patient Prophet Noah was.
08:19And the story of Prophet Musa is the same.
08:23How patient Prophet Musa A.S. was in facing two groups.
08:30One is the pharaoh and his minions.
08:32But, at the same time, there are also his followers.
08:35His followers are his followers.
08:37So, when these two Prophets are given, compared to the other Prophets,
08:41the other Prophets are also patient.
08:43But, when we are brought to how patient Prophet Noah was in facing his people,
08:48and Prophet Musa A.S. was facing challenges one after another,
08:52trials after trials,
08:54then, that is a proof to Prophet Muhammad A.S.
08:58and also a proof to us
09:00that the story in Surah Yunus is for us to believe in Allah,
09:05to believe in the decree of Allah,
09:07and to continue the struggle because Allah will definitely help.
09:11So, this is the background of the story.
09:14Before we go to verse 75,
09:19Who is Prophet Musa A.S.?
09:21Prophet Musa A.S. is the son of who?
09:25To Imran.
09:26And Imran, if we look closely,
09:29he went to the lineage of Prophet Ishaq,
09:32to Prophet Ibrahim A.S.
09:34Prophet Ibrahim A.S. has two sons,
09:36Prophet Ismail and Prophet Ishaq.
09:37From Prophet Ismail, he descended to Prophet Muhammad A.S.
09:40So, Prophet Musa A.S. has a brother,
09:42his name is Harun,
09:43and he was sent to Pharaoh and his minions.
09:47What is the meaning of Malak?
09:48Malak is a great man,
09:50and secondly,
09:51they are the ones who are loyal to Pharaoh
09:57among the people of Israel,
09:58who are the so-called Talibarut.
10:01Talibarut to Pharaoh.
10:03He is indeed a member of the people of Israel,
10:05but he is obedient to Pharaoh
10:08to commit oppression
10:10because he got a reward.
10:12He got his salary or allowance.
10:16So, when he got it every month,
10:18he continued to be a Talibarut to Pharaoh
10:21to commit oppression
10:24to the people of Egypt.
10:27So, what was brought by Prophet Musa A.S.,
10:30with miracles from Allah,
10:33but the response from Malak and Pharaoh,
10:36Fastakbaru wakanu qawman mujrimin.
10:41That is, they are arrogant
10:43and they are the ones who always commit
10:46a crime against Allah S.W.T.
10:50So, this is a brief explanation.
10:52What is the big lesson in the story
10:54until it is emphasized in Surah Yunus?
10:56We will take a break before we continue with Quran Time.
10:58Quran Salat Imfah.
11:13Quran Salat Imfah
11:43Quran Salat Imfah
12:05Quran Salat Imfah
12:35Quran Salat Imfah
12:55Quran Salat Imfah
13:22Quran Salat Imfah
13:49Fastakbaru wakanu qawman mujrimin.
14:03Sadaqallahul Azeem.
14:11Sadaqallahul Azeem.
14:12We are back in Quran Time.
14:13Quran Salat Imfah.
14:14Quran Salat Imfah.
14:15We are together in the 75th verse
14:17until the 78th verse today
14:20where we interact with the second story
14:23in this Surah Yunus,
14:24which is the story of Prophet Musa A.S.
14:27as a sign of steadfastness
14:30in conveying goodness and da'wah.
14:33As a mother, father, leader,
14:35worker in the office,
14:36we always want to bring goodness and truth
14:40and do not rush.
14:41Do not rush to give up
14:43and feel that if I do good,
14:45it is not appreciated.
14:47Actually, if you want to feel that it is not appreciated,
14:49Prophet Noah should have felt that way.
14:51At that time, there were only 70 people.
14:5370 people in 950 years.
14:56It means that in a year,
14:59if it is 900,
15:00you can get one person in 10 years.
15:0210 years, not 10 days.
15:0410 years.
15:05If it is 70, it is 700 years.
15:07This is actually 50 years.
15:08So, the story is
15:11waiting for people to give a good response
15:15is indeed a sign of steadfastness.
15:17That is why it is called Ulul Azam,
15:19which is a prophet who has a strong resolve.
15:22So, the second prophet who has this Ulul Azam
15:25is Prophet Musa A.S.
15:27And what was stated in the 75th verse just now
15:30is that Prophet Musa A.S. was present with Harun.
15:33If we study,
15:34actually, no matter what,
15:36this human must have a helper.
15:39And who is Prophet Noah's helper?
15:41Who is the question?
15:43Do you know who is Prophet Noah's helper?
15:47Who is it?
15:48I have to answer the commentator.
15:50The answer is who?
15:52At first, it was his family.
15:54He relied on his family.
15:55But his family did not treat him well.
15:59I mean, his wife and son.
16:02But it's okay.
16:03As long as he was there,
16:04he tried to convey,
16:07to lead to the truth.
16:10Let's read the 76th verse together.
16:13How Prophet Musa A.S.'s struggle
16:15was full of steadfastness.
16:17It was stated with the term
16:19Falamma Ja'ahumul Haqqa.
16:21Together with Al-Fatihah Ustaz.
16:23Thank you, Al-Fatihah Ustaz Fazrul.
16:25Ayah Darul Bondar.
16:26Ladies and gentlemen,
16:27Muslims and non-Muslims,
16:28companions of the Quran.
16:29May Allah's mercy be upon them.
16:31The 76th verse.
16:33We want to read.
16:34There is a question.
16:35Yes, there is a question.
16:36Ladies and gentlemen,
16:38please mention the word
16:41Hukummat in two words.
16:43Ja'ahum and Qalu.
16:46Write the answer in the comments.
16:48For example,
16:49Mak Ja'iz.
16:50How many movements?
16:51For example,
16:52Mak Wajib.
16:53How many movements?
16:54It's like giving the answer.
16:55Please share the answer.
16:57Let's try to read the 76th verse
16:58using Taranum Nahawan.
17:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
17:30I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
17:57Surah Al-Quran Azim.
17:58We have read the 76th verse.
18:00Falamajja'ahumul haqqumina'indina.
18:03That is,
18:04the 76th verse.
18:05After coming to them
18:06the truth from our side,
18:08they said,
18:09this is the real magic.
18:11This is quite a brief thing.
18:13And before this,
18:14the 75th verse talks about
18:15Prophet Musa.
18:16It was given a highlight,
18:17compared to other prophets.
18:18Because in the story of Prophet Musa,
18:21it is not only about faith.
18:24But it also talks about
18:26morals and worship
18:28or Shariah.
18:30Prophet Musa brought Shariah
18:33to rebuild a country.
18:35That is why Prophet Musa
18:37was given a highlight.
18:38This is a comment from Ibn Ashur
18:40in his interpretation.
18:42So, the previous prophets,
18:43like Prophet Ibrahim,
18:44for example,
18:45he was right.
18:46He refuted the faith
18:47but did not bring a new Shariah.
18:49If we talk about
18:50Prophet Yusuf,
18:51for example,
18:52he refuted the financial part
18:55in managing the country of Egypt
18:57when he moved from
19:00or Biladusyam,
19:02to Egypt.
19:04But he did not bring a new Shariah.
19:06But Prophet Musa,
19:08not only his faith,
19:10but he also brought
19:11the way of moral management
19:13and Shariah
19:14that needs to be brought
19:16with commandments.
19:1710 commandments
19:18that Allah gave
19:20to Prophet Musa
19:21to be conveyed to his people.
19:23So, when we talk about
19:25the overall change,
19:27it is indeed a challenging task.
19:29It is indeed challenging.
19:30And Prophet Musa brought
19:31this truth.
19:32One of the truths
19:33that was brought
19:34with the verses of Allah
19:35was Prophet Musa's tongkat.
19:36How did Prophet Musa's tongkat
19:39We may have studied it,
19:40but let us review it again.
19:41Tongkat is a miracle
19:44that Prophet Musa used
19:46to herd the goats.
19:48Then, when Allah said
19:50to follow the training first
19:52to meet with the Prophet,
19:54to meet with Fir'aun.
19:56So, in the beginning,
19:57when he was training with Allah,
19:58he was afraid.
19:59But that was a training.
20:00It was normal.
20:01When we were training,
20:02we were not used to it.
20:03So, there was a feeling of fear.
20:04When he had that experience,
20:06Prophet Musa was sent
20:08with Prophet Harun
20:09to meet with Fir'aun.
20:10Just like the picture
20:11that we saw earlier.
20:12And when he met with Fir'aun
20:13and was brought
20:14by the magicians
20:15at that time,
20:16because he had been trained
20:18with fear in the beginning,
20:20he had that experience.
20:21After that,
20:22when he was sent with Tongkat,
20:24Prophet Musa was still afraid.
20:26But he knew
20:27not to be too afraid
20:28because the important thing
20:30was to focus on the mission
20:33that he wanted to do.
20:35So, what is the lesson
20:36for us in the story
20:37of Prophet Musa?
20:39Fear is normal.
20:41If you are afraid
20:42that you are going to be
20:44to be executed
20:45or something like that,
20:46fear in the beginning
20:47is normal.
20:48But if Prophet Musa
20:49was trained
20:50by whom?
20:51By Allah SWT.
20:52Then, we have to
20:53follow the training, Ustaz.
20:54If we do not follow the training,
20:55Prophet Musa would not be
20:57sure to bring his people
20:59to cross the ocean
21:00because Allah had told him
21:02that he should not be afraid
21:05in other surahs
21:06that we will learn later.
21:07And after following the training,
21:09Prophet Musa left
21:11with confidence.
21:12And maybe it was
21:13Ustaz's experience as well.
21:14Ustaz was very sure
21:15to read the Quran
21:16and do jiharkah
21:17and so on.
21:19How was the process, Ustaz?
21:22As you said,
21:23it was a training.
21:26When we are trained,
21:27I mean,
21:28when we are used to it,
21:30we remember how to do it.
21:31We can just say
21:34ros, for example.
21:36But even so,
21:37there were times
21:38when he felt
21:39anxious as well.
21:40He was afraid.
21:41He was afraid.
21:42If he was strong,
21:43he was not afraid.
21:44Oh, okay.
21:45He was afraid.
21:46He was afraid.
21:47So, that was
21:48part of the process
21:49that happened
21:50to a great man.
21:52The great Prophet
21:53who was lifted up
21:54had his fears,
21:55his anxieties,
21:56and he complained
21:57to Allah.
21:58Allah gave him
22:00He had to follow the training.
22:01So, the lesson for us
22:02is to bring
22:03the truth
22:04from Allah.
22:05People will curse,
22:06people will
22:08and so on.
22:09But we always
22:10want to learn,
22:11follow the training,
22:13and hopefully,
22:14that will
22:17the essence of
22:18the truth
22:19that we want
22:20to bring.
22:21Let's continue
22:22with the word
22:23for this episode.
22:24Let's watch.
22:25The word is
22:30We focus
22:31on the word
22:33which is
22:35Lafata means
22:36to reverse
22:37or reverse.
22:38It is mentioned
22:39three times
22:40in the Quran.
22:41It is mentioned
22:42in Surah Yunus,
22:43Surah Hud,
22:44Surah Al-Baqarah.
22:45The meaning of
22:46the word lafata
22:47has a knowledge
22:48in the Quran
22:49which is
22:51Liltifat is
22:52a change in
22:53a verse.
22:54In the beginning,
22:55the person said
22:57And then,
22:58suddenly in
22:59the same verse
23:00it becomes
23:02We will try
23:03to pay attention to this.
23:04And now,
23:05we will take a short
23:07May the Quran
23:08be with you.
23:09Insha Allah...
24:44But in the hadith, the only hadith that tells about the sign is that the next morning, the bright sun is not too dark.
24:52And the atmosphere of the next morning, when the sun is bright, is not too hot and not too cold.
25:00It is moderate and comfortable.
25:02That's all in the hadith.
25:04That's the only sign that we can know.
25:06What does it mean?
25:07It means we can only know the night is Al-Qadar night after it passed.
25:11Not when it passed.
25:13Like this night.
25:41There is no power except with Allah.
26:11There is no power except with Allah.
26:15Only Allah has all the power.
26:19Hopefully, the dhikr that we always share will be our daily practice.
26:25Not to be tested or in a state of frenzy, etc.
26:31I understand.
26:32If the villagers call it nervous.
26:35What is it in Kelantan?
26:38Yes, Kenaling.
26:40Alhamdulillah, we are back in Qur'an Time.
26:42In the 75th to 78th verse of Surah Al-Imfaqq.
26:46The story of Prophet Musa.
26:48Allah brought it to us as a guidance.
26:52Originally, to the Prophet and his companions.
26:55As well as to us who always pray.
26:59The path of those whom you have blessed.
27:03And who are they?
27:04The Prophets, Siddiqin, Shuhadat, and Salehin.
27:07And hopefully, the path of the Prophets shown here will be our path.
27:11When it is mentioned in the 75th or 76th verse.
27:15When it is brought to the truth.
27:17With a short period of time,
27:19changing into a snake.
27:21Then, various other proofs of Allah's greatness.
27:25They gave a negative response to Prophet Musa.
27:32Qalu inna hadha lasihrum mubin.
27:35They said, this is all magic.
27:39With real magic.
27:42So, their response was the response of the polytheists in Mecca.
27:47They said, this Prophet is a magician, a crazy person, a liar, etc.
27:53People who cannot fight against the truth,
27:56will fight against accusations.
27:59That is the rule, the standard.
28:01Throughout history.
28:02That is why, when we bring goodness,
28:05if people are not satisfied, they will accuse us.
28:07People who truly want to support the truth,
28:12they will say, he is right.
28:14He is right.
28:15If that is the case, we will follow him.
28:18But people who are arrogant,
28:19as stated in verse 75,
28:24One, they are arrogant.
28:25The second, because they like to commit crimes.
28:27They like to commit robbery,
28:30to cause problems at the office,
28:32as a leader.
28:33These are the people who will fight against the truth
28:37that is brought into their lives.
28:39People who are good,
28:40government officials, private workers,
28:42they do good, they don't care.
28:44If someone brings the truth,
28:45they don't care if it is from inside or outside.
28:47They will say, okay, we agree.
28:50So, here is a phenomenon,
28:53if we talk about politics,
28:55politics is not just YB politics,
28:57politics at the office is the same.
29:00That is, the truth will be supported by those who are honest and honest.
29:04There is integrity.
29:05But the criminals,
29:06they always commit crimes,
29:07they don't come to work,
29:09they are late,
29:10they do this and that.
29:11This is the possibility,
29:13the possibility for them to accuse those who do good.
29:17What else was conveyed by Prophet Musa
29:20when he was accused,
29:22or accused,
29:23verse 77,
29:24we will read it together with Fadhil Ustaz Thamiz.
29:26Thank you, Fadhil Ustaz Fazlul,
29:28the nine viewers,
29:29those who believe,
29:30those who are loved by Allah SWT,
29:33those who have children.
29:34We want to read verse 77.
29:36Right now,
29:38we have tried to read Talanum.
29:42this time we want to try Talanum Sohbah.
29:45Prophet Rasulullah Azmi,
29:48But there is no connection.
29:50The name of Talanum is Sohbah.
29:52Can we try Talanum Sohbah?
29:54Go ahead.
29:56Try to say Sohbah.
29:58One more time.
30:00Is it difficult or easy, Sohbah?
30:04He said,
30:05I can't do it five times,
30:07just be patient.
30:08It's okay.
30:09Sohbah is a practice, right?
30:12Verse 77.
30:44Sadaqallahul Azeem
30:50As-Sahirun Sadaqallahul Azeem
30:51Verse 77.
30:52Prophet Musa responds to those who said,
30:56Inna Hadha Lasihrun Mubin
30:58in verse 76.
30:59What did Prophet Musa say?
31:00Atakuluna lilhaqqilam maja'akum
31:03Did you say such a thing
31:06to the truth that came to you?
31:08In this day and age,
31:10if someone brought the truth,
31:11he would say,
31:12Isih, isih.
31:13Magic, magic.
31:14Did you say such a thing
31:15to the goodness or the truth?
31:17Something like that.
31:18What is he trying to say?
31:20Prophet Musa did not remain silent.
31:22That is a lesson for us.
31:24If someone curses us,
31:26we do good,
31:28we should not remain silent.
31:29Or the people around us
31:31would say,
31:32keep quiet,
31:33don't fight.
31:34Why should we fight?
31:35Fight crazy people?
31:37Prophet Musa,
31:38when he was in public,
31:39in public,
31:40as a leader,
31:41when they gave a comment,
31:44it was heard by all the people of Egypt.
31:47And what was the effect?
31:48He gave propaganda to the people
31:50so that they felt,
31:51Yes, he is magic,
31:52he is like this.
31:53And he lowered the goodness
31:56and the truth that was there.
31:58So, Prophet Musa showed us an example
32:00that we have to be firm.
32:02We have to be firm and say,
32:04Actually, this is the truth.
32:06Why do you say this is magic?
32:13That is,
32:14is this magic,
32:15even though the people of magic are not fortunate?
32:18When we talk about this,
32:19Prophet Musa knew the background in Egypt,
32:22that the expert in Egypt,
32:26the technology is called magic.
32:28In the time of Prophet Isa,
32:29it was the technology of medicine.
32:31And in our time,
32:32in the time of Prophet Muhammad,
32:33it was all kinds of medicine,
32:37and so on.
32:38So, Prophet Musa knew that,
32:43when they met the magicians,
32:45the magicians knew that
32:47the small snakes,
32:49when eaten by the big snakes,
32:51from the claws,
32:52it is impossible to happen.
32:54This magic,
32:55it can only be separated.
32:57It can't be that this is eaten,
32:59this is eaten,
33:00this is eaten,
33:01this is eaten,
33:02this is eaten,
33:03this is eaten,
33:04in their knowledge.
33:07So, when they saw the claws,
33:09the small snakes,
33:10and eat everything,
33:11they said,
33:12this is not magic.
33:13Only those who know this,
33:15are magicians.
33:16Because they are the experts.
33:18If a person is not an expert in the Quran,
33:20he doesn't feel,
33:21he doesn't see where the miracle is.
33:23In Arabic,
33:24even if he reads an old newspaper,
33:25he says,
33:26this cannot be,
33:27this is a step.
33:28Because he feels,
33:29an old newspaper and the Quran are the same.
33:31But for an expert in Arabic,
33:33he knows,
33:34oh, apparently,
33:35the verses that are made are,
33:37or what he reads,
33:38are completely different from,
33:40other Arabic books.
33:42So, only people of knowledge,
33:44who know the truth.
33:46So, in this matter,
33:47Prophet Musa said,
33:48As-sihrun ha'adha.
33:50Did you say this is magic?
33:53Wa la yuflihul sahirun.
33:55The magicians,
33:56those who are involved in magic,
33:58will not succeed at all.
34:01So, when he said such a thing,
34:03Prophet Musa said,
34:05this is not magic,
34:07this is the truth,
34:09that needs to be given attention.
34:12And this is also a lesson for us,
34:14that if we have the truth,
34:16continue to hold and defend the truth.
34:19don't let it be like that,
34:20just like that.
34:21Bringing to,
34:22Suleykho Tajam Ustaz,
34:23this time, please.
34:24Thank you, Father Yusuf Fazlul.
34:27Ibrahim, thank you Allah SWT as well.
34:29One letter that we want to see today,
34:31which is related to,
34:35which is related to the tip of the tongue,
34:37the tip of the tongue,
34:38which is the beginning of the 74th verse.
34:43The beginning of the 74th verse,
34:45which is,
34:48But if in,
34:50the 74th,
34:51there is also the 75th,
34:52which we are learning today,
34:53the beginning of the 75th verse.
34:56So, the tip of our tongue,
34:58the tip of our tongue,
34:59comes out a little bit,
35:00like that, right?
35:04try the tip of the tongue.
35:05Is there a tongue?
35:06There is a tongue,
35:07but I don't want to say it.
35:09He brought it,
35:10but he said he didn't bring it.
35:21So, the tip of the tongue comes out a little bit.
35:22There are three letters,
35:25and also,
35:27So, the tip of the tongue comes out a little bit.
35:28That's it for our brief introduction.
35:31This episode,
35:32the letters,
35:34the tip of the tongue comes out a little bit.
35:35So, don't go anywhere,
35:36you can practice during your rest time,
35:41and we will be back after this in My Quran Time,
35:42Quran Salat,
35:57Quran Salat,
36:27Quran Salat,
36:30Quran Salat,
36:58This is what we have to plant in our family.
37:02Do you remember the hadith that Rasulullah said,
37:04Rahimallahu Rajulan.
37:05Rasulullah said,
37:06Allah Ta'ala blessed a man,
37:08Yaqubul Lail.
37:09He stayed up all night,
37:10then he woke up his wife.
37:13If his wife was having a hard time waking up,
37:15in the hadith,
37:16he said,
37:19he sprinkled a little bit of water on his wife,
37:21so that she would wake up at night.
37:22Like that.
37:23If it was my father,
37:24he would pour water on her.
37:25Like that.
37:27he would pour water on her.
37:28He would pour water on her.
37:29He would pour water on her.
37:30If it was Yaqubul Lail,
37:31he would sprinkle a little bit of water on her,
37:33so that she would wake up at night.
37:36Why did Rasulullah pray for Allah's mercy?
37:39Rasulullah said,
37:40Rahimallahu Rajulan.
37:41Allah Ta'ala blessed a man,
37:43Yaqubul Lail.
37:44He stayed up all night,
37:45then he woke up his wife,
37:46then he woke up his child.
37:47That is why we have to pay attention to
37:48how Sayyidina Umar,
37:49Sayyidina Abu Hurairah,
37:50the people who sleep in their house,
37:52can pay attention to
37:53that they are the companions who stay up all night,
37:56then he wakes up his family.
38:04Welcome back to Qur'an Time,
38:05Qur'an Soalan Info.
38:06Together, we are going to dive into
38:07verses 75 to 78.
38:11Today, there are a lot of verses.
38:12There are four verses
38:13in our four blocks.
38:15However, we will try to take
38:16one or two points of guidance
38:17from the previous verse.
38:19Verse 77,
38:20when Prophet Musa said,
38:21أَسِهْرُونَ هَذَا وَلَا يُفْلِحُسْ
38:25That is,
38:26did you say that this is magic
38:27and did not succeed
38:29the people who are involved
38:31as magicians?
38:32Prophet Musa said
38:33such a thing
38:34because the one who cursed him
38:35was a magician.
38:36So, how did the magicians
38:38curse the magic
38:39that was done
38:40by Prophet Musa?
38:42Isn't it strange?
38:43And what else
38:44when we talk about
38:45the government in Egypt
38:46who raised magicians
38:49as their role models?
38:50So, when Prophet Musa said
38:51أَسِهْرُونَ هَذَا
38:52Did you curse this as magic
38:54when you are a magician?
38:56What is this?
38:57Isn't it that
38:58a person who reads the Quran
38:59curses other people
39:01why are you reading the Quran?
39:02He did not say that.
39:03A doctor
39:04did not say
39:05this is a doctor
39:06because there are too many doctors.
39:09Because the person
39:10who practices magic
39:11believes that magic is important
39:13but he uses it
39:14to curse
39:15to show what?
39:16To show that
39:17they actually know
39:18that this magic
39:19is nothing.
39:20And more than that,
39:22they want to say
39:24that Prophet Musa
39:27gave a very great effect
39:30but not based on
39:32their existing knowledge.
39:34Their magic knowledge
39:35is not able
39:36to become a bait
39:38to become a snake
39:39that can eat
39:40all the small snakes
39:42that were there
39:43at the time
39:44of the massacre
39:45in public
39:46at that time.
39:49because Prophet Musa
39:50has said this,
39:51let's go back
39:52to verse 78
39:53and read it
39:54with Al-Fatihah.
41:18The Quran.
41:28Surahtullahul A'zim,
41:30verse 78 where
41:31they replied
41:32to Prophet Musa
41:33who said
41:34in response
41:35to their response
41:36this is a magic
41:38and it is not the truth,
41:39then Prophet Musa said
41:40this is considered magic
41:42magic will not succeed
41:43not withstand
41:44the attack
41:45by the big snake
41:46Jadi, mereka membalas lagi. Bila orang dah kalah, Ustaz ini membalas lagi.
41:49Pasal dia nak cuba menegakkan benang yang basah.
41:52Dia kata, kamu ni datang, kamu ni datang ni, mesti pasal nak memalinkan kami daripada yang pertama apa?
41:59Wajadna alaihi aba'ana, yaitu daripada apa yang dibuat oleh nenek moyang kami, tradisi kami.
42:06Kamu ni sahaja je datang nak kacau, nak memesungkan kami daripada tradisi nenek moyang kami yang pertama.
42:14Dan yang kedua, dia tuduh apa? Yang pertama, itu tuduhan pertama. Yang kedua,
42:17وَتَكُونَ لَكُمَ الْكِبْرِيَاءُ فِي الْأَوْبِ
42:20Yaitu, kamu ni sebenarnya nak kekuasaan di bumi Mesir ini. Gila kuasa.
42:25Bercakap tentang gila kuasa ini, sebenarnya siapa yang gila kuasa sebenarnya?
42:29Fir'aun lah.
42:31Fir'aun tu, dia marahlah kepada Nabi Musa. Bila dia dapat mimpi tersebut, dia suruh untuk sembelih kepada anak-anak bibi lelaki.
42:39Dia marahlah kan?
42:40Anar-Rabu'u Kemal'ak.
42:42Jadi, dia yang marah. Tapi bila dia marah tu, dia buatlah dia punya strateginya, kumpulkan dia punya kuncu-kuncunya,
42:49dia punya tukang kipas ni semua tu. Ali Sihilah, dia punya memanda menteri, semualah.
42:54Itu standard dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia.
42:57Orang paling atas ni, Mesir dia akan panggil. Dia punya kuncu-kuncunya, dia bayarlah.
43:01Bayar pada semua. Gaji, lawan Mesir bagus. Kereta Mesir menjala.
43:05Barulah orang ini akan tiup, ataupun bukan tiup, kipas.
43:09Jadi, kamu yang gila kuasa.
43:12Jadi, bila dia tuduh kepada Nabi Musa dan Harun gila kuasa,
43:16وَمَنْ نَحْنُ لَكُمْ مَا بِمُؤْمِنِينَ
43:17Kami tidak akan beriman pada kamu, nak percaya benar-benar hadernya.
43:20Kamu ni sahaja yang nak palingkan kami, nak dapatkan kuasa dan nak memesongkan kami daripada tradisi kehidupan kami yang sedia, ada.
43:30Jadi, kat sini kita tahu bahwa sebenarnya bila orang ni dah tak nakkan kebenaran, dia akan tuduh orang. Satu.
43:37Dan tuduhan itu, dia akan cuba bermain dengan tradisi.
43:41Bila cakap tentang tradisi, nanti orang cakap, ini apa ni? Tak ikut kepada tradisi peringkat negara, ataupun negeri, ataupun kaum, contohnya.
43:50Jadi, orang akan kutuk kepada pembawa kebenaran tersebut.
43:54Dan yang keduanya, dia kata, pasal kamu ni mesti nak kuasa lah ni.
43:57Nak jadi kepada mufti ke, nak jadi kepada menteri ke, nak jadi ini pasal kamu, nak gila kuasa.
44:02Dia akan cara serangan itu, mesti dua sudut yang disampaikan di sini, yang menyebabkan mereka tidak akan percaya kepada kebenaran yang nak disampaikan.
44:15Jadi, pelajaran untuk kita ialah jangan sampai kebenaran itu, kita tidak percaya, tidak ambil kerana ada interest, ada kepentingan diri,
44:24ataupun kerana kita nak berpegang kepada tradisi lama yang mungkin ianya tidak benar.
44:30Dan inilah perjuangan kalau kita melihat pada kisah Nabi Musa, cara melihat ada dua sudut sebenarnya.
44:35Satu, kalau kisah susok Nabi Musa itu sebagai orang yang bawa dakwah, yang bawa kebenaran.
44:42Dan dalam masalah yang sama, pengikutnya, fir'aun dan sebagainya sebagai rakyatnya.
44:46Jadi, kita kalau ada orang bawa kebenaran, kita jangan sampai mudah untuk ikut kepada gaya Bani Israel ataupun fir'aun yang memberi respon sebegini.
44:58Pasal apa? Pasal memang mereka mempunyai strategi untuk mendustirkan dan mengenepikan kepada keimanan yang sebenar.
45:07Membawa kepada resolusi bagi episode kali ini, kita saksikan.
45:11Yaitu, yang pertama, jangan menyumbongkan diri terhadap Al-Quran,
45:15kerana apabila ada istighbar yang dinyatakan pada ayat 75, itu sebenarnya akan menyebabkan kita akan melakukan dosa demi dosa dalam kehidupan.
45:26Yang pertama.
45:27Yang kedua, jauhkan daripada sikap melabel sebelum benar-benar mendengar penjelasan.
45:31Melabel ini perkara besar, Ustaznya. Ini kumpulan ini.
45:36Dulu warna-warna. Sekarang ini dalam warna ada pula label.
45:39Jadi, itu penyakit yang berlaku dalam negara, di dunia.
45:43Jangan, tonton-tonton yang di studio, di rumah, janganlah.
45:46Kalau nak label letak dekat mana, Ustaz?
45:48Letak dekat gelas ke, dekat botol ke, label.
45:50Jangan letak, ini orang ini label hijau, ini label orin, ini label A, ini label W.
45:56Jangan. Pasal apa? Pasal label itu kalau tak betul, ia akan memakan diri kita.
46:03Yang ketiga, bersabar dengan kebenaran walaupun berdepan dengan kritikan manusia.
46:08Ya, seperti Nabi Musa. Terus, terus, terus.
46:11Kerana itulah Nabi Musa digelar sebagai ulul azam.
46:14Dan moga-moga kita dapat berjiran bertemu dengan Nabi Kalimullah AS.
46:20Kita berdoa, Ustaz.
46:21Masih, Ustaz.
46:25الحمد لله رب العالمين والعاقبة للمتقين
46:30ولا عدوانا إلا على الظالمين
46:32والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين
46:37وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
46:40اللهم يا الله ويا رحمان ويا رحيم
46:43دي سعادة بنو بركة إني كمي ممهن مرايو كپدمو يا الله
46:47أغر دي ترمى توبت كمي يا الله
46:50أغر دي أنبني سجال دوسر كمي
46:53دوسر إبو آيه كمي
46:54إبو آيه مرتوى كمي
46:55مسلمين مسلمين ومؤمنين ومؤمنات برحمتك
46:58يا أرحم الرحيمين
47:00يا الله يا تهان كمي
47:01جاديكان كمي يا الله
47:03همبا همبامو
47:04ين منرمى
47:05أبا جوكا كبنران دريپدامو يا الله
47:08جان جاديكان كمي
47:09همبا همبامو
47:10يا الله
47:11ين سننتسه
47:12بردولا داليه
47:13دنن أبا جوكا
47:14تنتوان كبنران سرهنمو
47:16يا أرحم الرحيمين
47:18وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد النبي الأمي
47:21وعلى آله وصحبه وبركه وسلم
47:23والحمد لله رب العالمين
47:25تقبل الله منك
47:26وعليكم تقبل يا كريم
47:28ممكن ممكن الله منقبل دعاء كتر
47:30تنوان تنوان سكليان
47:31دن سامساما
47:31ساية منجموب تنوان
47:32انتو بسامة دلان تابون كراهن القرآن
47:34تنوان تنوان بوليه منجموب
47:36دلان نمبر يان تتره
47:37اتاپن مهمونين نمبر دي تاليان
47:39انتو كتر سامساما
47:42individu yang sentiasa membaca
47:44dan mendalami isi kandung al-Qur'an
47:47dan mengadakan program-program di lapangan
47:49di masjid dan di karyah masing-masing
47:51dan harapnya dengan mengajinya kita
47:54bersama al-Qur'an ini
47:55Allah ganjarkan keimanan, hidayah
47:58menyusuri kepada perjuangan ulul azam
48:01Nabi Musa alaihi salam
48:04insyaAllah kita bertemu lagi
48:04dalam episode akan datang
48:06untuk sama-sama kita meneruskan
48:08kisah Nabi Musa
48:09belum selesai lagi disaatnya
48:11belum selesai lagi, ada lagi
48:12dan setiap ayat yang ada itu
48:14adalah garis hidayah
48:15untuk sama-sama kita memohon
48:18panduan daripada Allah
48:19kita bertemu lagi, my Qur'an time
48:20Qur'an Salat infaak, insyaAllah
48:41Qur'an Salat infaak, insyaAllah
49:11Qur'an Salat infaak, insyaAllah
