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Alf Shahr
فيلم «ألف شهر» (2003) لـ فوزي بنسعيدي

يحكي الفيلم قصة أمينة التي تلجأ برفقة ابنها المهدي إلى منزل والد زوجها الجد أحمد بإحدى قرى جبال الأطلس، وذلك بعد أن اعتقل زوجها عبدالكريم لأسباب سياسية.

1981 - Morocco – The month of Ramadan. With her seven-year-old son, Mehdi, Amina moves in with her father-in-law, Ahmed. Mehdi’s father is in prison but the boy believes that he has gone to work in France: his mother and grandfather maintain this illusion for his sake. At school, Mehdi has the privileged task of looking after the teacher’s chair. His relationship with the village, his friends and the world revolves around this object.