मुंबई: देश के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री डॉ मनमोहन सिंह के निधन पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए शिवसेना यूबीटी के सांसद संजय राउत ने कहा कि डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह का निधन देश के लिए बड़ी क्षति है। हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था 10 वर्षों तक स्थिर रही, भले ही कितनी ही चुनौतियां आईं। वर्तमान सरकार ने अर्थव्यवस्था को बर्बाद करने की कोशिश की, फिर भी जो स्थिरता दिख रही है, उसका श्रेय डॉ मनमोहन सिंह को जाता है। उन्होंने बतौर विपक्षी नेता नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार को कई आर्थिक चेतावनियां दी, जो सच साबित हुईं। जब देश के पास केवल 16 दिनों तक का विदेशी मुद्रा भंडार बचा था, नरसिम्हा राव ने उन्हें अर्थव्यवस्था का जिम्मा सौंपा था। उन्होंने देश के लिए कई महत्वपूर्ण योजनाएं लागू की। इसके अलावा दिल्ली चुनाव से पहले आम आदमी पार्टी और कांग्रेस की तकरार और बीजेपी को मिले चुनावी चंदे पर भी संजय राउत ने प्रतिक्रिया जाहिर की।
#Manmohansingh #manmohansinghpassesaway #sanjayraut #shivsenaubt #congress #aamaadmiparty #bjp
#Manmohansingh #manmohansinghpassesaway #sanjayraut #shivsenaubt #congress #aamaadmiparty #bjp
00:00We have worked with him. Dr. Manmohan Singh was such a man who ruled the hearts of the people of the country, not the country.
00:13Narendra Modi and his team tried to defame Dr. Singh.
00:21Mouni Baba said, Papet said, everything said.
00:27But this man was so honest and honest that he never used wrong words for his opponents.
00:40What did Modi ji say?
00:43Put the raincoat on and take a special bath.
00:48Learned from Manmohan Singh, used such words and did a lot.
00:57But Manmohan Singh was a courageous leader.
01:00Manmohan Singh had the courage to give more than 250 press conferences around the world.
01:19He used to answer all questions.
01:22He used to dialogue with people.
01:25If the current Prime Minister has so much courage, then tell me.
01:31Manmohan Singh became the foreign minister of this country at such a time.
01:37When there was only 16 days left to run the country in our country.
01:45In such a condition, Narsimha Rao made Manmohan Singh the foreign minister.
01:51And this doctor, Dr. Arthashastra, took the country out of that mess.
02:01And today, in such a bad condition, in 10 years, the government has done such a bad thing.
02:09Still, we have survived.
02:11And the country is surviving by eating two meals a day.
02:19Dr. Manmohan Singh has contributed to this.
02:27If Manmohan Singh had not been there 10 years ago, our country would have been in a mess today.
02:35And this food protection bill.
02:41Modi Ji gives food to so many people for free.
02:46And he takes credit for giving food to the poor.
02:49Dr. Singh is the one who brought the food protection bill.
02:57Manne Regat brought it.
03:00It is Dr. Singh's contribution.
03:01Don't forget.
03:03If it wasn't for Dr. Singh, this country wouldn't have survived in 10 years.
03:07This country wouldn't have survived under Modi Ji's leadership.
03:10This is all Dr. Manmohan Singh's contribution.
03:14Today, we are alive.
03:16Today, we are breathing.
03:18We are eating two meals a day.
03:20Even today, we are getting a good salary for the middle class.
03:23This is all thanks to him.
03:29The government is responsible for the elections.
03:33You are the ruling party of Delhi.
03:37BJP and Congress want to come to power in Delhi.
03:42So who will be the target?
03:45We will target those who want to take power.
03:49But don't forget.
03:51Six months ago, you and Congress fought the elections together.
03:55Maybe we will have to fight the elections together in the upcoming elections.
03:59So we should think before we speak.
04:05That's all I have to say.
04:07Where do we get more money than Rs. 2000 crores?
04:11More than half of the people are corrupt.
04:16More than half of the people are being investigated by the CBI.
04:19More than half of the people benefit from the BJP government.
04:26Then they will get money.
04:28This is corruption.
04:30Modi talks about zero tolerance of corruption.
04:37His treasuries also contain money worth Rs. 100,000 crores.