• last year
Manmohan Singh Passes Away: 92 साल की उम्र में भारत के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री और अर्थशास्त्री डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह ने आखिरी सांस ली. भारतीय राजनीति और इकनॉमिक रिफॉर्म्स में उनका योगदान हमेशा याद किया जाएगा.

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00:00Dr. Manmohan Singh, the former Prime Minister of India, has passed away.
00:08He passed away last night on 26th December.
00:12Manmohan Singh was the leader of the economy.
00:14He had financial problems in his veins.
00:16He was the Finance Minister of the country and later became the Prime Minister twice.
00:20But did you know that he did not use any investment tool to increase his wealth?
00:28Did he invest in the share market to buy and sell future and options?
00:34Why did he do this? Let's find out in this video.
00:37When Manmohan Singh became the Finance Minister in 1991, Sensex was at 999 points.
00:43After his budget reforms, Sensex doubled by the end of the year.
00:48But personally, he did not invest in the share market.
00:52He preferred to invest in banks, FDs and post office schemes.
00:58In 2013, while serving as the Prime Minister, he was told that his total wealth is 11 crores.
01:05Dr. Singh and his wife invested in 8 FDs, which ranged from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 95 lakh.
01:13In 2013, his FD and bank savings amounted to Rs. 4 crores, whereas the post office savings amounted to Rs. 4 lakh.
01:20In 2019, his house in Delhi and Chandigarh amounted to Rs. 7 crores,
01:25whereas between 2013 and 2019, Manmohan Singh's wealth amounted to Rs. 15 crores.
01:33In 2019, Manmohan Singh and his wife, Gurusharan Kaur, had a wealth of Rs. 15 crores.
01:42In Delhi, Vasant Kunj and Chandigarh, his two properties in Sector 11B amounted to Rs. 7 crores.
01:49Gurusharan Kaur had Rs. 150 grams of gold, which is estimated to be more than Rs. 3 lakh.
01:55He had more than Rs. 7 crores in his bank FD and savings account.
02:00He had an investment of Rs. 12 lakh in the National Budget Scheme of the Post Office.
02:05The biggest contribution in this was his National Budget Scheme.
02:09In 1991, after the economic reforms, India's economy got a new identity,
02:15and all credit goes to Dr. Manmohan Singh for making this identity.
02:20If we talk about the share market, Manmohan Singh played a big role in making the share market.
02:27He played a big role in the economy of this country, but he never invested in the share market.
02:34Perhaps these are the few things that make Dr. Manmohan Singh unique.
02:39What have you learned from Dr. Manmohan Singh?
02:42And what is your opinion on this news?
02:44Give us your opinion in the comment box.
02:45And keep watching Good Returns for such updates.
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