• 15 年前
White Letter

雲の切れ間からヒラヒラ 不思議な手紙が届いた
小さい綺麗な封筒 真っ赤な宛名と押し花

中には空白の手紙 [ ](スペース)改行それだけ
言葉は何も書いてない それでも内容がわかる

「ここ」に来いと書いてあった 気づけば「ここ」まで来ていた
見えない人が待っていた 見えないけれど人だった

その声は聞こえなかった 聞こえないけれど通じた
「それ」を探してと言われた だから「それ」を探し始めた

迷いも無く 理由も無く 探し続けるの
明日 見つかるかも 「それ」のありか 期待して

いろんな所を探した ビルの谷間には無かった
砂場を掘っても無かった 壁の向こうにも無かった




White Letter

The mysterious letter falls down through a rift in the clouds.

It's a neat envelope with a red postmark and pressed flower, stamped and pasted on.

There is a blank paper inside, just empty space on lines.

No words are written on it. But I can understand it.

It says "Come here." Then, I've found myself being here.

The man has been waiting for me. He is invisible. However, he is a human.

His voice isn't audible. But I can understand it.

He asks me to find "it" out. So, I have set about searching.

With no hesitation and no reason, I just keep on searching for it.

Hoping that I may find out where it is tomorrow.

I have looked around places like between the buidings,

in the sand boxes and behind the walls, but it wasn't there.

I am still searching for "it" now.

I am still searching for "it" today.

It falls down through a rift in the clouds.

【Miku Miku Dance】White Letter アニメPV
