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Don't miss the epic finale. Episode 8 of #WhatIf S3 streams tonight at midnight PT on @DisneyPlus.
Don't miss the epic finale. Episode 8 of #WhatIf S3 streams tonight at midnight PT on @DisneyPlus.
00:01You exposed our secrets to mortal beings.
00:05I shared them with heroes.
00:07Is that what you will call Stephen Strange?
00:10The sorcerer who destroyed his entire universe and then used the knowledge you gave him to birth an entirely new one all his own.
00:18He sacrificed his own soul to resurrect the home he destroyed.
00:23It is unnatural.
00:24It is a miracle that continues to birth new branches of reality for us to watch over.
00:30Surely you can see. For a garden to thrive, it must be cultivated.
00:35So its trees grow higher, its flowers bloom brighter, and pests that threaten to destroy it all are weeded out.
00:43It is a convenient argument, but one that does not explain your intervention to save Riri Williams.
00:49That was one time out of trillions.
00:51Or Kwai June Phan, Reed Richards, Nick Fury, some girl named Madison with two N's and one Y.