كل ما تريد معرفته عن...صحة الكلى والسلس البولي
اكتشف المعلومات الأساسية حول صحة الكلى وأسباب السلس البولي، وكيفية الوقاية والعلاج من هذه المشكلات الصحية.
المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
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#ElConsolto #صحة_الكلى
اكتشف المعلومات الأساسية حول صحة الكلى وأسباب السلس البولي، وكيفية الوقاية والعلاج من هذه المشكلات الصحية.
المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
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#ElConsolto #صحة_الكلى
00:00What are the reasons for the ball chain?
00:04There are many reasons for the ball chain.
00:07There are many common things that happen,
00:09or things that have a high rate of change.
00:11This happens with injuries,
00:12and this happens repeatedly with women.
00:14So women are not able to control the ball,
00:17and they need a high rate of change.
00:20But the most important type of ball chain in women
00:23is the ball chain of effort.
00:24And this happens because they don't control the ball.
00:27As a result, anything can cause abdominal pressure.
00:30For example, with an injury.
00:32And this is a very high rate in women.
00:34About 70% of women in their 40s
00:38suffer from this problem.
00:40Of course, the ball chain of effort
00:42is caused by repeated births,
00:44especially if there is an infected birth.
00:46But even without infected births,
00:49or even without natural births,
00:51the pregnancy itself weakens the muscles of the pelvis
00:54and ultimately leads to the ball chain of effort.
00:56This is why it is so high in women in their 40s.
01:04This is related to the use of pampers
01:07and the lack of personal hygiene for children.
01:11Of course, there are some creative reasons for this,
01:13but this is not our topic right now.
01:16There may be a link between the ball chain
01:19and the ball chain of effort
01:21that leads to some infections.
01:23But this usually happens
01:25due to the lack of hygiene for the child.
01:30By the way, this is dangerous.
01:32Infections of the primary arteries in children
01:34are very dangerous
01:36because they lead to the ball chain of effort
01:38and then to the pelvis.
01:40This is a very big problem
01:42for the health of the pelvis itself.
01:44First of all, if the child is still a newborn
01:46or is unable to express his pain,
01:48the mother will feel that there is a problem with him.
01:50That the child himself has a problem.
01:52The child will cry a lot,
01:54especially when he urinates.
01:56His stomach is not comfortable.
01:58So when you go to any doctor,
02:00even a normal child's doctor,
02:02with a normal examination,
02:04he will feel that there is a problem
02:06in his pelvis or that there are ball infections.
02:08And we start to analyze the ball
02:10and we get the result.
02:12But of course, we do not give the children
02:14a treatment for ball infections
02:16unless it is based on a plant
02:18and is sensitive to the ball.
02:20If we talk about the problems of the pelvis,
02:22the question here is
02:24if there is a slight ball infection.
02:26Of course, the pelvis
02:28initially gives symptoms
02:30of fatigue,
02:34There may be a lump in the body
02:36as a result of high blood pressure.
02:38Concentration is not the best thing.
02:40However, there are no other symptoms,
02:42but these symptoms are similar to many other things.
02:44Anemia can also be equivalent to that.
02:46That is why we say that the analysis
02:48is a routine analysis.
02:50It is supposed to be done every six months.
02:52It is a routine analysis.
02:54It is supposed to be done from time to time
02:56to ensure the health of the pelvis itself.
02:58Of course, there are some diseases
03:00that result from genetic factors.
03:02Here, we always tell the children
03:04to have a regular follow-up
03:06with radiation,
03:08not only with the analysis,
03:10but with the radiation and the analysis
03:12to monitor their pelvic position,
03:14especially people who have
03:16very high blood pressure.
03:18Depending on the reason,
03:20it can be improved.
03:22For example, a person who is dry,
03:24does not drink, does not eat well,
03:26and has a high blood pressure.
03:28If we treat the reason,
03:30things will improve.
03:32A defect in the heart
03:34also leads to a defect in the pelvis.
03:36If we fix the heart,
03:38the pelvis will return to normal.
03:40It may be a defect as a result of
03:44or a defect in the pelvis itself.
03:46It can be a defect.
03:48Removing the defect
03:50improves the function of the pelvis.
03:52In some cases, the function of the pelvis
03:54is improved.
03:56Of course, there is a defect in the pelvis
03:58and a defect in the pelvis.
04:00If we talk about a defect in the pelvis,
04:02it depends on the surgeon.
04:04It takes about half an hour
04:06to an hour and a quarter for me.
04:10This question is very important.
04:12We should drink a lot of liquids,
04:14especially water,
04:16to avoid a defect in the pelvis.
04:18Of course, we should reduce salt.
04:20When we talk about the ratio of tea
04:22to water, it should not be too much.
04:24When we talk about the ratio of coffee
04:26to water, it should not be too much.
04:28We should reduce salt.
04:30But it is very important
04:32to drink a lot of water.
04:34How much water should we drink?
04:36A liter or a liter?
04:38No, we should drink water
04:40according to the function of the pelvis.
04:42This happens with a liter or a liter.
04:44It does not matter to us at all.
04:46It depends on the nature of the body
04:48and the nature of the person himself.
04:50In my case,
04:52I sit in my office,
04:54the air conditioner is on,
04:56the world is good,
04:58I do not sweat,
05:00and there is no effort.
05:02A liter of water is enough for me
05:04during the day.
05:06But an oil engineer
05:08may not be able to drink
05:10a liter of water
05:12during the day.
05:14That is why we do not recommend
05:16drinking two liters of water
05:18during the day.
05:20We should drink water
05:22according to the function
05:24of the pelvis.
05:26No, this does not appear
05:28except in certain tests.
05:30This does not appear
05:32except in certain tests.
05:34This does not appear
05:36except in certain tests.
05:38This does not appear
05:40except in certain tests.
05:42A person can live with half a kidney.
05:44If he has a healthy kidney
05:46and it works well,
05:48he will not feel anything
05:50about the other kidney.
05:52The subject of the parietal cells
05:54can be done from anything,
05:56including the kidneys.
05:58But this subject is still under research.
06:00No replacement kidney has been done
06:02from the parietal cells.
06:04This subject is still under research.
06:06We may hear about it soon.
06:08We may hear about it soon.
06:12Both affect each other.
06:14A kidney patient
06:16has high blood pressure.
06:18High blood pressure
06:20affects the function of the kidney.
06:22Unfortunately, both affect
06:24the function of the kidney.
06:26Drinking a lot of water
06:28affects the function of the kidney.
06:30Drinking a lot of water
06:32affects the function of the kidney.
06:34We are not aware about this.
06:36We are need to know
06:38the function of the kidney.
06:40We can not describe.
06:42We have to know
06:44the functions of the subject,
06:46how to use it,
06:50Drinking plenty of water
06:52also affects the function
06:54of the kidney.
06:56Drinking plenty of water
06:58also affects the function
07:00So here we tell him to drink a lot of water.
07:03For example, some people suffer from Mediterranean anemia.
07:07The most important thing for them is to drink a lot of water.
07:10It's when they get their attacks, so that the patient can take care of himself,
07:14they drink a lot of water. That's it. There's nothing else.
07:21Prostate cancer is a physiological process.
07:23It's not a disease.
07:25We always say that our hair is white like our prostate is growing.
07:29It's a physiological process. It grows with age.
07:32That's why we call it the old man's inflammation in the prostate.
07:35But it's not a condition that gives all people symptoms.
07:38Some people have symptoms.
07:40It's when you have a small tumor and you have very strong symptoms.
07:43It can be very big and you don't have any symptoms.
07:46I remember once I worked on a patient who had a 3-4 kg prostate.
07:50It was a very big thing.
07:52We took out 6 very large pieces.
07:54The patient didn't complain until recently.
07:58Of course, the size didn't increase.
08:00He didn't complain.
08:02Or he didn't feel it.
08:04Because it's a physiological process.
08:07It's a physiological process.
08:09Of course, there's the prostate inflammation.
08:11It's when you have a bad tumor.
08:13In Egypt, we don't have that often.
08:15Of course, it's more common in the U.S. and the Scandinavian countries.
08:19But in Egypt, we don't have a lot of prostate cancer.
08:22The most common thing we have here is the normal old man's inflammation.
08:26Thank God, we don't have a lot of drugs or prostate inflammation.
08:29The risk of having a tumor is that it responds to the other two kidneys.
08:33Of course, this is a big problem.
08:35Anything that has a response to the kidney is dangerous to the kidney itself.
08:39That's why we don't want to leave it alone.
08:41If a patient has a tumor, we have to leave it alone as soon as possible.
08:44But if you leave it alone for a while, the tumor will start to respond.
08:47Usually, the tumor moves in one direction.
08:49From the kidney to the urethra, to the bladder, to the canal.
08:52If it gets stuck in the bladder and responds to it,
08:54that's a big problem for the kidneys.
08:56If it gets stuck in the bladder and responds to it,
08:58that's a big problem for the kidneys.
09:00Diabetes is a disease that affects the kidneys.
09:08Unfortunately, diabetes affects the kidneys even if it's fixed.
09:11Of course, if it's fixed, the effect will be less and it will take longer.
09:15But even if it's fixed, the kidneys are affected.
09:19That's why we say that a diabetic patient
09:21should follow his kidney's functions regularly.
09:25Every three months, he should follow his kidneys' functions.
09:28He shouldn't neglect his kidneys and assume that he has fixed his diabetes.
09:32This is a defect in the process of building and destroying the kidneys.
09:36In order for him to know how things are going,
09:39he should always analyze his kidneys' functions.
09:42By the way, when we make decisions for kidney washing,
09:46we make them to analyze the kidneys' functions.
09:49It's different from a diabetic patient and a normal patient.
09:53For example, I have seven kidneys.
09:55We make a decision to wash the kidneys as long as the patient has diabetes.
09:58But if he doesn't have diabetes, we don't make a decision for seven kidneys.
10:01We say that he can fix his kidneys and things will go well with him.
10:04The same thing applies to a heart patient.
10:07Because the heart's efficiency is not good,
10:09it doesn't pump good blood to the kidneys,
10:11so the kidneys don't get enough nutrients.
10:14That's why it affects the heart's weakness.
10:19For more information visit www.osho.com