• 2 months ago
00:00again with the feet what oh my gosh okay we got more yeah yeah i will say let's say this is a
00:05standard uh 5mc practice all right what kind of shoe we make in here with the with the spade spatula
00:12for sure yeah that doesn't look like very sturdy all right so we got a milk carton okay what are
00:18we gonna do with this i think it will be the for the high heel yeah you're awake um all right is
00:24that there is something though no what are you talking about there's nothing there is nothing
00:29i know you were on 5mc but that doesn't excuse no no i mean it's not an excuse i mean it's stupid
00:35of course but uh you're like i get it i get it it makes complete sense there is something you know
00:42when you come in no there's nothing when you come from 5mc do you just like look at random items
00:47you're like this could be a shoe yeah this one could be a genius how you can come up to this
00:53idea you know this is the point you like make a little bit too much meatloaf and you're like
00:56that could actually be a handbag it doesn't make any sense guys let us know is 5-minute crafts
01:03secretly genius maybe oh boy it's not an excuses for the name or something yeah you're just pointing
01:13out you're appreciating the creativity right yeah exactly okay thank you what is what is happening
01:18with the creativity now please please do tell because i'm very confused i mean i'm not gonna
01:24find every excuse for every moments yeah there is really something weird what is happening to
01:33the house in the beginning i thought they will like get the shape of the high hills yeah yeah
01:39and make the form and after that they just put some cement or something you know to get the shape for
01:46molding this after all i mean i don't know i don't know it just uh it all looks very bad
01:53uh i'm afraid for her feet after this okay what a waste of food i hope they will eat it they're
02:00gonna they're gonna use it for a banana bread just stick it in the freezer it's gonna be fine
02:04yeah so i have like 50 bananas in my freezer that i'm like yeah i'll use that for a banana bread
02:10i've never made banana bread what is the banana bread means i never i have never heard guys let
02:16him know what's banana bread it's an amazing amazing amazing amazing food yeah yeah really good
02:24i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to finally make it just so that you can
02:27see what it's like okay write some comments if you like it that happened that is like the biggest
02:32jump in history no you didn't get that from that you didn't from the banana i mean i i agree with
02:39you that's i want to see the foot in them show me the feet five minute crafts show me the feet no
02:46did i mean don't whatever put the foot in it
02:50okay oh here we go look at that look at that no it doesn't fit her you know what that that means
02:56you're not gonna live happily ever after with cinderella that's that's of course it didn't work
03:01oh boy use the banana that's not a foot
03:07something is different there yeah there's a difference between your feet and a banana
03:12and that's true yeah don't forget it it's science keep it in mind
03:18science so wow i like how they get a shape i mean it's pretty cool yeah they burned it through
03:26led strip okay these are gonna be fancy shoes fancy chow chows
03:34i want to say kids uh kids shoes yeah like the ones that you bump them together and they light up
03:39some sketchers oh you know it'd be cool if they made the light up heelys you know the ones that
03:45with with the wheels in the back of them oh yeah yeah that'd be awesome we should we should get
03:49them and just test them for reasons yeah it's actually nice ah so they're getting rid of like
03:55the base of a normal shoe and then popping it on their new uh custom bottom destroying normal shoes
04:02ugly shoes but they light up so maybe it's gonna be cool maybe yeah it's actually if something has
04:09a l o l o d l v then it's mean what did i just have a stroke or did you have a stroke um i don't
04:17know what you're talking about okay if something has led lod yes means it's already cool i mean
04:24oh yeah yeah automatically my roommate thinks that leds are the best thing ever so he puts
04:28them like around the kitchen behind the tv uh like uh in the bathroom you don't need leds in
04:32your bathroom but he just like yeah he's i guess he wants to feel magical while he's pooping
04:38uh yeah what's up matt if you're watching this what's up what's up all right uh okay
04:49okay we don't need it we don't need those yeah let's just waste those strings yeah okay
04:53you just can and now it's a coloring project let's see how good this is i'm gonna judge if
04:58it's in the lines or not i already don't like it look at that they they did it messy they left a bit
05:05no no my my um inner you know five-year-old coloring book phase that i had is screaming
05:14right now you didn't go in the lines dude yeah well i don't know i don't know i don't know if
05:21i can ever forgive them look at this it's so bad when they turn it it became better yeah yeah i
05:30don't know why i think they definitely did something in uh between maybe ah what the
05:36freak is that it's um i don't know it looks liquid it looks yeah like it's going to pop
05:44and ruin your shoes so oh and you have to have a battery in them of course for your led yeah but
05:51that's a huge battery i feel like maybe a smaller battery no but your foot's gonna be so uncomfortable
05:58uh yes of course for your yeah it would be uncomfortable i think they have smaller
06:04batteries for things like that no with the smallest battery it will not work huh yeah
06:10but the thing is better shoes they connected and they not isolated this connection which which
06:16bothers me yes if it bothers you write this in the comment ew gross what is happening what what
06:24did you do with those shoes i hope to clean and restore them yep just like wrestled a bunch of
06:31dogs in a dirt yard like michael calso from that 70s show okay we scrape this off okay i hope they
06:39will just restore it and not they look all right like at that point it looks not that bad so yeah
06:45yeah just wear them anymore like wear them now no we're gonna we're gonna five minute craft these
06:51things these bad boys yeah we're gonna make them not cool anymore they already did it oh
06:59poor you they look so wrong that way yeah okay let's let's give them a chance maybe they will
07:05make something incredibly cool i don't know i have doubts sure
07:13i've i've watched a thousand five-minute crafts videos i don't know i haven't found no sometimes
07:19it was a fine sometimes yeah okay fine fine okay be obvious sometimes sometimes five-minute crafts
07:26has good five-minute ideas sometimes sometimes occasionally on occasion guys let us know what
07:32is your favorite five-minute craft that you've ever seen if you've seen anything so share us
07:40ah is this a toilet seat what is happening
07:44i don't know it looks like a toilet seat the shape the leather thing
07:48i thought we moved on sorry yeah we're still on shoes yeah i think it's uh yeah ah leather toe
07:57it reminds me of those kids in school that had the steel toed shoes
08:01who were like a little bit too aggressive you know okay um that you were like kind of afraid of
08:06you have those kids i don't remember if i don't remember that i wasn't that kid right maybe you
08:13were that kid yeah did you have steel toed boots and you used to threaten kicking other kids
08:18no no were you my bully no
08:25oh okay maybe it will not be bad i don't know i don't i don't know no no you're wrong this one
08:35no no chance okay the the color is they aren't doing it for me the black maybe could better
08:43could be it could be yeah yeah though if the brown were darker brown maybe yeah
08:51but they're not the color difference is too much i don't know what's the point maybe they will
08:57repaint it after you know too much better too much between each other what okay interesting
09:05uh it seems very very very wrong right yeah um so wait a second
09:12how it will rubber sole sheet i'm so confused guys what is happening
09:19varnish wow i'm i'm i'm curious i'm coming
09:27i'm also curious as well okay so now he's oh he's getting closer and closer to the side
09:34these look like ugly shoes these look like bowling shoes for for like people who don't bowl
09:42okay we have a coin to destroy money destroying money yeah as you do yeah it's very important
09:52all right star money money okay i think we're just gonna have like a nice little star on the shoe
09:59whoa ugly shoes clown shoes i like them okay that star wasn't necessary you just destroyed
10:09money i guess four out of ten okay oh sir okay no no no don't don't don't try it don't try it
10:20it looks so bad
