Reality show in which quirky British barrister Robert Rinder passes judgment in his small claims courtroom. | dHNfdFRuZi1DMlJlcGs
00:00This is the weirdest case I've ever dealt with and I've dealt with over 2,000 cases.
00:05George Rindle, he must have seen it all.
00:09Seven years of law school.
00:11Hair of gold and lips.
00:13Living in international jurisdictions.
00:15You'd twerk to that, wouldn't you?
00:18Doing my best to be a force for legal good.
00:24He's a diva.
00:25You and I have that in common.
00:27Would you mind giving me a free drink?
00:30I wouldn't mind to sit down, actually.
00:32Oh, it's much better, yeah?
00:37Despite how challenging life can be, there is one critical thing.
00:42Oh, pull yourselves together.
00:44A good sense of...
00:49Michelle, just come here for a second.
00:51Would you mind pinching me for a second?
00:54We are still here. We're still here.
01:01Don't be stupid.
01:03Stay and watch the best Judge Rindle moments.
01:06And I'm talking.
01:08Understood? Don't be a moron.
01:10Subscribe to Judge Rindle YouTube channel.
01:13Right now. That's an order.