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Dive into the gripping "The Harsh Truth" clip from the beloved CBS cop drama Blue Bloods. Created by the dynamic team of Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, this iconic series delves into the lives of the Reagan family, a multigenerational powerhouse in New York City's law enforcement. In this unforgettable scene, Tom Selleck shines as Police Commissioner Frank Reagan, delivering a commanding performance that captures the weight of moral challenges and complex decisions in his role. Relive the drama, intensity, and heartfelt storytelling that made Blue Bloods a genre-defining favorite.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa and Len Cariou

Stream all episodes of Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!


00:16Your Eminence.
00:20We are going out.
00:22Since when?
00:23Since I asked and you owe me a favor.
00:25Now go change your clothes.
00:27I don't owe you a thing.
00:28Change into what?
00:29Regular clothes.
00:30No cross, no collar.
00:32Just two guys out of the town having a good time.
00:35But I already have my evening planned.
00:37You have absolutely nothing on your schedule
00:40till a park dedication in Flatbush tomorrow morning.
00:44What's this all about, Frank?
00:52What's it all about?
00:54It's about two leaders who've lost their flocks.
00:57I haven't lost my flock.
00:58We both have.
01:01But I guess we both loom so large,
01:04nobody's been able to get up the guts to tell us that.
01:08I don't need anybody to tell me that.
01:10Yeah, you do.
01:12And so do I.
01:14Let's go.
01:16Go where?
01:17Out to the precincts, the churches,
01:20the jails, the shelters,
01:21just the way Teddy Roosevelt and Jacob Rees
01:23used to do back in the day.
01:27Kevin, please.
01:31I need your company.
01:38Your detail or mine?
01:41No details, just you and me.
01:43Well, I don't drive anymore,
01:44and quite frankly, I'm not aware of your skills.
01:47Well, we're gonna take the subways,
01:49just like our flocks.
01:50Well, with all due respect to your cops,
01:52I'm not riding the subway at night.
01:55And yes, that is a deal-breaker.
01:57Okay, well, hail cabs.
01:59I have Uber on my phone.
02:01Rees and Roosevelt did not have cell phones,
02:04so neither will we.
02:05Well, what if something happens?
02:08You bring the rosary, I'll bring the gun.
