• 2 days ago
Discussion of one type of many-to-many relationship. We are going to use checkboxes in the UI to allow the user to select multiple related "Conditions" in the Patient's medical history.
0:00 Many to Many Discussion (No Payload)
8:10 Add/Modify the Models
10:35 Changes in DbContext-Cascade Delete?
12:25 Add a new Migration
14:30 Seed data for the m:m
21:15 Don't see the new data yet.
22:30 Modify Index, Details and Delete Views
26:00 Still no data!?! - Missing .Include().ThenInclude()
28:55 Maintain the m:m in Create and Edit Patient
31:00 ViewModel for a Checkbox
33:45 Controller methods for the checkboxes.
38:40 Create Process - Patient Get
45:40 Post for Patient Create
49:20 catch for the Transaction
