• 2 months ago
Are you wondering why the world is in so much chaos? Does it feel like we are on the brink of a civil war? Are you wondering why we can't get along? Are you frustrated with the endless bickering between Republicans and Democrats? Corona virus isn't to blame. The problem isn't our failure to elect the right person. Look in the mirror. We are to blame.

We are the cause of our own problems. Fortunately, we are also the solution. We can bring about a much more free, peaceful, and virtuous world where people live in harmony and celebrate differences. I'm not pushing any religious views on you. People of faith and people of no faith can peacefully coexist just fine. So can all reasonable people; regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, or even economic status. We don't need to have an endless struggle with each other. It needs to end immediately.
00:00Thank you very much.
