00:00Is it resistant? I don't know. It's my idea, I don't know. I'm not a smart guy.
00:08Woah! Right now!
00:09Let's see. So they're melting metal into a brick. Yep.
00:12Pretty innovative stuff. I've never seen that done before.
00:15Interesting. What is this for?
00:165-Minute Crafts always likes to push the bounds of what is possible.
00:20Yes, what you'll never see in your life.
00:23How could you ever come up with something as exciting as this, and innovative?
00:28This is like Elon Musk crap right here.
00:32You can blame them for anything, but you should agree that their imagination is on another level.
00:44Yeah. Another level. Way out in space.
00:48Like a flight away.
00:49Yeah, flew away. So what do they do? They make the first part and then they took it out,
00:52and now they're just doing a brick mold?
00:54I don't know.
00:56I guess they just want to make the brick shape.
01:01Sure, sure.
01:02And after that, put that metal part, because you can melt it on the mold,
01:10because it will not be heat resistant. I don't know.
01:14Yeah, yeah.
01:15It's my idea. I don't know. I'm not a smart guy.
01:19Don't say that. You're okay now. You're fine.
01:24We're all just getting along here. We're not doctors.
01:29Okay. So they're remaking the brick.
01:31Remaking the brick.
01:35Cool. Okay. Why? We're adding...
01:38I feel like this reminds me of one of those miniature houses that they make for mice.
01:42I don't know why.
01:45Okay. Oh, it was a cover, which...
01:47No, it's not.
01:48Oh, it's like some sort of bag.
01:52Very heavy, I guess.
01:54Yeah, with the metal part.
01:56It looks pretty cool if you're a construction worker, but you also like to look fancy.
02:01I guess so.
02:05Okay, cool.
02:07I like how everything is suiting the construction worker vibe a lot, or like the handyman.
02:15Honestly, they spoiled it with this metal thing.
02:19Yeah, I don't like the metal thing at all.
02:21It looked fine.
02:22Just a brick looked fine, yeah.
02:23Yeah. They should have...
02:25Oh, my gosh.
02:27It's a phone case.
02:29That unnecessary thing at all.
02:33Why this metal plate? Oh, boy.
02:36Why is the metal part on the inside?
02:38I know an answer why.
02:40To grab our attention in the beginning because of the melting part.
02:43Very satisfying and very catchy for viewers.
02:46So they put the metal on the brick to grab our attention.
02:49Guys, I don't appreciate this.
02:51And to explain what was this for...
02:53Oh, look at that money in there.
02:57That looks pretty.
02:58Oh, rich boy.
02:59Yeah, very rich boy.
03:00Okay, guys, question of the day.
03:02Is this better with the phone or without the phone?
03:04Let us know in the comments.