• il y a 2 mois
Film Comédie réalisé par Stone Charles.
Avec Bigg Snoop (Jaycen), Tika Sumpter (Cherise), Elias Ferguson (Young Jaycen), Jonigan Booth (Tre), Caleb Dixon (Dwayne), Adan James Carrillo (Tony), Alexander Michael Gordon (Gary), Kylah Davila (Ghost), Mike Epps (Kareem), George Lopez (Coach Feis), Shamori Washington (Bale), Schelle Purcell (Esa).

Synopsis :
Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings (Snoop Dogg) est une ancienne star du football professionnel qui a touché le fond. Lorsqu'il est condamné à des travaux d'intérêt général comme entraîneur des Underdoggs, une équipe de football d'enfants indisciplinés dans sa ville natale, il y voit une opportunité de reconstruire son image publique. Mais il pourrait bien changer sa vie et redécouvrir son amour du sport..

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00:00America loves motherfucking grapes.
00:05I'm Jason, 2J's Jennings.
00:09I was a football legend.
00:11But once you reach the mountain top of greatness, everybody wants to see you fall.
00:16The problem is that you're a selfish prick who's impossible to work with.
00:20Man, fuck you, you Harold and Kumar looking motherfucker. I'm through with this shit.
00:26Carma is a bitch.
00:28You plead guilty to charges of speeding and damage to city property.
00:32I'm recommending community service with the Long Beach Recreation Department.
00:36The fuck? I thought I was getting like some Martha Stewart kind of treatment.
00:46I am your new head coach.
00:48He used a fake penis to cheat on drug tests.
00:52I want one of these, you booger nose motherfuckers.
00:54Watch it, Jason.
01:00I've been trying to get back in touch with you for years.
01:02I know you've been thinking about me and I know you've been trying to get in touch with me.
01:05Is that pretty much right?
01:06You just put a gun in my head.
01:07Relax, Jenny, the safety was on.
01:09Oh, no, it wasn't on.
01:12Imagine that.
01:13Before we can be the best, we gotta master the fundamentals.
01:17Hey, dawg, you ever touch a titty before?
01:19That's your titty. You gotta hold it tight.
01:21Do I have consent to touch a titty?
01:22You got my consent, okay?
01:24I like the titty thing. Keep that.
01:26I like the titty thing.
01:29JJ, how you liking this game?
01:31Coach, I don't know what I'm doing.
01:32Do you remember what you were like when you showed up freshman year?
01:35You were a pain in the ass.
01:37I don't want nobody to look.
01:38Sound just like me.
01:39If you really want to win a game,
01:41stand up.
01:42Let's go!
01:44It looks like a black princess' lair.
01:45New jerseys for y'all.
01:47Does this jersey say titties?
01:50Underdogs on three, underdogs on me.
01:52One, two, three!
01:54What's my name?
02:02Pretty boy!
02:03You're missing pass after pass.
02:05You're missing every single pass.
02:07You're missing every single pass.
02:09You're missing every single pass.
02:11Pass after pass.
02:12You got on all this sweet-ass shit.
02:14Next time you come out here acting like a fake-ass rapper,
02:17we gonna kick your ass off the field.
02:19Stop acting like you got an album coming out!