• il y a 2 mois
Film Comédie réalisé par Sean Anders.
Avec Will Ferrell (Brad Whitaker), Bill Burr (Jerry), Mark Wahlberg (Dusty Mayron), Linda Cardellini (Sara), Thomas Haden (Leo Holt), Scarlett Estevez (Megan), Owen Vaccaro (Dylan), Bobby Cannavale (le docteur Francisco), Hannibal Buress (Griff), Jamie Denbo (Doris), L. Mark (l'hygiéniste dentaire), Matthew Paul Martinez (Pete).

Synopsis :
Brad Whitaker, un homme travaillant dans le domaine de la radio, a toujours voulu avoir des enfants et s'efforce du mieux qu'il peut à tenir son rôle de père doux et responsable. Ou plutôt de beau-père puisque Megan et Dylan, les deux jeunes enfants du foyer, sont issus du mariage précédent de son épouse Sara. Aussi, lorsque Dusty, l'ex-mari de sa femme et père biologique, plutôt laxiste, des bambins, fait irruption dans leur vie et leur foyer, le beau-père canonique voit rouge. En quête d'affection des enfants, Brian se lance dans une confrontation difficile avec le formidable, sympathique, décontracté et musclé Dusty pour tenter de rester le meilleur papa....

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00:00So today is the day I'm finally meeting the father of my step kids.
00:04Am I nervous?
00:05Pepe, you know kids. They know who's been there.
00:14I hope that's not him.
00:15Hey, you dusty?
00:18What? Are you sure?
00:21Where have you been?
00:22My ex-husband's here.
00:23What's he doing inside there?
00:24He's giving the kids all kinds of starbursts.
00:26Damn it!
00:28I'm a hot habanero pepper right now.
00:31Hey, want some more starbursts?
00:34So you are dusty.
00:39Bring it in, big guns.
00:40I already met you. At the airport.
00:42No, I don't recall that, friend.
00:43Did you see dad's motorcycle?
00:45He ride? Yeah.
00:47I don't know if that's a good idea, Brad.
00:49Look, he's a lot of bike, man.
00:50Why don't you go back in and take that shower so you can get a shirt on?
00:54Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!
00:57Did Brad just die?
00:58Well, I think we all need to prepare ourselves for that possibility, pumpkin, okay?
01:02If this guy was my wife's ex, I'd put a bullet in my skull.
01:05So the king raised his mighty sword.
01:07And he rained steel down upon the stepking.
01:09But the stepking blocked it with his shield.
01:11The stepking was very upset because when the real king pulled out his sword, it was long and shiny.
01:16All the maidens in the land preferred the more average-sized stepking's sword because it knew how to listen.
01:24Looks like we got ourselves a good old-fashioned dad-off.
01:26You can eat my dust, dusty.
01:29Christmas already?
01:30It's not. It's the middle of April.
01:32What's this? Playoff tickets against the Los Angeles Lakers?
01:37Not bad.
01:39Brad, you're the coolest!
01:41Dustin Mayron!
01:42Hey, hey, this is my family.
01:43Well, come on down. You guys can sit with your team.
01:45You hear that? You want to meet Kobe?
01:46Can I get five beers?
01:50This one's for Dylan and Megan and Sarah and Dylan and nothing like that.
01:58Dylan and Megan, this is for you.
02:00Okay, who's got next?
02:01I do.
02:02Honey, no. Come down.
02:04That's good of her.
02:13There's a zombie!
02:18Did you just punch me in the face, Brad?
02:19Oh, yes.