• 2 months ago
Nimisha Priya’s mother, Prema Kumari, appeals for urgent help to save her daughter, a Keralite nurse, sentenced to death in Yemen. With only days left after the President's approval, she seeks global support for mercy.

#SaveNimishaPriya #JusticeForNimisha #DeathRowAppeal #HumanRights #Kerala #YemenCrisis #MercyPlea #GlobalSupport #NurseOnDeathRow #UrgentHelp #Oneindia #OneindiaNews



00:00So, as you all know, the president has signed the execution order.
00:08Once the president has signed the execution order, the order comes to the public prosecutor
00:14The paper has already reached the public prosecutor office.
00:17The public prosecutor office will call the family and ask their consent for execution.
00:25And once the family gives the consent, then there will be a date of execution and the
00:30execution will be done.
00:33So this is the process.
00:34Now, if we are able to talk to the family, and if we can convince the family not to give
00:43a consent, once the public prosecutor's office calls the victim's family and they ask their
00:51consent for the execution, and if they give the consent, then a date is fixed and the
00:58execution is carried out.
00:59This is the process.
01:00Now, as I said earlier, there is a window of opportunity if we can convince the family
01:06not to give their consent, or if we can ask for their forgiveness, then there is a window
01:11of opportunity through which we can save Nimisha.
01:14So now we are trying to look through that window and save Nimisha.
01:17That is what we are trying to do right now.
01:20The pre-negotiation process was going on very good.
01:22We met the key members of the family.
01:25We have a mediating Sheikh on our behalf, and our lawyer is involved.
01:30We are a negotiating team.
01:31I, myself, and two other Indian embassy staff, the local staff who are in the Indian embassy
01:41office here in Sana'a, they are part of the negotiating team.
01:45So everything was going good.
01:47Unfortunately, since August, the negotiation did not continue because the second installment
01:54of pre-negotiation money, payment was not done by the committee.
02:00That is why this gap came back.
02:02So what happens, you need to understand.
02:04We have built a trust with the family, but then suddenly we did not continue.
02:12We stopped it, and because we stopped it, now the trust is lost.
02:16Now we have to regain that trust, and we need to achieve that window of opportunity
02:21which we still have.
02:22Now that is what, it is a very uphill task, but then we are going to try and do it.
02:30Negotiation does not mean we are going to tell them, oh, we will give you this money
02:34or no.
02:35The negotiation is not that.
02:37People have to clearly understand.
02:39Negotiation means asking their forgiveness.
02:42This whole negotiation is to ask their forgiveness.
02:45So nobody in the, I mean, you have to understand.
02:48If somebody comes and kills somebody in my family and they will come and tell me how
02:51much money you want.
02:52No, that is not, I mean, people are misunderstanding in India.
02:56That is not negotiation.
02:59Negotiation is to ask the forgiveness from that family.
03:03On the sidelines, when that is happening, if the family and the tribe is willing to
03:08forgive, then the blood money will be negotiated as per the Sharia.
03:13So we will not talk about money at all.
03:15We will not talk about money at all.
03:17We will ask the family to forgiveness.
03:19That is what we will be asking them.
03:21Once they are willing to forgive, then as per the Sharia law, there is a blood money
03:26that has to be given, which will be negotiated on the sidelines between the sheikhs.
03:30Our negotiating sheikh and that family sheikh and all those people, they will decide on
03:34something and they will let us know.
03:36The government of Yemen has not put any restriction.
03:39As a matter of fact, we have met Nimisha twice and we were planning to meet her in
03:45the first week of January, which we will be doing.
03:48So we have complete access and maybe mother can speak more about it.
05:09The government of India is, actually Nimisha is alive because of the government of India.
05:28You have to know that.
05:29There have been two letters that the government of India has given.
05:32one in 2017, the Indian government gave a letter that she should be brought to the due
05:38legal process.
05:40So that is why the legal process started for her.
05:43And number two, now recently, about seven months ago, the government of India had given
05:48a letter to the government of Yemen to postpone the decision of the Supreme Court, which was
05:55execution so that we will have time to negotiate with the family.
05:59So the Yemen government honoured that and gave us more than six months time, they gave
06:07us the time.
06:08So and now, since yesterday, the government is very actively involved.
06:12I had several meetings with the government of India.
06:16The government of India is very actively supporting in whatever way that they could support, they
06:22are supporting it, supporting us.
06:24Our negotiations stopped in 1st of August.
06:27So now we are going to restart it.
06:28There is some positive indications.
06:30We haven't got a complete picture about that.
06:33So by today or tomorrow, we will have a clearer picture.
06:38We are now trying to restart what stopped in August.
06:43So but there are positive indicators.
06:45There are some positive indicators.
06:47Brother, there is only one target now.
06:49There is a window of opportunity.
06:51Now we have to convince the family not to give consent for the execution.
06:56That is the only hope.
06:57There is no other way.
06:59So if we cannot convince the family, then our mission will fail.
07:04So that is the only opportunity that is available and we are trying to catch that opportunity.
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