• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) melanjutkan penguatan dengan naik 0,73 persen atau 51,44 poin ke level 7.131 pada perdagangan sesi pertama Kamis (2/1/2024).

Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 11,16 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,59 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 678.345 kali.


00:00In the next news, we present information related to the joint stock price index at the closing of the first trading session today, January 2, 2025,
00:10where the WIHS-G experienced a strength of 0.73% or a strength of 51.4 points to the position of 7131.3,
00:21reaching its lowest level at 7,088.3 and its highest level at 7,137.5.
00:30Meanwhile, the WIHS-G experienced a strength of 1.72% to 4,150,
00:41the BRMS experienced a strength of 13.29% to 392,
00:46the BREN experienced a strength of 3.23% to 9,575,
00:52and the PANI experienced a strength of 9.38% to the position of 17,500.
00:59Meanwhile, the top 2 search results came from SSEA with a weakness of 15.99% to 1,130,
01:07the UNTR experienced a weakness of 3.64% to 25,800,
01:12the HEAL experienced a weakness of 2.45% to 1,590,
01:16and the HATM experienced a weakness of 5.63% to 268.
01:22So, the movement of the strengthening sector is led by the technology sector with a strength of 1.39%,
01:29the steel sector with a strength of 1.2%,
01:32and the weakening sector comes from the primary consumption sector with a weakness of 1.68%
01:37and the industrial output sector with a weakness of 1.55%.
02:00Don't forget to watch the second session closing program
02:04which will air at 3.30 p.m. WEST INDIAN TIME,
02:07because the future must move forward.
02:09I am Investor Saham, I am Rosalind Chiu.
02:12Thank you and see you again.