• 2 months ago
Dr Karl steps behind the factory doors to investigate how some of Australia's most popular products are made in new TV series How Things Work. Check out the show's preview. Footage courtesy of the ABC.


00:00In a brand new series, I want to find out how things work. Dr.
00:05Carl is stepping through factory doors. Oh my heavens, the cave of cheesy wonders. To discover how everyday
00:13items are made. We could recycle paper up to seven times. He'll be put to work. I'm really scared
00:20I'm doing it badly. You need lots of practice. Testing the products.
00:23This is the cliche of a kid in a candy store. All in the name of science. What exactly is
00:29string cheese? Prepare to have your mind blown behind the scenes. It's so fluffy, it's like fairyland.
00:36And it's just such a good time, man. Dr. Carl's How Things Work starts Tuesday, January 7 on ABC TV and ABC iView.
