• 2 months ago
A boyfriend planned the perfect proposal for his teacher girlfriend, by calling on the help of pupils to hold up letters to spell out: Will You Marry Me? It was education that bonded teachers Sydney Garis, 25, and Parker English, 25, as Parker had started a job alongside Sydney's mom (also a teacher), in Austin, Texas. Sydney's mom put the pair in touch, and after they first started dating, Sydney moved from Johnson City, Texas, to get a job as a 3rd grade teacher at her mom and Parker's school. After about a year of dating, Sydney and Parker both knew that they wanted to get married. Sydney had joked with Parker that he should not propose at their school, but after a failed proposal attempt on a hike, Parker thought the school itself might be the only spot Sydney wouldn't expect. He decided to call on the help of Sydney’s pupils, who he planned would hold up letters to spell out "Will You Marry Me?" Then, on the day Parker asked the big question, fellow staff members were ready to orchestrate the big surprise. At one point, Sydney was heading to a printer, only for a colleague to shout her back, saying there was going to be a fire drill, and she needed to be back in the class immediately. When Sydney arrived back, a stream of pupils headed into the class, and the 25-year-old immediately knew what was going to happen. With the signs being held up, Parker got down on one knee in an emotional moment that was captured on video, with Sydney bursting into tears of happiness. What made the moment extra special, Sydney said, was that she had joined the same school as a third grader, and had wandered the halls with her friends, hoping for a dream proposal and wedding, just like any other young girl. The proposal took place on January 20, 2023, at Rutledge Elementary School, and since then the couple, now 27, have married.
00:00This teacher got the surprise of a lifetime when her boyfriend decided to propose with
00:04a little help from her students.
00:06Sidney and Parker met through their jobs as teachers, and after a year of dating, Parker
00:11knew he wanted to marry Sidney, but his initial plan to propose on a hike failed, so he came
00:16up with an even better idea — involve Sidney's third-grade students.
00:20During a practice fire drill, Sidney was stunned
00:28to find her students holding up signs that spelled out,
00:31"'Will you marry me?'
00:47Talk about a classroom moment she'll never forget!
