• hace 2 meses
[Genre]: Post-Black/Doom Metal
[Country]: United States; Texas
[Lyrical Themes]: Suffering, Bliss, Wonder, Escape, Perseverance, Quietude, Gnosis
[Released]: December 20th, 2024
[Label]: Independent

Originated as an experimental project in January 2013, Culak blossomed into a lifelong vessel for catharsis with Oblivion. An extensive range of experiences (e.g., suffering, bliss, wonder, escape, perseverance, quietude, and gnosis) are channeled in ways with which the listener can empathize. Consequently, an unpredictable discography leaves the listener to wonder what will follow each release.


01. Earthborne. [00:00]
02. The Time Given. [09:11]
03. Elder. [16:37]
04. Petrified. [27:08]
05. Under The Ancients. [34:46]
06. Brave The Tempest. [45:07]
07. Return. [53:08]

[Total Playing Time]: 01:04:30

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💀[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]💀

◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3DDJAtJ
◈BandCamp: https://culak.bandcamp.com/album/ens-astrale
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ni/album/ens-astrale/1786889672
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/1XRhc1s8Xr6kN6OfIr9W8t
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/687521411
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXxnGIW050NbjiYYwjtMPCA
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_k2PiJyh9LnGEIgLdU_OyKIJJisUTFnYU4

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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]

*Uploaded with permission of Culak.

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