• il y a 2 mois
Film d'action réalisé par Patrick Hughes.
Avec Kevin Hart (Teddy Nilson), Woody Harrelson (Randy, l'homme de Toronto), Kaley Cuoco (Maggie), Ellen Barkin (Handler), Jasmine Mathews (Ruth), Lela Loren (Daniela Marin), Pierson Fode (l'homme de Miami), Jencarlos Canela (l'agent Santoro), Kate Drummond (l'agent Lawrence), Rob Archer (Oscar), Tomohisa Yamashita (l'homme de Tokyo), Ronnie Rowe (l'agent Davis).

Synopsis :
Malgré tous ses efforts et sa bonne volonté, Teddy Jackson échoue dans tout ce qu'il entreprend. Il a toujours de grands projets qui tombent systématiquement à l'eau. Alors qu'il vient de se faire licencier, il craint que Ruth, son épouse, lassée par ses échecs ne le quitte. Aussi, pour fêter son anniversaire, il organise un week-end en amoureux dans la nature. Il réserve un chalet sur une plateforme de location mais, malheureusement, le contrat de location qu'il imprime est presque illisible. Arrivé sur place, il se trompe de maison et s'installe avec Ruth dans un chalet loué par un redoutable tueur à gages surnommé "l'Homme de Toronto". Traqué par des assassins, celui-ci est de fort mauvaise humeur....

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L'actualité du cinéma : https://www.telerama.fr/cinema
Les films de la semaine : https://www.telerama.fr/cine/film_datesortie.php

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00:00Hey Toronto, you ready to go back to work?
00:05We need an extraction of information.
00:09Meet at the safe house in 19 hours.
00:13You're early.
00:14You're on time, you're late. Ain't that right?
00:18Follow me.
00:19You're gonna take me on tour.
00:21What is it? A game room?
00:22Airbnb, you never know what you're gonna get.
00:25Oh shit! No!
00:27Who is that?
00:28This is the man from Toronto.
00:30Wait, what?
00:31I'm the man from Toronto.
00:32And he's here to torture you.
00:36Why in God's name were you in that cabin?
00:39They wanted me to be the guy that you guys are looking for.
00:42But I'm not that guy, but I had to act like I was.
00:44What the hell?
00:45They wanted me to torture the guy.
00:47I'll dig these goddamn thumbs in your eyes and I will love it!
00:52What's that?
00:54Help me up!
00:58What I do?
00:59Our only way to find the man from Toronto
01:01is if you continue to be the man from Toronto.
01:06The man that you're talking about is a real crazy person.
01:11Kills people, chops them up.
01:13Come on!
01:17I am the man from Toronto.
01:19Objection, no.
01:20I'm the man from Toronto.
01:22This is on you.
01:24My clients think you're me, so...
01:26You're gonna complete the mission
01:27and you have no idea what I'm gonna do to you.
01:31My bad.
01:32You don't have to kill me.
01:33Don't ever touch me like that again.
01:38You got this.
01:39I'm scared.
01:40Own it.
01:41Wave the knives around.
01:42Somebody needs to talk.
01:45I can't see!
01:47Swallow it.
01:50You are a traitor.
01:52You are a trainwreck.
01:56That's what you both did.
01:58We got this!
02:01This last couple days,
02:02I can't say it's been good.
02:05There's some kind of weird way
02:06you've managed to inspire me.
02:09But I don't wanna be you anymore.
02:10One more time.
02:13You shot me in the ass!
02:14Your ass got in my way.