• 2 months ago
Layunin ng campaign na "Oras Pinas: Tara na! Kilos na!", alamin!

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00:00In today's National Time Consciousness Week,
00:02the Department of Science and Technology, or DOST,
00:06is once again emphasizing the importance of timing
00:09for our personal development
00:12and for the well-being of our country
00:14through a campaign with the theme,
00:17Oras Pinas, Tara Na, Kilos Na.
00:19And to explain to us about that,
00:21we will be joined by Senior Weather Specialist,
00:25Engineer Mario Raimundo.
00:27Good morning, and welcome to Rise and Shine, Pilipinas.
00:30Yes, good morning to all of you.
00:33Sir, this theme, Oras Pinas, Tara Na, Kilos Na,
00:36is an important campaign of DOST.
00:39Can you explain this to us, sir?
00:41Yes, this is an advocacy of the Department of Science and Technology
00:46through a speedhead by the STII,
00:49or the Science Technology Information Institute.
00:54They are the ones who are in charge of the promotion here.
00:57The hope is in us, the technical side.
01:01And because of this, it started with the so-called one-time.
01:05And when that one-time started,
01:07the so-called Republic Act 10535 was formed,
01:10that is the law,
01:11the so-called Philippine Standard Time Act of 2013.
01:14Now, its real purpose during that time
01:18when implementing rules and regulations
01:20is to eradicate the so-called Filipino time.
01:23It is a negative connotation
01:25that the so-called Filipino time is always late.
01:28And I hope you can reduce it
01:30because although there is a law that covers during that time,
01:33prior to the Republic Act 10535,
01:36it covers the so-called PT-78,
01:39where the official agency that handles the dissemination
01:43and timekeeping of the Philippine Standard Time is assigned.
01:46It's not enough yet, that's why it was cut.
01:48And with that law,
01:50what we are celebrating now
01:52is that it was included in Section 9,
01:54that every first week of the year,
01:57January 1 to 7,
01:58our countrymen should be encouraged
02:02to sync their schedules
02:05with the so-called Philippine Standard Time.
02:07Because we understand, especially for us Filipinos,
02:10if we don't follow the schedule,
02:12there will be conflicts.
02:14There will be misunderstandings.
02:16So, how do we apply it to our management
02:18in terms of the aspects of our lives,
02:21in our business,
02:23in our work,
02:25in our family,
02:27and other aspects, sir?
02:29Yes, the way we use it,
02:33there is a better saying,
02:36that a well-arranged time,
02:38that the use of a well-arranged time
02:39is the best indication of a well-arranged mind.
02:42What I mean by that is,
02:45when I was a businessman,
02:49and then we had a meeting,
02:51let's meet at 10 o'clock,
02:53and then it came to me,
02:55it's already 1 p.m.
02:57That means,
02:58if my money is a million,
02:59I won't be able to trust you.
03:01You won't be able to handle your time.
03:02So, that is the best example
03:04in terms of time management.
03:06And this has taught us
03:09discipline in ourselves,
03:11where we can help
03:13the development of the country.
03:15This example that we talked about earlier,
03:18a lot of countries were censored because of that.
03:20In Japan, for example,
03:22like what we said earlier,
03:24even the bus stations,
03:27they have a fixed time.
03:28So, if people are late by even 30 seconds,
03:33they won't be able to catch the bus.
03:34And so, that is discipline,
03:35where the Filipinos
03:37should follow the rules,
03:40and this law is the key
03:43to follow what we call
03:46Philippine Standard Time.
03:47It's negative, right?
03:49Because when you say
03:50Philippine Standard Time,
03:52it's like the Filipinos are always late.
03:54It's cultural, right?
03:55It's like our habit.
03:57But when the Filipinos
03:58come from other countries,
04:01that's where they get disciplined
04:02because they follow
04:04the traditions of other countries.
04:05That's very correct.
04:07Because one more thing here,
04:08aside from promoting punctuality,
04:13is the respect of the value
04:15of time of the others.
04:16And so, what I mean by that is
04:17you should respect the time of others.
04:20You shouldn't just wait for them
04:22to follow your time.
04:25It should be give and take to one,
04:28that when I'm talking to you,
04:29you should follow.
04:31There are people like that.
04:32I'm already on the way,
04:33and I'm still waking up.
04:34Yes, there are advancers.
04:36Sometimes, what I do
04:37when I know my friends are late,
04:39I say,
04:40I'm almost there.
04:41I know that's when they'll get ready.
04:44So that I'm an advancer,
04:45what I do is I'm an advancer,
04:47and they'll get there early
04:48or they'll get there on time.
04:50That's what I can do to my friends.
04:53Although sometimes,
04:53there are mistakes that I make,
04:54even though sometimes I'm late.
04:56We're all guilty of that.
04:58You mentioned a while ago
05:00that you are on the technical side
05:02on this institution
05:05in terms of the implementation.
05:07What do you do in terms of
05:08the technical side on this, sir?
05:09Well, in accounting,
05:11we have what we call
05:13the accounting timescale system.
05:15That's equipped with a
05:17network time protocol system
05:19where that's the way
05:21to transfer time via internet.
05:24For our countrymen,
05:25if they want to see
05:27the real Philippine Standard Time,
05:29just access the Pag-Asa website.
05:31On the right side of the screen,
05:34the Philippine Standard Time is there.
05:35This is also synchronized
05:37with all the time
05:38that we have here in the world?
05:40As a matter of fact,
05:41we will open all the DOST agencies
05:44on the website.
05:46All of those have a time display.
05:48We call those
05:51because if our time is wrong,
05:54they might make a mistake.
05:55Based on the law of the Republic of 10535,
05:58Pag-Asa is liable,
06:00especially me
06:01because I was the one handling it back then.
06:04So, that's one.
06:06And then, one more thing,
06:07I will add to that
06:08in the Republic of 10535
06:10because you are here in your station,
06:12I encourage all TV stations
06:16and radio stations
06:17to sync their time
06:19to the TV screen.
06:21Just like right now,
06:22we're on 622.
06:23Actually, every year,
06:25there's a PTV4 certification
06:28which allows you to follow
06:29the Philippine Standard Time
06:31because of the lotto.
06:32And so,
06:34this is the easiest mode
06:35of time dissemination.
06:37All TV stations are synced
06:40and the so-called radio stations
06:44And then, for the general public,
06:46it's very easy for them to get it
06:47either on TV or on the radio.
06:49And that should be synced with us.
06:52That's the essence of the Republic of 10535
06:54that all people should follow.
06:57It's not just us who will get it.
06:58We are the time source
07:00but they will get it on the TV station.
07:02Disseminated with the broadcast media.
07:05Well, to our fellow countrymen,
07:09of course, they're aware that they're always late
07:11and they want to change this habit.
07:13What advice can you give
07:15to change the habit of always being late?
07:19That's the discipline
07:21that we should do,
07:23our fellow countrymen.
07:24But that's what has been transferred to us
07:28even before.
07:29Even the Spanish in our colony.
07:32That's what we should change
07:34because during that time,
07:34just like in a meeting,
07:37everyone is invited first.
07:40And then, when I arrive,
07:41I'm just standing there like that.
07:43Which is something we shouldn't do.
07:46Let's remove that mentality
07:49and let's imitate the other countries.
07:51And we should also follow this law.
07:54Alright, on a last note,
07:57we have this campaign,
07:58Oras Pinas, let's go!
08:00What are we expecting on this campaign
08:02from the Filipino people?
08:04Well, this Republic of 10535 is a law.
08:08And so, everything is written there.
08:11There's no legal implication
08:13or more of the ethics side
08:14on the Filipino side?
08:15Well, on the legal side,
08:18there's something on the side of Section 8.
08:23Which is the NTC.
08:25So, in the NTC, they're allowed
08:27to follow all the TV stations.
08:31Now, they're monitoring all of that.
08:33And so far, all of the major stations,
08:37especially Channel 2 to Channel 13,
08:39they're following it.
08:41But there's something different there.
08:43Aside from the low frequencies
08:45of the radio stations,
08:46the TV boxes,
08:48their platforms are a bit different.
08:50And so, we noticed that.
08:51And so, maybe we can talk to the NTC
08:54that they should fix all the systems
08:57that are displayed on the TV screens.
08:59So, shared responsibility
09:00with the government institution,
09:02with the Filipino people,
09:03and even the broadcast media.
09:05I hope that even our government officials,
09:08if there are events that are going to happen,
09:09they'll come early, right?
09:12We should all be a part of this.
09:15On that note,
09:15thank you so much for sharing with us
09:19important information
09:20about the campaign
09:21Oras Pinas,
09:22Tara Na,
09:23Kilas Na,
09:23Engineer Mario Raymundo.
09:25Thank you so much, sir.
