• last month
Menjelang berakhirnya libur Natal dan Tahun Baru, masyarakat dari berbagai daerah mulai berdatangan di Stasiun Pasar Senen, Jakarta Pusat. Warga memilih datang lebih awal, lantaran untuk dapat beristirahat sebelum masuk kerja pada hari Senin mendatang.


00:00We will start with the first information from the end of the Christmas and New Year holidays.
00:04People from various regions started arriving at Pasar Senen Station, Central Jakarta.
00:08Residents chose to arrive earlier in order to get a break before going to work on Monday.
00:16Since Friday, the number of arrivals has continued to return to Jakarta after the New Year and Christmas holidays.
00:25Residents who arrived earlier in order to get a break before going to work on Monday.
00:36PT KAI Operational Area 1 reported that more than 43,000 passengers arrived on Thursday
00:42and predicted that the peak of Christmas and New Year holidays will occur today.
00:55Why did you choose this station?
00:58Because I want to relax.
01:00I plan to go to work on Monday.
01:03Did you book a ticket?
01:07No, I ordered it through the application.
