• 2 months ago
Southern Hospitality's Joe & Maddi on Vegas WEDDING and That Countess Luann Hookup Drama


00:00Maddie and Joe, how the hell did this happen?
00:04How are we sitting together,
00:05having a lovely holiday season as a couple?
00:08Yeah, look how wholesome this is right now.
00:12No, I mean like.
00:14I feel like I got out of my relationship
00:16and you know, we started like going on dates
00:20and I felt like it was a good time, you know,
00:23and I feel like surprisingly it went well.
00:25And now we're dating and here we are.
00:27It's all about timing,
00:28but it's always been a risk in my head too.
00:30Even though I've always had feelings for Maddie,
00:32I just feel like it was always, you know,
00:34in the back of my head,
00:35like what if this ruins my friendship?
00:37A lot of those good things about us being best friends
00:39helped our relationship, but it was still scary for us.
00:41But I'm glad we made that,
00:43that finally made that leap, you know.
00:44Have the nerves shaken off?
00:46Has everything settled into a place where,
00:48oh, this does work and I'm no longer scared?
00:51Luckily the nerves went away like a long time ago,
00:53especially because like our families
00:55already loved each other.
00:56Like we really were like starting on third base.
00:59I guess the only nerves that we have now
01:01are like watching ourselves on TV again, but.
01:04It's my girlfriend.
01:09Yeah Maddie!
01:11This is gonna be a great summer.
01:13I feel like I was even just scared
01:16being in a relationship on television again,
01:19because I knew that, you know,
01:21people are gonna have comments and stuff,
01:22especially, you know, our friend group.
01:25But I feel like, like I said,
01:26it was a risk that I had to debate if it was worth taking.
01:31And you'll see that play out.
01:35I'm almost like, you know, learning and healing
01:38at the same time, and it's a different place
01:40than maybe where I'm at now, you know?
01:42Who made the first move here?
01:43Who was the one who pulled the trigger and said, let's go?
01:46I feel like you've been always really persistent.
01:48I think I made the first move like four years ago
01:51when I like started working in public for Maddie, but.
01:54Does that count, Joe?
01:55No, but I've been shooting my shot for years,
01:57but I really think like this year,
02:00I think that finally, like,
02:02even though I made like a million first moves technically,
02:04I think when it really like locked in for us was,
02:08she was like, you know, I think it was you.
02:10Yeah, I was out of my relationship.
02:12She always knew I had feelings for her.
02:13So I think it came to a point where I didn't want to,
02:16I wanted to make her feel comfortable.
02:17Like if it doesn't work between us,
02:18we're still best friends.
02:20But it was tough, you know?
02:21There's a lot of times where I just felt very defeated.
02:24Like, I knew that we had a connection,
02:26but then I thought it would never happen.
02:28So it was, for me, it was really just like being patient
02:30and being a good friend and seeing where it went.
02:32So what's the timeline?
02:33When did it all come together?
02:35How long have you been a couple now?
02:37Since like-
02:39It's like March.
02:40March or- April?
02:41Yeah, maybe like officially we called each other
02:43boyfriend and girlfriend in like April,
02:44but I have not kissed anyone else besides her
02:47since like shortly after the reunion.
02:50I didn't want it to be like a rebound fling,
02:53like a kind of like a reflex
02:56because we felt comfortable with each other.
02:58I wanted it to be real.
03:00Like I consider, I want it to be a long haul,
03:02end game relationship.
03:04Maddie, have you heard at all from Trevor about this
03:07or is he fully cut out of your life at this point?
03:09No, he's fully cut out of my life.
03:11Like when I had to leave that relationship,
03:13it wasn't the easiest process.
03:16I was living with him and like,
03:18it just was really difficult.
03:20And it was one of those relationships
03:21where I had to close the door and never open it.
03:23So like, I have no idea what he does,
03:27where he's at, like zero.
03:30And like, it's best that way.
03:33Just ride that bike off into the sunset, sir.
03:36Never to be seen.
03:36No, for real.
03:38Ride it off the-
03:39Off the bridge.
03:40Off the Ravenelle Bridge.
03:44In terms of the group,
03:46who was supportive of this relationship
03:49and who was maybe a hater of it
03:51when you introduced it to the crowd at Republic?
03:56I felt like everyone was really supportive.
03:58I feel like a lot of people were excited to see,
04:01you know, Joe be on like a kind of better path
04:03and me to be out of my, you know,
04:05toxic relationship and into a healthier one.
04:09So I feel like overall it was very supportive.
04:12I do feel like Joe was concerned a little bit about TJ
04:16getting like between our relationship and stuff like that.
04:20But to be honest, it's really hard to like,
04:21take him seriously.
04:24He can, you know, be pretty chaotic
04:27and cause some damage in people's relationship
04:30through the gossip and, you know,
04:32what he's, his motives, I don't really know.
04:35We'll kind of see what happens.
04:36But I think at the end of the day,
04:38our families and our very close friends
04:40were very happy to see us happy
04:41and were very supportive right off the bat.
04:45We got into TJ drama right away in the premiere,
04:47not to spoil anything,
04:50but he does resurface the conversation
04:52around Countess Luann that we had at reunion
04:55and the DMs that followed kind of that revelation.
04:58I think you should be honest.
05:00I did not hook up with Luann.
05:02Like I was telling you that I was like playfully
05:04like hanging out with her at the bar and that's it.
05:09What percent sure are you that he did hook up with Luann?
05:15F*** off.
05:17Joe, is there anything you want to clear up once and for all
05:19the record of whatever happened between you and Lu
05:21or what you want the world to know?
05:23Yeah, I just want to let people know
05:24that I have a ton of respect for the Countess
05:27and nothing like, you know, we hung out one night.
05:30Like I don't, it was very casual.
05:34Like we kissed.
05:34I was not dating Danielle at that moment.
05:36I was not.
05:37So if TJ wants to call me a cheater, he can,
05:39but I did not cheat.
05:40And I hope that me and Maddie can be front row
05:43for one of her shows one day.
05:45Like nothing, I was never trying to hide the fact
05:47that I hung out with Luann.
05:48I was more so like TJ, like why are you bringing this up?
05:51Because it's going to hurt some feelings.
05:53He does use it as a thread to pull on kind of
05:55once a cheater, always a cheater.
05:57Maddie, do you have any fears
05:59about this kid sitting next to you being unsafe?
06:02I'm never going to let myself be in that position again.
06:05So that was kind of irrelevant to me
06:07when TJ was saying that,
06:09especially because Joe never dated any of those people.
06:12So it's not cheating
06:13if you're not dating any of these people.
06:15So that was kind of like a weird thing for TJ to say,
06:18especially for him to be really close with Joe
06:20and supposedly know a lot about his relationships
06:23than he would have, you know, known that and stuff.
06:26So that was kind of like out of left field a little bit,
06:30but at the same time, like it's not news to me.
06:35You know what I mean?
06:36And I feel like TJ was trying to like serve me news
06:38and it's not like.
06:41I just hope that TJ can find love.
06:43I mean, all men are like the same.
06:45It's horrible.
06:46It's like, you know what I mean?
06:47Like it's.
06:48All right.
06:49This one's going to prove that wrong for you.
06:52For sure.
06:53But you know what I mean?
06:54There is a moment, Joe,
06:55in the trailer with TJ where it appears
06:57he's confessing his love for you.
06:59I don't know, I'm in love with you, dude.
07:02That's how it's like hard to take him seriously
07:05is because like he has like a burning, burning love for Joe.
07:10So it's like hard to take him really kind of seriously.
07:13You know what I mean?
07:16I think that like everything will make sense
07:18once you watch it, but it's a complex friendship
07:22and I just want him to be happy for his best friends.
07:25Just like I want to see him find love and be happy.
07:27That's bottom line.
07:29Well, everyone was there for a big moment of love
07:32between the two of you in Vegas.
07:35Las Vegas.
07:37What happened last night?
07:40Do you promise that you'll always be her hunk of burning love?
07:48Is this real?
07:49Do you promise that you'll always keep him?
07:52Oh, sugar.
07:57It gives me great pleasure to pronounce you
07:59partners for life.
08:04Show me hands.
08:05Are there rings on fingers?
08:06Are we legally wed?
08:07What's the deal?
08:09I just.
08:11He just put his.
08:13I just think that that's such like a huge moment
08:15on the show that I just want everyone to follow
08:18that journey of how we got there.
08:20So, I mean, we got the Christmas tree in the background.
08:24We're obviously very happily together,
08:26but I just want everyone to see it for themselves
08:29because I don't, I just think it's such an epic moment
08:32on the show and I'm so pumped to see it back.
08:35Does this feel like this could be forever
08:39for the two of you?
08:40I would not be sitting here and I don't.
08:43Yeah, I mean, of course.
08:45And that's what makes me so excited about our future
08:48because I really do think it will be forever.
08:51And yeah, that's 100%.
08:55Maddie, what does it make you feel
08:57when you hear him say that?
08:58Oh, amazing.
09:00But at the same time, like, as it should be,
09:02I feel like, you know what I mean?
09:03Like, I feel like.
09:04You can get into a relationship being like,
09:06and one day we'll break up.
09:09I'm pushing 30, you know?
09:12But I feel like Joe has always been like really reassuring
09:15and like has kind of always wanted that from day one.
09:19So it's nice to actually be in a relationship
09:22with someone that wants that.
09:24So I'm very grateful.
09:26You both seem very grounded right now.
09:30Yeah, I'm so like, I feel like.
09:33We just went on a Razor DJ tour in Tahoe,
09:35but yes, right now we're grounded.
09:38Well, there's the other kind of big couple drama
09:41of the season seems to circle around Will and Emmy.
09:44More cheating talk.
09:46Apparently it's common knowledge at this law school
09:49that this man's slept with multiple people.
09:54It was one night and I'm like, who am I to judge?
09:56I have gotten drunk and did s*** I didn't mean.
09:59He's gonna f*** you over.
10:00I bet you f***ed that b****.
10:02Do you believe that Will has been unfaithful to Emmy?
10:06I feel like there's too many things
10:09for one of them not to be true.
10:12And I feel like a lot of his actions show someone
10:17that doesn't love their person the way that they should.
10:24And I feel like that is the thing that's hard to watch.
10:28I think we're kind of in between like,
10:31we live in Charleston.
10:32We've dealt with all the rumors of like cheating
10:35until we like see receipts.
10:38We don't wanna be those people
10:39that are pushing that to be true.
10:41But at the same time, we've heard way too many things
10:45to like ignore it.
10:47I believe now from my experience
10:49that if there's a bunch of rumors and stuff
10:53that like probably a small part of it is true.
10:56And if even a little bit of what Will did was true
11:01then it's not looking good.
11:03You know what I mean?
11:04Like where there's smoke, there's fire.
11:06If there's a grain of-
11:08And it's also really hard because like me and Maddie
11:11are finally in a good place with Emmy and Will.
11:15Like they're like very supportive of our relationship.
11:18So that like hurts us more
11:19to like not be supportive of theirs.
11:21At the end of the day, I wanna see everyone happy.
11:24And there's been a lot of moments
11:25where they haven't seemed happy.
11:26But in my heart, yeah, I hope they end up happy together
11:30but you also have to be real.
11:31Yeah, I support Emmy and whatever decision
11:36she wants to make and everything.
11:37And I'm gonna be there for her no matter what
11:42or who she's seeing or whatever,
11:44as uncomfortable as it is, you know?
11:46Yeah, on the work front was a little part of you
11:50inside happy when AGM-
11:52About the AGM thing?
11:54Oh yeah.
11:55Oh my God.
11:55I could have had a whole episode just talking about that
11:57to be honest with you.
11:59You are acting out of pocket.
12:00I'm gonna lose.
12:02That's what I get for being a good person.
12:05But I feel like everything is meant to work out as it is.
12:08And I feel like if Emmy didn't, you know,
12:11stay at Republic and be a server, you know,
12:13our relationship wouldn't have gotten better.
12:16You know what I mean?
12:17Or where it's at now.
12:18So in a way I am grateful, you know?
12:21Yeah, I knew the whole thing was kind of
12:23just not gonna end well,
12:24but it was just the way she went about it though
12:26is what pissed us off.
12:28It just felt like such a blind side
12:29because it was like, we weren't, you know,
12:31kind of involved in that at all.
12:34And I think we would have put other people's names,
12:36other women or other people's names in the hat for that.
12:40Well, we've got some fresh blood,
12:42some dynamic shifts.
12:43Grace Lilly is on an ayahuasca journey
12:45and no longer working for Republic.
12:47You know, I did the ayahuasca ceremony
12:49and like had like this, like come to Jesus moment
12:53where I was like talking with Jesus.
12:55I'm your best friend, Grace.
12:57No you're not.
12:58Is there anything you are dreading reliving once it airs?
13:05For me, it's just like,
13:07I don't, I'm dreading just kind of watching
13:09like little, like embarrassing moments of me cooking.
13:12Like I'm acting like I can cook and I'm like, you know.
13:15Yeah, or the ash shots.
13:16There's a lot of ash shots on our show.
13:18And I'm like, Joe, what?
13:21Yeah, right in the preamble.
13:23I should've done more squats before this past season,
13:25but there's always gonna be something kind of cringey.
13:29I also feel like if anything,
13:30I, this season, like I get a little bit emotional
13:33towards like myself.
13:35And so I feel like that's kind of interesting too,
13:37is like watching someone else's growth or your own growth
13:42is just so interesting.
13:46We're gonna.
13:48So we've got, we're gonna have inner growth
13:50and then glute growth.
13:51That's the takeaways from it.
13:53I'm gonna be squatting,
13:54but also calling my therapist at the same time.
13:57There we go.
13:59You know, you can do that together at the same time.
14:01I'm looking forward to it.
14:02Let's do it.
14:03Let's do it.
