• 2 months ago
Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati menginginkan agar kegiatan literasi dan edukasi terkait pasar modal makin digencarkan lagi kepada masyarakat. Dia bahkan meminta supaya pendidikan soal pasar modal bisa masuk kurikulum sekolah.

Sri Mulyani mengaku baru mengenal pasar modal saat duduk di bangku universitas. Dia pun menganggap hal itu termasuk telat baginya. Karena itu, dia meminta Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) untuk terus memberikan edukasi kepada generasi muda agar mereka bisa lebih awal memahami dunia investasi.


00:00We go to other information, Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati suggested that education or education on the capital market can be applied starting from the primary school.
00:09According to Sri Mulyani, the understanding of the capital market that has been taught since today can increase the literacy of the young generation and encourage the diversification of people's savings to the capital market.
00:20Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati suggested that education or education on the capital market can be applied starting from the primary school.
00:34Sri Mulyani's suggestion was made when he opened the first stock market in Indonesia in 2025.
00:41According to Sri Mulyani, the understanding of the capital market that has been taught since today can increase the literacy of the young generation and encourage the diversification of people's savings to the capital market.
00:55Now, it should be taught not only at the university level, but also at the primary school level.
01:06So that they become familiar with the stock market.
01:13And this can only be done if we are together.
01:17Later, we will go into the curriculum, how to deliver it, and how they feel familiar with the transaction.
01:26Of course, if people have started to diversify their savings and create a deepening,
01:35we are also responsible, Mr. Mahendra, so that the stocks that are sold are healthy stocks.
01:46Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance called for a positive proposal from the Minister of Finance,
01:50which asked for the education on the capital market can be applied starting from the primary school.
01:56The Executive Director of the Ministry of Finance, Education and Consumer Protection, OJK, Friderica Widiasari-Dewi, said
02:05in OECD member states such as Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Colombia and Costa Rica,
02:12there has been education on finance and has been included in the school curriculum.
02:18We are trying, we have often worked with the Ministry of Education,
02:24but our hope is to be included in the school curriculum.
02:29If possible, starting from elementary school, financial recognition, financial management, from junior high school, senior high school,
02:35senior high school, not only the Faculty of Business Economics, because they must have understood.
02:41For that reason, he hopes that OJK and the Ministry can implement the curriculum as soon as possible
02:46and can be carried out in 2025 by collaborating with the Ministry of Human Development and Culture Coordinating
02:53and the Ministry of Education.
