• 2 months ago
मुंबई: महिलाओं द्वारा दहेज और घरेलू हिंसा जैसे कानूनों का दुरुपयोग किए जाने के सवाल पर वरिष्ठ वकील और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता आभा सिंह ने कहा कि दहेज कानून सही बनाया गया था लेकिन अभी हाल में जो पुरुषों ने आत्महत्या की है तो ये व्यक्तिगत मामले हैं। इस वजह से ये कह देना कि पूरे कानून का दुरुपयोग हो रहा है वो सही नहीं है। कानून का दुरुपयोग शहरों में पढ़े-लिखे लोगों में हो रहा है। वहीं कानून में ऐसे मामलों में पुरुषों के संरक्षण के लिए प्रावधान होने के सवाल पर आभा सिंह ने कहा कि बिल्कुल है, अगर कोई गलत शिकायत करता है तो पुरुष क्या हर भारतीय नागरिक के पास अधिकार है कि वो काउंटर एफआईआर करे कि मेरे ऊपर झूठा केस किया गया है। गलत शिकायत करने वाले को जेल भेजा जा सकता है। सामाजिक स्तर पर महिलाओं के पक्ष को सुने जाने और पुरुषों के प्रति संवेदनहीनता बरतने, पुरुषों में आत्महत्या का ट्रेंड बढ़ने और इस प्रवृत्ति को रोकने के लिए सामाजिक व कानूनी स्तर पर उपाय किए जाने के सवाल पर भी आभा सिंह ने प्रतिक्रिया जाहिर की।

#atulsubhashsuicide #punitkhurana #mensuicidecases #crimenews #abhasingh #senioradvocate #domesticviolence


00:00The first question that arises is, why was the law for dowry made?
00:04Because married women were being burnt to death and dowry was being asked for and they were not getting dowry.
00:10If we look at the NCRB data for 2022, 6,400 married women were burnt to death for dowry.
00:19The cause of death written in the FIR was death due to kitchen fire.
00:24There is no such thing anywhere in the world that women have been burnt to death in the kitchen.
00:28So, the law for dowry was made and it was made right.
00:32And the atrocities against women, because if you look at this law,
00:36in 2014, 8,500 women were burnt to death, but today in 2022, 6,500.
00:41So, if 2,000 women died, then this law has been effective somewhere and women have been given justice.
00:47But the men who have committed suicide recently, Atul Subhash and now,
00:51that you will give alimony to women, you will give maintenance,
00:55and because of that, being within the scope of the law, the lawyers are doing the case.
01:00And if people are considering this as torture, then I feel that this law will have to be revisited.
01:06Because the police, the role of the police is very important in this.
01:10The police write the FIR immediately.
01:12It is not written that you arrest them immediately.
01:15In fact, when many people were arrested in this,
01:20then the Supreme Court said that it has become a medium of legal terrorism.
01:25498A of the IPC, which was called this law at that time, now its new section is 80 of BNS.
01:33So, 498A is necessary because it has saved women to a great extent.
01:39By burning, the dowry that was being imposed on women,
01:43and if men are committing suicide now, then the role of the police is being played in this.
01:49The police are torturing women, women are taking their complaints.
01:53It has not been said that you beat the police immediately, torture them immediately.
01:59So, this thing, I would like to say, it is time to look at this.
02:03The Law Commission should look at this.
02:04If it is being misused, then it should be stopped.
02:09Women take their complaints and go to the police.
02:12Of course, if someone writes a wrong complaint, does a wrong FIR,
02:16then does every Indian citizen have the right to do a counter-FIR,
02:21to do a perjury FIR, that a false case has been filed against me.
02:25No one stops that.
02:26In that too, the one who has filed a false complaint, can be sent to jail.
02:33So, to say that men have no justice, that is completely wrong.
02:37Yes, it is true that the Supreme Court has also said that
02:41in many cases, the names of mother-in-laws or sister-in-laws that are put in the FIR,
02:46they have no connection with the case of dowry, they do not even live in that city.
02:51So, the misuse in this, I clearly say that this is the corruption of the police.
02:56The police put the wrong names of these people in the FIR.
02:59If we become strict on that, then the dowry law will not be misused.
03:04Just because two or three such cases have happened,
03:07then we cannot say that the dowry law is wrong, the dowry law should be abolished.
03:11Daughters are still being burned.
03:13To stop that, a law was made.
03:15If you look at the law of Sati, a widow was burned with her husband.
03:19So, after the law of Sati, the burning of widows stopped.
03:25So, I think the law is important.
03:27But it is a very sad thing that married men have to commit suicide like this,
03:32because they are being harassed.
03:34In this, the National Law Commission will have to bring change in the law.
03:38The Parliament will have to bring change in the law.
03:40What we are asking again and again is that you bring a prenup law before marriage.
03:44There is a prenupicial law in foreign countries,
03:46in which both sides sign an agreement before marriage that my property will remain mine,
03:53yours will remain yours, you will not claim on my property, I will not claim on yours.
03:58So, I think if such a law comes in India, then such deaths will not happen.
04:05Because in the registered cases of suicide, more than half are related to marriage and family.
04:13So, there is a need to rethink the law.
04:17Look, I would say that there is a lot of sympathy for women because women are physically weak.
04:26As I said, women were burned first.
04:30Feticide is used with women.
04:33Even in coke, the female child is aborted.
04:36So, because so many crimes have been committed against women,
04:39rape, domestic violence, women are the victims of all these.
04:43That is why laws have been made to protect women.
04:46And if we want that these laws are not misused,
04:50the problem is that misuse of the law.
04:52Who misuses the law? The police do.
04:54So, if the police go and harass a man's family, humiliate them,
04:58and then social media.
05:00If we see, in this case, the wife had written things against her husband on social media.
05:06So, I think that the law should be brought there too.
05:09That the husband and wife should be stopped in the case that is going on in the court.
05:13They cannot come on social media and humiliate each other.
05:17They cannot insult each other.
05:18Because the arrival of social media has put extra pressure on both of them.
05:22Look, it is increasing because mental health is an issue.
05:27In India, 1,70,000 suicides are taking place every year.
05:33In the world, we have come to the third number on the suicide rate.
05:38So, suicide is a mental health issue.
05:40Now, marriage-related, as I said, family-related and marriage-related,
05:4550% of the suicides happen.
05:47And women also commit suicide.
05:49Approximately 15,000 to 20,000 married women and housewives also commit suicide.
05:53We are not seeing their cases on TV and social media.
05:56But it is not limited to men only.
05:59It is also with wives that they have committed suicide.
06:02So, there is a need to look at mental health issues.
06:05Along with that, there is a need for family support.
06:08Today, our families are broken.
06:10They have all become nuclear families.
06:12So, if someone has mental health issues or has problems in such a marriage,
06:17they do not have anyone who can counsel and support them.
06:21So, we will have to see this changing form of society.
06:24We will have to change this.
06:26Families should stay connected with each other.
06:29You should have helplines.
06:30If you are depressed and thinking of committing suicide,
06:33you should have people who can help you.
06:35You should have helplines for suicide.
06:37So, we need social support also to prevent suicide.
06:43As I said, family should be united socially.
06:47Joint families should be supported.
06:49Parents should be in touch with their children.
06:51If they are in depression, there is nothing to hide.
06:55You can take them to a psychiatrist.
06:57Get them counselled.
06:59Mental health and counselling is the most important need of the hour.
07:03Along with that, if the law is being misused,
07:06who else is doing it?
07:07If the police is doing it, then you should take action against the police.
07:09If there are judicial delays,
07:11there is a lot of harassment due to judicial delays.
07:14I have seen it in the family court.
07:16In cases, it takes 3-4 years for the parents to get permission to meet their children.
07:23So, yes, there is depression.
07:25The lawyer's fees are so high.
07:27So, there is a problem on both sides.
07:29So, the court and the judges have the accountability
07:31that they should not give dates.
07:33In a limited time period,
07:35if we talk about a fast track court,
07:37the case should be closed in 3-6 months.
07:39If we run a divorce for 8-7 years,
07:41then yes, it will add to stress and burden.
07:43So, there is a need to talk about judicial delays.
07:45There is a need to pay attention to them also.
