The Work of American Sculptor Sterett-Gittings Kelsey

  • 15 years ago
Kelsey works primarily in bronze, with sculptures ranging from three inches to twenty two feet in height. She is the leading sculptor of dance in the world today.

The Kelsey bronzes are owned by major collectors and connoisseurs of " Investment-level Fine Art ". These masterworks in bronze can be found in more than 300 public and private collections worldwide.

The Kelsey sculptures are hand-made from start to finish. The transformation from Kelsey's clay original, into a masterpiece in bronze, is a long and expensive process. A new ceramic mold is handmade for each sculpture. This mold is used only once.... then... it is destroyed in the casting process. There are about thirty five steps which each work passes through on the way to becoming a completed work of art.

Each sculpture bears: the copyright symbol: The artist's logo: the artist's name: date of origin: foundry mark; and the edition number.