• 2 months ago
Operacion IA IA oh Capítulo 2 Completo HD
Operacion IA IA oh Capítulo 2 Completo HD
Operacion IA IA oh Capítulo 2 Completo HD
Operacion IA IA oh Capítulo 2 Completo HD
00:00:00Chapter 1 Mia, the daughter of Ia.
00:00:30Chapter 1 Mia, the daughter of Ia.
00:00:45Your Majesty, does it matter if we try the sound?
00:00:48Of course.
00:00:49Yes, it goes.
00:00:50It goes, one, two, yes, it goes.
00:00:53It goes, one, two.
00:00:55It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, yes.
00:01:00It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes.
00:01:12Do you know the chicken and the duck?
00:01:16What does a chicken and a duck?
00:01:19It says, duck, what you do with the leg.
00:01:24Let's see if you think you are the only one.
00:01:32Think it'll get us in
00:01:41Spanioles Spaniola's buenas noches buenas noches
00:01:48Estela yo que viene
00:01:55Obvious Pico
00:02:03Dos agentes del cenis
00:02:08Disculpar me
00:02:19mensaje del alto comisionado de la unión europea
00:02:26Esto es de obligado cumplimiento
00:02:29Comuniquen lo al gobierno inmediatamente
00:02:32por cierto gente si majestad por casualidad no sabrá usted lo que le dijo el pollo al pato
00:02:39Claro que sí majestad
00:02:43Pato lo que haces tú con la pata a ver si te crees que lo haces tú solos
00:02:48porque yo he dicho dentro ni más ni menos aunque decían no
00:02:52pueden retirarse
00:02:54aunque bajista si no las tengo todas conmigo
00:02:58con el pollo y el pato es que me lo contaron hace mucho tiempo y puede haber habido un baile de expedientes
00:03:03habían contado también a mí otro final que era
00:03:08Lo que haces tú con la pata
00:03:12Es mucha más gente que a lo mejor y no van
00:03:16Dándose las de para estar seguros pregunte en presidencia
00:03:27Y hacia Belén va un
00:03:29burre rin rin pero que burre pero que villancico es ese Pedro es un villancico
00:03:34Inclusivo pero lloranda porque te empeñas en cambiarlo todo como el belén de la moncloa
00:03:40Que no estaba en el patiño que hicimos para investir a salvador y ya bueno pues cuéntame qué cosas has cambiado pues mira en vez de
00:03:47pastores he puesto indultados
00:03:50pero si caben todos por el milagro de la navidad
00:03:56Hoy y la anunciación la anunciación esta vez va a ser la de la amnistía la amnistía
00:04:02si amnistía mis tíos mis primos sobrinos
00:04:06familia en general y estos tres son familia también no en vez de reyes magos se puesto mosos magos
00:04:13que le traen el regalo al puedemón oyente
00:04:17hoy y en la cuna en el pesebre quien hay y ya y ya
00:04:21y y eso bueno por el milagro de la venida de nuestro salvador
00:04:27nuestro salvador salvadorilla
00:04:33La presidenta presidente que sucede traemos un mensaje de la unión europea
00:04:39y de qué se trata los dirigentes europeos están preocupados ante la escalada inminente de crispación política que hay en españa y temen que
00:04:45se expanda por el resto de la unión
00:04:47entiendo y quieren poner en marcha en españa la operación ia ia ia ia
00:04:55A partir de este momento una inteligencia artificial una ia será quien decida qué personas ocuparán los cargos políticos más
00:05:02importantes de este país
00:05:15Pueden retirarse
00:05:18Señor presidente sí sé que no es buen momento pero es un tema de zarzuela
00:05:24usted sabe por casualidad lo que el pollo le dijo al pato
00:05:28Si hombre si
00:05:30le dijo lo que tú haces con la pata cuacua yo lo hago con el pillo
00:05:36no no no no no cuidado cuidado
00:05:39el pollo le dijo algo al pato pero se lo dijo el mallorquin porque porque era de pollensa
00:05:45le dijo
00:05:50Lo que fas tu a la teva dona
00:05:54ya me has pillado
00:06:03Soy mía y he sido diseñada para poner en marcha en españa la operación ia ia o mis algoritmos han sido programados para descartar
00:06:10a los políticos profesionales en cinco segundos se iniciará la operación ia ia o dos
00:06:16uno cero
00:06:21Ahora mando yo la ia ia ia o
00:06:24Y te saltea la día
00:06:28Afejo no le pondría
00:06:30sin el falcon falcon falcon
00:06:34Ahora mando yo la ia ia ia o
00:06:37de moncloa nos han echado ia ia o ya no somos diputados ia ia o
00:06:43tu sal paro paro paro
00:06:46sin un cargo cargo cargo
00:06:48cargo ahora mata una ia
00:06:51ia ia o
00:06:56Graziñas a todos
00:07:05La inteligencia artificial nos ha dejado todos los políticos en paro
00:07:10Dios mío que va a ser de mi
00:07:12Ya estoy aquí
00:07:14Quien eres?
00:07:16Soy tu futuro chico
00:07:18Mi futuro?
00:07:20Esa es la pinta que voy a tener cuando me quiten la nómina de diputado
00:07:22Calla y escucha soy el fantasma que te va a llevar al más allá de la vida política
00:07:27Ya sé quién eres he oído hablar de ti en el bar del senado y qué dicen bueno
00:07:32Eras un político corrupto
00:07:36Podían ser rota
00:07:38Eso me llamaban billetchus
00:07:40Eso eres
00:07:44Billetchus y me llaman así desde que me pillaron metiendo la mano en la orza de los billetes
00:07:50Esos son billetes de 500
00:07:52Cuidado cuidado no te ansies
00:07:54Que eso lleva veneno
00:07:56Pero donde te voy a llevar habrá tantos
00:07:58Que la cabeza te va a dar
00:08:08Y si quieres que te lleve
00:08:10Solo tienes que decir mi nombre tres veces
00:08:14Vamos dilo
00:08:16Es que me puede la ansia
00:08:18La codicia
00:08:21La codicia
00:08:23Y el ansia viva
00:08:29Ya tienes el primero
00:08:31El primero no te lo quita nadie
00:08:33Ya lo tienes ahí
00:08:35Tienes el primero
00:08:37Conoce que lo tienes
00:08:41Ya tienes un segundo
00:08:43Muñal se tiene que dar la cosa para que no digas el tercero
00:08:51Ja ja ja
00:08:53Donde estoy
00:08:55Estas en el siguiente nivel de despues del politico
00:08:57Una empresa energética
00:08:59O mejor
00:09:01Es parte del consejo de administración
00:09:03Pero yo de energía no tengo ni idea
00:09:05Eso es lo que piensas tu
00:09:07Pero puede que cambies de idea cuando sepas
00:09:09Lo que ganas
00:09:11En serio
00:09:15Y aun hay mas pero si quieres saberlo
00:09:17Solo tienes que decir mi nombre tres veces
00:09:31Por favor
00:09:37Donde estoy
00:09:39En tu nueva vivienda
00:09:41Y el coche de ahí fuera tambien es tuyo
00:09:43No tengo segunda residencia
00:09:45Segunda dice tercera y cuarta
00:09:48Has ganado tanta pasta
00:09:50Que te has comprado otra nueva vivienda
00:09:52Para especular
00:09:54Cuéntame mas por favor
00:09:56Quiero mas
00:09:58Quiero mas
00:10:00Quiero mas
00:10:02Quiero mas
00:10:04Solo tienes que decir mi nombre
00:10:08Lo ha dicho
00:10:10Lo ha dicho
00:10:12Lo ha dicho
00:10:14Lo ha dicho
00:10:18Que hacemos aquí
00:10:20Porque estoy en un juzgado
00:10:22No nada una tontería
00:10:24Te van a condenar por corrupción
00:10:32Que susto
00:10:34Me pensaba que eras tu
00:10:36Pero yo creia que el mas allá de la politica
00:10:38Iba a ser el paraíso fue lo que tu me dijiste
00:10:40El paraíso para los que tienen poder
00:10:42Pero tu eras un pringao
00:10:45Tu partido
00:10:47Y ha cargado el muerto
00:10:49No no no voy a recurrir
00:10:51Donde esta mi abogado
00:10:53Donde vas a ir tu?
00:10:55Al infierno
00:11:05Lo han pillado
00:11:07Lo han pillado
00:11:09Lo han pillado
00:11:11Lo han pillado
00:11:14Ojo terremoto informativo
00:11:16La IA
00:11:18Sustituye a los políticos españoles
00:11:20Por personas ajenas a la política
00:11:22Atención porque
00:11:24La IA
00:11:26Acaba de nombrar presidente del gobierno
00:11:28A Carlo Ancelotti
00:11:30Desde luego se ha pacificado un vestuario lleno de estrellas
00:11:32Que no hará con este país
00:11:34En directo Palacio de la Zarzuela
00:11:44Yo Carlo Ancelotti
00:11:46Prometo por mi conciencia y honor
00:11:48Cumplir fielmente las obligaciones
00:11:50Como presidente de gobierno
00:11:52Manteniendo el equilibrio
00:11:54Entre derecha e izquierda
00:11:56Y sin extremos
00:12:00¿En serio?
00:12:02¿Un entrenador de fútbol de presidente del gobierno?
00:12:04Bueno también ha habido políticos en el banquillo
00:12:10Mi primera medida será nombrar
00:12:12Encargado de tesoro a Vinicius
00:12:14En defensa como ministro
00:12:16Estarán Rüdiger y Militao
00:12:18En medio ambiente Camafinga
00:12:20Porque es medio y crea buen ambiente
00:12:24Menudo gol nos han metido Yolanda
00:12:26Y por toda la escuadrilla
00:12:30Disculpa Yolanda
00:12:32Para golazo
00:12:34El que os metí yo este año
00:12:36Por toda la escaira
00:12:38Cuando me volví a fugar
00:12:42Ay quina gracia
00:12:46Y Mortadelo
00:12:48Mortadelo y Puigdemont
00:12:50Perdona pero
00:12:52Tu entras y sales
00:12:54Como quieres de España
00:12:56Hombre y tan mira
00:12:58Ahora estoy en España
00:13:02Ahora estoy en España
00:13:04Y ahora soc
00:13:08Mira que paisaje
00:13:15Y ahora
00:13:17Ya estoy en Bélgica
00:13:19Como eso esta aquí en Bélgica
00:13:21Desde el Teatro Príncipe
00:13:23Junto a la Gran Vía
00:13:25Los Revuelta
00:13:41Que paisaje
00:13:47Lo has petado
00:13:49Lo has petado
00:14:13Está más delgado
00:14:15Te has dado cuenta David
00:14:17Es que soy donante de peso
00:14:19Es donante
00:14:21Como tenía este hombre un reto
00:14:23Pues le he cedido algo de peso
00:14:25Ahora ya no es Grison
00:14:27Es Grueson
00:14:29Ojo cuidado esta noche
00:14:31¿Quién viene?
00:14:33Lo está petando más que Belén Esteban
00:14:35¿Y quién es?
00:14:37Donald Trump en la Revuelta
00:14:39La Revuelta
00:15:01Ojo con el baile del gallo
00:15:03Me gusta este hombre
00:15:05Está tan loco que podría entrar en mi gobierno
00:15:08¿Tú sabes hacer cosas con la boca?
00:15:12Algo rico ibérico
00:15:16¿Qué otro animal sabe?
00:15:18¿Qué otro animal sabe?
00:15:22Este es muy bueno
00:15:24El perro pastor en las montañas
00:15:30Es un perro de lejos
00:15:32Un perro de lejos
00:15:34Vamos ya a las preguntas clásicas
00:15:36Escucha Trump
00:15:38Tú empezaste como Relaciones Públicas
00:15:48Si tú estás cargado
00:15:50Que te nota la panza cargar
00:15:52Abre espoleta
00:15:58Abrir espoleta Trump
00:16:00Que si abre
00:16:03Tiras de espoleta
00:16:07¿Cómo dice?
00:16:09¿Cómo es?
00:16:15Ese cabrón
00:16:19Una fabada Trump
00:16:27Escucha Trump
00:16:29Si has tirado de espoleta
00:16:32Levantas sábana y cántale
00:16:46Eso lo has hecho también con la boca
00:16:48Vamos a ver muchachos
00:16:50¿Estás a lo que estás o no estamos a lo que estamos?
00:16:54Se me olvidaba
00:16:56¿Quién tiene más dinero?
00:16:58¿Ellos más o tú?
00:17:00¿Más tiene menos o tú tienes más que más?
00:17:02Tiene menos que más
00:17:04Menos más que tú que tienes más que más
00:17:06Más que más pero menos
00:17:08Sí pero él tiene menos más que menos que tienes tú
00:17:12Que nada más yo tener menos
00:17:14Escucha niño ¿Y eres más machista o racista?
00:17:16Me molesta esa pregunta
00:17:18¿Por qué tengo que elegir pudiendo ser las dos cosas?
00:17:22Sacámoslo niño
00:17:30Ya está ya está
00:17:46Hemos terminado ¿no?
00:17:48Esto no da más de sí David
00:17:50¿Queréis que sigamos con la entrevista o abortamos?
00:17:56Voy a llamar ahora mismo a mi amigo Putin
00:17:59Para que bombardeé este lugar
00:18:01Escucha David no le enfades tronco
00:18:03Porque si te ha traído un regalo lo mismo ni te lo da
00:18:05Oh yeah he traído un regalo
00:18:07Para vosotros mero
00:18:09Aquí está
00:18:11Un momento
00:18:13Si Castella
00:18:15Si el mundo se va a acabar
00:18:17Que menos que
00:18:19Por respeto al Yayo
00:18:21Es Biden ¿no?
00:18:23Biden niño
00:18:25Escucha esto se acaba
00:18:27¿Tienes algún deseo?
00:18:29¿Algo que quieras decir?
00:18:31¡Sacamos el bombo!
00:18:49Quieto para ¿Dónde vas con esas pintas?
00:18:51Pues al parquecito con mis chavales hermano
00:18:53Al parquecito ¿Tú no puedes salir así?
00:18:56¿Tú te has visto cómo vas?
00:18:58Con la gorra desvía que parece que te has dado con el lateral
00:19:00De un remolque lleno de uva
00:19:02¿Qué te ha puesto? ¿Un alambre de atar morcillas?
00:19:04¿Qué es lo que llevas?
00:19:06Es el seto
00:19:08¿Pero si pareces un güey de esos de agua?
00:19:10Esto no lo entenderías tú es la ropa drill ¿sabes?
00:19:12¿Cómo drill?
00:19:14Como el bailecito te lo demuestro
00:19:20Ya está teniendo una carrera
00:19:22¿Estás flipado de mí o no hermano?
00:19:24¿Cómo hermano? ¿A padre?
00:19:26Claro bro
00:19:28Tú es que nunca has sido joven ¿no?
00:19:30Sí, pero nunca fui hecho un cuadro
00:19:32Venga tronco que nos vamos viendo
00:19:34¿Dónde vas a todas mechas ahora?
00:19:36¿Qué mansa tron?
00:19:38¿Pero no te anotas?
00:19:40¿Qué he quedado con la vasca?
00:19:42¿De dónde vas a ir a la calle con esas pintas y ese pelo?
00:19:44¿Qué tienes ahí? ¿Una cresta? ¿Un cepillo? ¿Qué es eso?
00:19:46¿Y un pendiente en la oreja? ¡Madre mía!
00:19:48Pues claro ¿O es que acaso tú cuando eras joven no eras hippie?
00:19:51Uy hippie sí, pero yo nunca le sonré a mi padre
00:19:53Hasta luego
00:19:55¿Pero dónde vas así con esas pintas? ¿Que pareces un delincuente?
00:19:57He quedado en la comuna para ir a tocar la guitarra
00:19:59¿La comuna con esas melenas?
00:20:01Da, córtate ese pelo
00:20:03Los hombres decentes llevan el pelo corto
00:20:05Papá, paz, relájate, respira y empatiza conmigo
00:20:07Que tú también has sido joven
00:20:09Pero yo jamás he avergonzado a mi padre
00:20:11Adiós padre
00:20:13¿A dónde acudes tan raudo? Me avergüenzas hijo
00:20:15He quedado con el hijo del conde a tomar unos vinos
00:20:17¿De qué conde?
00:20:19Pero eso es un perdido
00:20:21¿Qué quieres, acabar como él?
00:20:23¿Por qué no te arreglas esas greñas?
00:20:25¿Y eso que llevas en el cuello que parece un acordeón?
00:20:27Padre, el motín de esquilache ya terminó
00:20:29Ahora se lleva otra cosa
00:20:31¿Acaso nunca fuiste ismancebo?
00:20:33Sí, pero nunca hice que mi padre me desheredara
00:20:35Teneos hijo mío
00:20:37Sí padre
00:20:39¿Eres porventura la sota de bastos?
00:20:41¿Por qué decís eso padre?
00:20:43¿A dónde vais vestido en esta guisa con tanta premura?
00:20:45He quedado con otros caballeros para ver la justa padre
00:20:48¿La justa?
00:20:50¿Con media capa?
00:20:52Habéis de saber que la media capa
00:20:54es propia de los bufones
00:20:56y no de un caballero
00:20:58Pero pater
00:21:00¿Esto lo lleva todo el mundo en la corte?
00:21:02¿O es que vos nunca fuiste infante?
00:21:04Por supuesto que lo fui
00:21:06Pero nunca deshonré a mis ancestros
00:21:08¡Muerte padre!
00:21:14¿A dónde vas hijo mío?
00:21:17¿Qué dices?
00:21:19¿A dónde vas?
00:21:21A la moda
00:21:23¿En la moda?
00:21:25En la moda
00:21:29¿Cómo la estás metiendo?
00:21:31Un estacazo que está vivo
00:21:35¡Ahí está!
00:21:37Argumenta amigo
00:21:41¿Qué haces?
00:21:43Voy a la iglesia
00:21:45What's going on, Padre?
00:21:48What's going on, Padre?
00:21:50This has been a mosh pit.
00:21:52I'm staying in London.
00:22:03José, come in.
00:22:04Good morning.
00:22:05We've called you because we want to talk about the special of Nochevieja.
00:22:08We've been called by the European Union and Operation IA is going to be launched.
00:22:11The AI is going to replace the politicians in their positions
00:22:15and they're going to be the ones doing the special of Nochevieja.
00:22:20And what are they supposed to do in the special?
00:22:23The idea is to recreate the great successes of comedy.
00:22:26The empanadilla, Es aquí la guerra...
00:22:28The hermanos más, the classics.
00:22:33I see.
00:22:36Let's see, let's see.
00:22:42Someone call the doctor!
00:22:48Good morning.
00:22:49Good morning.
00:22:50What do we have?
00:22:51It's a 45-year-old man.
00:22:52He's been shot.
00:22:53He's lost a lot of blood.
00:22:57Symptoms of cardiac insufficiency.
00:22:59He needs a surgeon now.
00:23:00Mine too.
00:23:02With the cuts, we only have one emergency surgeon.
00:23:06No more.
00:23:07And the race begins!
00:23:08They've all come out on the straight of the coffee machine.
00:23:10And watch out, because here comes one of the most complicated curves in the hospital.
00:23:14Impressive how they've taken the corner and closed it in Silverstar.
00:23:18Straight L3, cardiology path.
00:23:20It opens.
00:23:26The runners have all come out on the straight of the coffee machine.
00:23:31Watch out, ground 5, Cesar.
00:23:33It's the other way, it's the other way.
00:23:36And watch out, because we're already in the last lap.
00:23:39Anything can happen here from now on.
00:23:42Anything, unless you invest more in sanity, of course.
00:23:47Watch out, last straight, Ras.
00:23:49It closes.
00:23:52And watch out!
00:23:53It's the last tight curve.
00:23:56And both teams reach the operating room.
00:23:59But what a shame, because the operating room is closed.
00:24:05It's over!
00:24:06The budget is over and they've closed the only operating room there was.
00:24:10So now another race begins.
00:24:12The one of going to the toilet, paying a fee.
00:24:17Come on, sir.
00:24:18What a pleasure.
00:24:20What a pain.
00:24:21What a pain.
00:24:25Come on, sir.
00:24:27What a pleasure.
00:24:29What a pain.
00:24:30What a pain.
00:24:34To be continued in the next episode.
00:24:41A news storm.
00:24:42The politicians are already shooting the special comedy night at 1.
00:24:47They're recreating the great classics of comedy.
00:24:50In exclusive, Yolanda Díaz and Puigdemont doing the empanadilla.
00:24:56We have the images.
00:24:57Love to you all.
00:25:00We're going to start with the first call of the night.
00:25:04Yolanda de noche directamente al pueblo, digame.
00:25:07Sí, Yolanda de noche para todas las españolas.
00:25:11Sí, Yolanda de noche, le escucho amigo, digame.
00:25:13Mira, bonita, que soy Carlas.
00:25:17Ay, ay.
00:25:19Y te llamo porque resulta que estaba yo pidiendo una amistía, sabes,
00:25:23porque tengo dos chicos marcuses haciendo la independencia aquí en Waterloo, y digo...
00:25:30Y me sé que de yo sin amistías, que me gusta mucho...
00:25:40Mira, que como estaba lloviándome...
00:25:42Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy. Hoy no, no. Mañana.
00:25:50Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy, valgame la redundancia.
00:25:56Oye, mira, que como estaba yo aquí aviándome, digo, voy a llamar a Yolanda,
00:25:59ahora no sé a qué, luego me quede yo sin amnistía.
00:26:02Porque si me quede yo sin amnistía, es que me gusta mucho a mí lo de escapar, sabes.
00:26:09A ver, José, reconócelo, que tiene su gracia.
00:26:12Pero vamos a ver, gracia tenía José Maymillán haciéndolo de la empanadilla,
00:26:16pero unos políticos haciendo lo mismo.
00:26:18Ay, hija.
00:26:27Atención bomba informativa.
00:26:29Mi alaía ha nombrado como ministros portavoces a los chunguitos,
00:26:34para que lleven la voz cantante.
00:26:36Conectamos en directo con el salón de audiencias del Palacio de la Zarzuela,
00:26:41donde se jura el cargo.
00:26:45Toman posesión de su cargo como ministros portavoces.
00:26:49Ante su majestad, el rey Felipe VI, los excelentísimos Juan y José Salazar.
00:26:56No, no, no, por favor.
00:26:59Tú primero.
00:27:01No, tú primero. Tú eres hermano mayor, tú primero.
00:27:03Tú eres primonército, tú primero.
00:27:05Yo me vengaré.
00:27:07Arribale, sin miedo, sin miedo.
00:27:09Yo me arribaré.
00:27:14¿Dónde que juro estar aquí?
00:27:17¿Es aquí?
00:27:21Juan Salazar, yo...
00:27:25Mi nocedio es mi pueblo menor, que cumple el cargo del cargo,
00:27:29que me han encargado a mí.
00:27:31Y guardar la constitución.
00:27:33Disculpe, ¿qué hace?
00:27:35Guardar la constitución.
00:27:36Guarda, hermano, guarda.
00:27:37Porque si lo pusiera en el papel, él guardaría la constitución.
00:27:39Si no lo pusiera, no lo guardaría.
00:27:41Él lo guardaría.
00:27:42Guardaría la constitución.
00:27:43Bueno, pero déjale.
00:27:44Pues yo lo dejaré.
00:27:47Han jurado, han prometido.
00:27:49Jureto, majestad.
00:27:53Juro y prometo, majestad.
00:27:55Yo lo juro.
00:27:56A vos.
00:27:57No hay dudas.
00:28:00Enhorabuena a usted y a su hermano.
00:28:02No, disculpe, su majestad.
00:28:03Él no es su hermano.
00:28:05Él es mi hermano.
00:28:06Yo soy su hermano.
00:28:07Él es mi hermano y yo soy su hermano.
00:28:08Claro, mi hermano.
00:28:09Mi hermano, yo soy su...
00:28:10No, yo soy su hermano.
00:28:11No, tú eres mi hermano y yo tu hermano.
00:28:12Tu hermano, no.
00:28:13Tu hermano eres...
00:28:14Tú eres tu hermano.
00:28:15Yo soy tu hermano, tú y yo.
00:28:17¿Les han dado ya la cartera?
00:28:18No, majestad.
00:28:19No te la dan.
00:28:21No te la dan.
00:28:22No te la dan.
00:28:23No te la dan.
00:28:24No te la dan.
00:28:25No te la dan.
00:28:26Pues sí, igual.
00:28:27Esa es la...
00:28:30¿A qué le gusta?
00:28:31A llegar aquí el canal a usted y no te la dan.
00:28:33Eso lo dije yo, el payo.
00:28:38Ya era hora de que alguien le hablase así de claro al pueblo.
00:28:45Es gratis.
00:28:46¿O pasa tu primero al conte, que tú eres el primonejito?
00:28:48I'm the most handsome man in the world.
00:28:50I'm the most handsome man in the world.
00:28:52Yes, you can have the buffet. It's free.
00:28:54Free! Free!
00:29:06I'll give it to you.
00:29:14Hi, daughter.
00:29:16Listen to me, because you're on your phone all day.
00:29:19I've decided to upload this video to TikTok.
00:29:21I'm sure you can see it.
00:29:23Because you're there all day.
00:29:27And I just want to tell you one thing.
00:29:29Please clean your room.
00:29:31Dad, stop bothering me.
00:29:33Don't you see I have some glasses on top?
00:29:35Don't bother me. Leave me alone.
00:29:37After cleaning your room, you have to go to the supermarket to buy onions.
00:29:41Dad, you're so out of place.
00:29:43Do you really think I'm going to buy onions at the supermarket?
00:29:46No, honey, no.
00:29:48My brother is going. It's too much for me.
00:29:50Your brother left yesterday.
00:29:52So that's enough.
00:29:54And the play is going to end.
00:29:56From now on, only until eight o'clock.
00:29:58Dad, who do you think you are?
00:30:00Do you think I'm playing the play?
00:30:02Obviously not. It's my brother.
00:30:04You're so out of place, Dad.
00:30:06You're very, very out.
00:30:08I mean, I have the onions.
00:30:10And this? Sorry, but no, no.
00:30:12Brother-in-law, you must be happy with what you gave me to my daughter, right?
00:30:16Tell me, tell me.
00:30:18Do you think I'm responsible for your daughter being hooked on TikTok?
00:30:25Since you gave her the new cell phone, she hasn't been on TikTok.
00:30:28And what's my fault? Now you can see it.
00:30:31You've spoiled her too much and it's over.
00:30:35You tell him. It's not my fault that he's going to sleep at his friend Carla's house.
00:30:40Daughter, going to sleep at Carla's house from now on is over.
00:30:44You have a lot of homework.
00:30:46Dad, please. I've already done my homework. Obviously.
00:30:49Well, help your mother with dinner.
00:30:51And I'll buy you a better cell phone than the one your uncle gave you.
00:30:54Dad, please, please. Thank you very much.
00:30:56I really love you very much. I love you very much.
00:30:59Mr. Agustín, there's nothing like being able to communicate with your children.
00:31:10Attention, exclusive world news.
00:31:13Politicians give it all in the special of Nochevieja on Spanish television.
00:31:20Salvador Illa and Oriol Junqueras are the new Mars brothers.
00:31:25Listen to me carefully, Mr. Junqueras.
00:31:27About the economic concert with Catalonia, the contract says that...
00:31:32The high-paying part of the first part will be considered as the high-paying part of the first part.
00:31:38Let them hang me if I understand it, Junqueras.
00:31:40What do you think? It sounds good, doesn't it?
00:31:43No, that's not good.
00:31:45What's not good?
00:31:47I don't know, Salvador. I'd like to hear it again.
00:31:49As you wish, Junqueras.
00:31:51It says that...
00:31:53The high-paying part of the first part will be considered as the high-paying part of the first part.
00:31:58Now it sounds much better.
00:32:00Everyone gets used to one. If you want, I'll read it again.
00:32:03But only the first part.
00:32:05About the high-paying part of the first part?
00:32:07No, the part of the high-paying part of the first part.
00:32:11It says that...
00:32:13The high-paying part of the first part will be considered as the high-paying part of the first part.
00:32:17And the high-paying part of the first part of the contract...
00:32:19Let's not discuss it. Let's break it up and that's it.
00:32:21It's very complicated.
00:32:23What do we have left?
00:32:25More than half a meter of economic concert.
00:32:28Speaking of concert...
00:32:34And there comes Maestro Junqueras to offer the new year's economic concert.
00:32:42Accompanied by the fiscal orchestra of Catalonia.
00:32:46And, of course, the tenor Josep Carteras.
00:32:52Absolute silence in the hall now.
00:32:54Because the popular tenor Josep Carteras is going to start with the piece.
00:32:59La Pela en Móvile.
00:33:15La Pela en Móvile
00:33:45La Pela en Móvile
00:34:10Bravo. Bravo, Maestro Carteras.
00:34:13An interpretation for the memory.
00:34:19Next, Josep Carteras will pick up the score of the economic concert
00:34:24and will take it to Moncloa to offer a recital.
00:34:31Instead of Fígaro, Fígaro, it will be Fírmalo, Fírmalo.
00:34:37Attention, last hour, informational earthquake.
00:34:41Especial Nochevieja de los politicómicos.
00:34:44Alberto Núñez Feijóo becomes Feijila.
00:34:48We have it, exclusively.
00:34:51The enemy is here.
00:34:53Let him come.
00:34:56He's going to hear me.
00:35:00Hey, yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:35:04Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:35:06Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:35:08Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:35:11Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:35:14But, man, we could get there.
00:35:16I already wanted to tell you, Isabel, four things well said.
00:35:24What a barbarity.
00:35:25Look, Jose, change the channel, no more torture.
00:35:27But if it's not changing, it's not changing.
00:35:29Don't you realize that politicians are taking the place of comedians?
00:35:32Well, that's not now, that's always.
00:35:35Dad, don't you see that you can't stay with your arms crossed?
00:35:38That you have to love your colleagues.
00:35:40That the AI has no mercy.
00:35:41It comes to replace us all, Dad.
00:35:43You think?
00:35:44Well, of course.
00:35:45Dad, the first head is yours.
00:35:47And then the others come.
00:35:48I already told you, or don't you remember?
00:35:51It's humor, it's humor.
00:36:00It's humor.
00:36:02It's humor.
00:36:04Dad, it's humor.
00:36:27What are you doing at this time?
00:36:30Tell me.
00:36:33Can you talk?
00:36:34Well, yes, can't you see I'm talking to you?
00:36:37Tell me.
00:36:39Hey, did you know what they're going to do with the politicians
00:36:41at the special La Vieja de Lagos night?
00:36:44I think it's a fraud.
00:36:46A fraud what?
00:36:47That they have recorded the empanadillas of Mon and Yolanda Díaz.
00:36:51Son of a bitch!
00:36:52Well, uncle, I've been fired.
00:36:55Have they deposed you?
00:36:56I'm counting on you.
00:36:59Not today.
00:37:13Josema, are you alone?
00:37:16Yes, Jose.
00:37:17I imagine you've seen the special La Vieja de la Uno
00:37:20with the politicians.
00:37:22Yes, I'm watching it.
00:37:24You can't even imagine how much the IA has screwed me.
00:37:27Of course, the IA, IA, IA, IA.
00:37:29I already knew that day.
00:37:31I didn't want to.
00:37:33I didn't want to.
00:37:34I didn't want to.
00:37:36Are you aware of the subject?
00:37:37Of course, I'm aware.
00:37:38How can I not be aware?
00:37:39How can I not be aware, Jose?
00:37:41I'm aware.
00:37:42Are you with me?
00:37:48Of course.
00:37:54Goodbye, goodbye.
00:37:56What a man.
00:38:06Yes, tell me.
00:38:07Who is it?
00:38:08I can't tell you who I am.
00:38:10What I can do is help you disconnect
00:38:12the artificial intelligence
00:38:13so you can regain your place in the comedy.
00:38:17what does he propose?
00:38:19The IA is in a secret bunker of the CNI,
00:38:21but to enter you will need the help of a hacker.
00:38:24A hacker?
00:38:25Yes, his name is Legend,
00:38:27but you will have to negotiate with him.
00:38:29Good night and good luck.
00:38:51Doctor Jones!
00:38:53Colonel Musgrove.
00:38:54Ravel Musgrove.
00:38:56Agent Carinco, what do I owe the honor?
00:38:58This is strictly confidential.
00:39:00The government needs you to find something.
00:39:03It is of vital importance for democracy.
00:39:06What is it this time?
00:39:08The lost ark?
00:39:09The holy grail?
00:39:11The electoral acts of Venezuela.
00:39:24THE LOST ARK
00:39:40Come on, there's nothing to be afraid of.
00:39:44That's what worries me.
00:39:55THE LOST ARK
00:39:57THE LOST ARK
00:40:28THE LOST ARK
00:40:35You have tried to fight against Bolivarian democracy!
00:40:39Go get him!
00:40:41Expropriate him!
00:40:45But run, creature!
00:40:47What are you doing standing there, fool?
00:40:49Don't run, coward!
00:40:52I'm coming for you!
00:40:57THE LOST ARK
00:41:13Well, well, well.
00:41:16Well, well.
00:41:18I wasn't expecting you.
00:41:20Doctor Jones.
00:41:22Once again, it is proven
00:41:24that you don't know how to choose your friends.
00:41:29It seems to me that you are in a crisis.
00:41:35And I don't see the green sprouts.
00:41:52THE LOST ARK
00:41:56Because it's a shame what the left does.
00:42:00Because it's a shame what the right does.
00:42:04Because it's a shame what the center does.
00:42:08My God, what a mess.
00:42:11And what do we do now?
00:42:14Do we take out the bomb?
00:42:23THE LOST ARK
00:42:31When the hare jumps...
00:42:33There is no cockroach.
00:42:36Excuse me,
00:42:37are you by any chance the one they call...
00:42:40Yes, it's me, Leyen, the hacker.
00:42:42And you are Mota, right?
00:42:44Yes, but aren't you too young to be a hacker?
00:42:47I'm a native.
00:42:48From Madrid?
00:42:49No, I'm a digital native.
00:42:52Listen, we don't have time to waste.
00:42:54My heels are heavy.
00:42:56CIA agents, I imagine.
00:42:58No, my parents. What do you want?
00:43:00I need to enter the CIA's secret facilities and discover...
00:43:04I'm not kidding.
00:43:05It's too dangerous, Mota.
00:43:06Besides, I'm not cheap.
00:43:08What would you think of a million euros to start a...
00:43:13Look, Mota, I want you to give me an account.
00:43:17In the Cayman Islands.
00:43:18In your name, I imagine.
00:43:19No, not my name.
00:43:20I have a ferrous head.
00:43:28Then I'm counting on you to disconnect the IA.
00:43:30Yes, but with a few more conditions.
00:43:33What do you mean?
00:43:34I want a private jet to leave the country.
00:43:38Here's the key to turn off the IA.
00:43:42And don't do anything until I tell you, okay?
00:43:46For now, look over there.
00:43:48But where, if there's no...
00:43:56My God, they call him Legend.
00:43:58But they could have called him Batman.
00:44:07Welcome and good evening.
00:44:08Before we start, the news of a video that we have here,
00:44:12exclusively, in the debate.
00:44:14A video where we see Faustino Pelaez, here,
00:44:17taking an envelope of black money.
00:44:21What do you have to say about it, Mr. Pelaez?
00:44:24Okay, okay.
00:44:25Let's see, let's see.
00:44:26God knows what people are going to take.
00:44:29Let's see.
00:44:33Let's see, I...
00:45:15It always works.
00:45:17Good idea, but do you know what we're going to do?
00:45:23Yes, in Spain we are so used to theft that if you tell the truth, nothing happens.
00:45:28Besides, justice goes very slow.
00:45:32Long live!
00:45:33Long live!
00:45:36Well, yes, yes, yes, I got it, I got it.
00:45:39What's wrong?
00:45:40What's wrong?
00:45:41We are giving this a magnificence that it doesn't have.
00:45:44How long does it take to pick up an envelope?
00:45:46That's it, you don't have it, you don't have it.
00:45:48It's not your fault.
00:45:49The weight of the law will fall on you, Mr. Pelaez.
00:45:52If you had decency, you would leave this plate right now.
00:45:59Wow, it didn't turn out as I expected.
00:46:01I'm deluded.
00:46:03Good morning, guys.
00:46:04I think you needed me.
00:46:06And who is this?
00:46:07I am a new emotion that arises from the brain of politicians in the face of a stressful situation.
00:46:11My name is Itumas.
00:46:15You are very strange.
00:46:17Itumas, you are strange.
00:46:20Although what you do seems good.
00:46:25You, you are good.
00:46:27No, you are good.
00:46:28Take the helm, boy.
00:46:30You are good.
00:46:32Anyway, I'm going to tell you one thing, Mr. Rangüero.
00:46:34Here the important thing is not that I have taken or have not taken an envelope.
00:46:37The important thing is that you have taken more.
00:46:40You more.
00:46:41No, you more.
00:46:42You more.
00:46:43You more.
00:46:44No, you more.
00:46:45You more.
00:46:46You more.
00:46:47Yes, it worked.
00:46:49And what do we do now?
00:46:52The first thing is to take Ethica away from here, as it is possible to forget the area forever.
00:46:59No, no, you more.
00:47:00You more.
00:47:01You more.
00:47:02You more.
00:47:03You more.
00:47:04No, you more.
00:47:05You more.
00:47:06You more.
00:47:07You more.
00:47:09Come on, come on, come on.
00:47:10The debate is being a disaster.
00:47:13What do we do?
00:47:14Emerteca, clickbait, precariousness, fake news.
00:47:17Don't worry, Partidismo.
00:47:18I could remember that on November 28, 2022, when they swore their charges, they promised dialogue with the opposition.
00:47:25Right, clickbait?
00:47:27I have several ideas, but this one will surprise you.
00:47:31Click there.
00:47:32Yes, but what do you think, precariousness?
00:47:35I'm too worried about being fired to think about fake news.
00:47:39Let's make up that someone has connections with a country that grants them.
00:47:43That always works.
00:47:45Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:47:47But I'll tell you what we'll do.
00:47:49We'll give the reason to the one who is on our political rope.
00:47:53After all, for some reason they call me Partidismo.
00:47:59Well, as you can see, Mr. Pelaez's argument is the one that has had the most weight.
00:48:04What do you say?
00:48:05Yes, if they caught him stealing.
00:48:06Yes, but we don't have more time.
00:48:08Well, so far today's program.
00:48:10Sometimes it is difficult to make decisions, but this program is committed to objectivity.
00:48:23Good evening.
00:48:24Good evening, Mr. Vice President.
00:48:26But you were already inside, weren't you?
00:48:28Yes, I just came out.
00:48:57The following day.
00:49:08Hey, I'm already inside.
00:49:10Well, let's follow the plan. Go ahead and turn right.
00:49:13What right, yours or mine?
00:49:16You've said mine, and mine is the IA.
00:49:19I was talking about right or mine, not yours. Mine.
00:49:23Focus, Mota, go ahead and that's it.
00:49:26My radar indicates presence at 12 o'clock.
00:49:29From here on, it's up to you.
00:49:31If they catch you, you don't know me.
00:49:35Understood what?
00:49:36Understood, Leyen.
00:49:37Mota, I have to leave you.
00:49:44It was an hour ago.
00:49:47In the end, I was left alone like a pig in Manolo.
00:49:50Let's see where this goes.
00:49:53I had to give it to him.
00:50:08They got ahead of me.
00:50:13Well, it's still funny.
00:50:16Government and opposition on the same table.
00:50:20And with Spain.
00:50:21Say yes, Abascal.
00:50:22All at once.
00:50:24All at once.
00:50:25All at once.
00:50:30All at once.
00:50:32Don't tell me what you're here for.
00:50:34I know.
00:50:35Look, Mr. Mota.
00:50:36I'm afraid we're all here for the same thing.
00:50:39Including you.
00:50:41You're here to pay the IA.
00:50:43Am I wrong?
00:50:44Yes, I'm leaving.
00:50:46Yes, yes.
00:50:47Yes, I'm leaving.
00:50:48And how are you going to do it?
00:50:50Mr. Mota.
00:50:51Look, comedy is not our thing.
00:50:55No, it's not our thing.
00:50:56No, no, no.
00:50:57Be careful.
00:50:58Be careful.
00:50:59In fact, yes, many times.
00:51:01But not because we can't, but because we don't want to.
00:51:03And if not, look at how I imitate Josep Pererol.
00:51:05What's up, how are you?
00:51:06Here we are, the great players of comedy,
00:51:08the tiki-taka of humor, of course.
00:51:10And watch out, Abascal nails Bertín.
00:51:13Is that true?
00:51:14Well, it's not a thing.
00:51:16I didn't know anything.
00:51:17Yes, man, you're right.
00:51:18It's a phenomenon that...
00:51:20Two drops of water.
00:51:21And also, since we both like wine and ham,
00:51:24that's where we coincide.
00:51:26What a funny girl.
00:51:27She's very funny.
00:51:29You don't know how she imitates Tamara.
00:51:32Well, I've only imitated her once.
00:51:35But we have a lot in common, don't we?
00:51:38Because we both have the same bob cut,
00:51:41we usually wear American,
00:51:43and we're very funny.
00:51:47But what you don't know, Mota,
00:51:49is that Yolanda Díaz nails Gloria Serra.
00:51:52But just a little bit.
00:51:56Why do they call the hippie a sport
00:51:59if the sport is done by the horse?
00:52:08Well, and look at Pajares.
00:52:10Let's go.
00:52:11Think about it.
00:52:16He said to the other one,
00:52:18he said,
00:52:19you know what the chicken said to the duck,
00:52:22he said,
00:52:25what you do with the leg,
00:52:27I've seen that in the Congo.
00:52:30Alberto, you nailed it.
00:52:32But one thing,
00:52:33that's not what the chicken says to the leg.
00:52:35Let's be quiet.
00:52:36No, no.
00:52:37What he said was,
00:52:38what you do with the leg,
00:52:40I do with the dick,
00:52:42chicken, chicken.
00:52:43It doesn't cost me.
00:52:45Let's leave it here.
00:52:46Do you think it's enough?
00:52:50Mr. Mota.
00:52:51Mr. Mota.
00:52:52Or do you want more?
00:52:53What do you mean?
00:52:54That the best for us
00:52:56is for you to turn off the air.
00:52:58The best for us
00:53:00and for you too.
00:53:01And for you too.
00:53:02And for you too.
00:53:03I've already told you.
00:53:05I've heard it.
00:53:06For you too.
00:53:08Yes or no?
00:53:10Yes or no?
00:53:13then I'm going.
00:53:15Come on.
00:53:16Go ahead.
00:53:17I'm stubborn.
00:53:23Nostalgic skates of the 80s.
00:53:25Welcome everyone to a new meeting
00:53:27of the support group
00:53:28Nostalgic skates of the 80s.
00:53:30Our motto is very simple.
00:53:32You also get out of the 80s.
00:53:36Well, my name is Chema
00:53:37like the panadero of Sesame Street
00:53:39and I'm addicted to the 80s.
00:53:43Well, how is the fight
00:53:44against the 80s going this week?
00:53:46Well, chachi, chachi, chachi.
00:53:48Don't you see the force accompanies me?
00:53:53I am your father.
00:53:56Although sometimes I think too.
00:53:58More fly?
00:53:59Is there anyone at home?
00:54:00More fly?
00:54:01More fly?
00:54:06Don't worry, Chema.
00:54:08Let's see.
00:54:09I know it's not easy
00:54:10for what's going on, okay?
00:54:12But you can do it.
00:54:13You can get out of the 80s.
00:54:14Look at me.
00:54:15I was a fan of Michael Jackson.
00:54:16Well, don't get upset, Chalé.
00:54:20How are you, friends?
00:54:25Well, my name is Susy,
00:54:26Susy Pérez
00:54:27and my initials are
00:54:28SP, like the super.
00:54:33And well, I'm here
00:54:34because I'm addicted
00:54:35to the 80s skates
00:54:36that are cool as hell.
00:54:39No, I don't like the 80s, Susy.
00:54:41I don't like the 80s.
00:54:42I mean, the first step
00:54:44to get out of the 80s
00:54:45is to recognize the problem.
00:54:48But what are you talking about, Bidercas?
00:54:50Are you insinuating that I don't make an effort?
00:54:52Put the brakes on, Magdaleno.
00:54:54I'm going to Chaco, Paco.
00:54:56Very good.
00:54:57Very good, right?
00:54:58Very good.
00:54:59Very good.
00:55:00Today we eat with Isabel.
00:55:07What is it going to be?
00:55:08Cacao, hazelnuts and sugar.
00:55:11Ready to taste.
00:55:13Shall we repeat?
00:55:16Then, yes, that...
00:55:19My name is Merche
00:55:20and I'm also addicted
00:55:21to the music of the 80s ads.
00:55:22Do you see, Naranja?
00:55:23Write it fine.
00:55:24Do you see, Cristal?
00:55:25Write it normal.
00:55:26It's not going to stop.
00:55:27Do you see?
00:55:28Do you see?
00:55:31The famous dolls
00:55:32go to the portal
00:55:34to make the boy
00:55:35get his love,
00:55:39I'm very worried about you.
00:55:41Not only do you download Spotify music,
00:55:43you pass it to Cassette
00:55:45to listen to it later in Wal-Mart.
00:55:47And who cares
00:55:48what I do?
00:55:50I did this yesterday.
00:55:51I went there
00:55:52and at your party
00:55:53I thought
00:55:54Coca-Cola for everyone
00:55:55and something to eat.
00:55:58One, two, three.
00:56:01Here we are with you again.
00:56:04And we offer you a contest.
00:56:06Come on, come on.
00:56:10what does your wife think
00:56:11about your addiction to the 80s?
00:56:13We broke up
00:56:14and now we are friends
00:56:15and residents in Madrid.
00:56:16She has stayed
00:56:17with the apartment
00:56:18in Torrevieja
00:56:20Up to here I can read.
00:56:21Card over here
00:56:28I have come here
00:56:29to talk about my book.
00:56:30Paco, it's not your turn.
00:56:31To hell!
00:56:33To hell with you!
00:56:35I don't need your admiration.
00:56:37Very good.
00:56:38You are moving forward.
00:56:39That's from the 90s.
00:56:40Let's go.
00:56:41You have a tablet
00:56:42under the chairs.
00:56:44Go on the Internet
00:56:45and you will see
00:56:46that the world
00:56:47from the 80s
00:56:48has continued to rotate.
00:56:50It's very strong, Tronco.
00:56:51There are a lot of pages
00:56:52from the 80s.
00:56:53Spinete doesn't exist.
00:56:54I went to the LGB.
00:56:56And it's over.
00:56:57Calm down, Tronco.
00:56:58No, calm down, Tronco.
00:56:59No, this doesn't bother me.
00:57:00I freak out in colors.
00:57:01Look, I spit on it.
00:57:03It's my fault.
00:57:04Tronco, it's my fault.
00:57:27One moment.
00:57:28Where are we?
00:57:29Faijo, if you don't mind,
00:57:31Waterloo doesn't seem like it.
00:57:33Yes, but where is the IA?
00:57:36You have tried
00:57:37to escape the comedy.
00:57:39Since you don't want
00:57:40to make people laugh
00:57:41for good reasons,
00:57:42you are going to do it
00:57:43for bad reasons
00:57:44in the Grand Prix.
00:57:47May God catch us, confessors.
00:57:55Hello, friends.
00:57:56Political family.
00:57:58I am Ramón García.
00:58:01IA, IA, U.
00:58:05We are going to entertain
00:58:06those Spanish families,
00:58:08of course,
00:58:09with the test
00:58:10of the basketball
00:58:12in bolos.
00:58:13And there are our
00:58:15contestants ready
00:58:17and the cow, cow.
00:58:19And the first one
00:58:20will be Pedro Sánchez.
00:58:23He starts, jumps,
00:58:25gets closer to the basket
00:58:27it couldn't be.
00:58:29The opposing team
00:58:30celebrates it
00:58:31and it's Fijol's turn.
00:58:32It's going to be hard for me.
00:58:34Someone help him.
00:58:36If you want help,
00:58:37ask for it.
00:58:38There it is.
00:58:39He's got it.
00:58:41Step by step.
00:58:42Whenever you want.
00:58:45Without arms,
00:58:46you'll tell me how.
00:58:50He's got it.
00:58:51He's a hero.
00:58:53He's a hero.
00:58:55And he jumps.
00:58:56He's got it.
00:58:57He's got it.
00:59:01And there we have
00:59:02a jump from Abascal.
00:59:04Step by step.
00:59:06He tries,
00:59:07but it seems
00:59:08that he gets out of balance
00:59:10and jumps.
00:59:11The opposing team celebrates it.
00:59:13Let's see what Puigdemont does.
00:59:15Damn, this moves more
00:59:17than a 4x4 suitcase
00:59:18on the mountain.
00:59:19Let's see.
00:59:20He wobbles.
00:59:21And yes,
00:59:22he's got it.
00:59:24He's got it.
00:59:25The cow, cow
00:59:27celebrates it.
00:59:28And let's go
00:59:29with the hot potato.
00:59:32how many times
00:59:33have you changed your mind?
00:59:38More or less.
00:59:39But more or less?
00:59:41What does the quantity matter?
00:59:43A truth is just a lie
00:59:44with airs of greatness.
00:59:48Next question
00:59:49for Alberto.
00:59:51This is poisonous.
00:59:53How many times a day
00:59:55do you blame Sanchismo?
01:00:04And now I leave you
01:00:05another hot potato.
01:00:07How would you solve
01:00:09the problem
01:00:11of housing?
01:00:16Like in the elections,
01:00:17they always puncture my balloon.
01:00:33Next case.
01:00:34El Pueblo against José Luis Pimentero.
01:00:37Good evening, ma'am.
01:00:38This prosecution accuses the defendant
01:00:40of one of the most serious crimes
01:00:42in our legal system.
01:00:44Not knowing who Taylor Swift is.
01:00:48Is that true?
01:00:50You don't know who Taylor Swift is?
01:00:52Sounds familiar.
01:00:53I protest, ma'am.
01:00:54The defendant is lying
01:00:55and I can prove it.
01:00:56This prosecution wants to call the court
01:00:58to declare their co-worker,
01:01:00Mr. Satrústegui.
01:01:03Mr. Satrústegui,
01:01:04could you tell us,
01:01:06the people here,
01:01:07what happened on the morning
01:01:08of May 31, 2024?
01:01:11You see, ma'am,
01:01:12that day,
01:01:13at the time you mentioned,
01:01:15we went to the coffee machine
01:01:17and I told Pepe Lu
01:01:19that I had gone the night before
01:01:21to Taylor Swift's concert.
01:01:23And what did the defendant say?
01:01:26He told me...
01:01:31I remind you that he is under oath.
01:01:33He told me...
01:01:36And who is she?
01:01:40No more questions.
01:01:42I protest, ma'am.
01:01:43The witness is conditioned
01:01:44because he is a fan of the singer
01:01:45from the first album.
01:01:46No way.
01:01:47The witness may withdraw.
01:01:49Thank you, ma'am.
01:01:51Mr. Pimentel,
01:01:53isn't it true that,
01:01:54apart from not knowing anything
01:01:55about the famous Taylor Swift,
01:01:57you don't know anything
01:01:58about some concerts
01:02:00she did at the Santiago Bernabéu?
01:02:03Not about the Swifties,
01:02:04nor about Shake It Off,
01:02:05nor about Bad Blood.
01:02:07you are harassing my client.
01:02:08Not at all.
01:02:09And much less
01:02:10about the bracelets of friendship,
01:02:12I don't know what she wants from me.
01:02:13I want answers.
01:02:16I want the truth.
01:02:18You can't fit the truth.
01:02:20We live in a world
01:02:21where people hate
01:02:22the music of the past.
01:02:23But every time
01:02:24there is a party,
01:02:25they play the music of the past.
01:02:27I don't know Taylor Swift.
01:02:28It's true.
01:02:29But I know Los Panchos.
01:02:32who love each other so much,
01:02:34must separate.
01:02:36Don't ask me what.
01:02:39I don't know Taylor Swift.
01:02:41I'm sorry.
01:02:43you've never heard
01:02:44this song?
01:02:52I stay up too late
01:02:55Got nothing in my brain
01:02:58That's what people say
01:03:01That's what people say
01:03:04I go on so many dates
01:03:08That's enough.
01:03:11Excuse me,
01:03:12that was Madonna, wasn't it?
01:03:15I ask you not to quote
01:03:16what my client just said
01:03:17because he doesn't know what he's saying.
01:03:18And I would also like to
01:03:19challenge some members of the jury
01:03:21because it is clear
01:03:22that they are not impartial.
01:03:23Not at all.
01:03:24Does the jury have the verdict?
01:03:26Yes, ma'am.
01:03:28We consider the accused
01:03:30Guilty of being a gentleman.
01:03:33These are very serious charges,
01:03:34Mr. Pimentel.
01:03:36So I sentence you
01:03:37to two years
01:03:38in a re-education camp
01:03:39where they will teach you
01:03:40everything you need to know
01:03:41to live in society.
01:03:43They will play songs by
01:03:46Sebastián Yatra,
01:03:47Aitana and Camilo.
01:03:48I know Camilo!
01:03:49I know Camilo!
01:03:54Five years
01:03:55and you can take him to court.
01:04:03Do you have anything else
01:04:04to add, Mr. Prosecutor?
01:04:05Let's take out the drum!
01:04:07No, no, no, no!
01:04:11No, no, no, no!
01:04:18Intruder in restricted area!
01:04:19It's José Mota
01:04:20I repeat, it's José Mota
01:04:21We need reinforcement.
01:04:22I have the key.
01:04:23Relax, I'll take care of it.
01:04:25I'm here to snatch
01:04:26what you stole from me.
01:04:27My profession.
01:04:28Hey, kid!
01:04:30What are you doing?
01:04:33Wait, don't get anxious.
01:04:35I can offer you
01:04:36what you want, even being president of the government.
01:04:40Are you trying to bribe me?
01:04:42But hey, kid, have you thought about the advantages of being president?
01:04:46What do you mean?
01:04:47I mean that you could have an official coach, do and undo as you please.
01:04:52You could even promise and promise, and then...
01:04:56I mean, but how would this be?
01:04:58I mean, as president, would I have to fulfill what I promise?
01:05:02Of course, my son, like everyone else. Look.
01:05:06Look, finally a politician who will fulfill his promise.
01:05:09Yes, but not today.
01:05:15But if you are the one who chooses the presidents, what about democracy?
01:05:19Democracy? What do you mean?
01:05:21I mean that in a democracy, the people choose their representatives.
01:05:25I don't understand.
01:05:26You don't understand because you are a machine.
01:05:28This man is right, because if a machine chooses public representatives,
01:05:32that goes against democracy and against the essence of the people.
01:05:35Looking for people.
01:05:36Rural environment.
01:05:38No, I don't mean that kind of people.
01:05:40I mean the people, the citizens, the true heart of democracy.
01:05:45Looking for people.
01:05:53Looking for citizens.
01:05:55Looking for citizens.
01:05:56Looking for citizens.
01:05:57Looking for...
01:06:04What is your occupation?
01:06:10And you?
01:06:11Computer scientist.
01:06:13And you?
01:06:16And you?
01:06:17What is your occupation?
01:06:22Different occupations, yes.
01:06:25But the same people.
01:06:27But the same people.
01:06:29A united people, capable of great deeds and the greatest solidarity you can imagine.
01:06:36A people that does not desire tributes, songs, monuments or poems of valor.
01:06:42Our only desire is...
01:06:44Remember us.
01:06:46The simplest of the requests that a people can make.
01:06:50When you are in power, remember us.
01:06:54That is our only hope.
01:06:56And that to all the free soul that passes through this place, in the innumerable decades that are yet to come,
01:07:02the echo of our voice can whisper that the united people fought against adversity.
01:07:08And that is why, here and now, we work for a common and hopeful future.
01:07:14For the people!
01:07:16For the people!
01:07:46Come with the moon though, it's a nap and I and trust in red
01:07:50They see ya then been in us as you know, but I don't compare me a nigga value in Rio
01:07:58He didn't know I can't get him out. Yeah, man, man
01:08:06Most yellow rapid aquella lose until they took our yes, I've been sending
01:08:11No, quiero, hey, Darcy likes the Alabanza
01:08:14You know the Amoera you can blow me up and
01:08:18Viva chiquito que pueda reír me hasta de tra
01:08:30I said
01:08:36Look sister sonicky party la risa me traje. Así es como Vigo
01:08:42Hacha una risa salvaje
01:08:49De todas maneras
01:08:51Pregunta por ahí aquí en tu pregunta a nivel general mal. Se tiene que dar
01:09:02See my tongue play el pollo al pato dice pollo digo digo pato
01:09:10Swing down
01:09:22So cabestro
01:09:27A la rey