• 2 months ago
00:00quickly yeah wow okay so how to make your popcorn
00:08renovations with the butch and me yeah archie yeah here what they just destroyed
00:18why they watch this ah okay no so any guesses what is gonna be butch it's a aquarium maybe
00:28no it's a car i mean they will put wheels there or this is okay the cement the bike
00:38this is a bike so bush this is no no way it's gonna be bike this is i don't know this the
00:46cement this one bike okay okay so butch know a little bit more than me maybe he saw this video
00:53you saw it no okay i mean still what is the bricks for what is this
01:02that was smart this how you can put your semen on your bricks
01:11so more semen there is no way it's gonna be bike it's gonna be it's gonna be it's gonna be
01:19bye so this is looks like a grill or this looks like a i don't know no way no way okay i got you
01:33make fun of me right yeah this is gonna be bike yeah this is gonna be bike let him chance let's
01:41how can they flip it over and make it as a bike yeah right right so what i'm talking about
01:49uh bow no oh okay this confused me more what is this hole for i mean
02:01they're gonna remove this steering wheel after right no they are they gonna use it as a wheel
02:06because it's a gonna be bike yeah yeah yeah okay this for oh this is
02:18interesting i guess it's yeah for your i don't know something it's your exhaust pipe i guess
02:27yeah the door of course the whole bikes have
02:34okay stop it i think this service this is open yeah this is open this is yeah this is open
02:49am i stupid or what
02:51yeah you know yeah let us know am i stupid i guess so okay fire but there is a plastic thing
03:00around it could be mounted
